【林则徐简介英语】 描述林则徐的英语 林则徐,清朝道完时期大臣、民族英雄,清朝时期的政治家、思想家和诗人,官至一品,下面是为你整理的林则徐简介英语,盼望对你有用! 林则徐人物生平 Poor childhood Lin Zexus father Lin Bin, formerly known as Lin Tianhan, the word Meng Yang, No. Yang Valley, Jiaqing Hou Guangong tribute students, is the local teacher, in the neighborhood of Roche opened a book private school. And Lin Zexus mother Chen Zhi, for the Minxian County, the first daughter of Chen Shengling. Lin Bin Ri Chen Zhi couple a total of eleven children: the elde