20个英语笑话爆笑超短 学校生20词英语笑话 笑话一般比较短小,喜剧性很强,普遍存在于人们的日常生活中。笑话的消遣作用可以减轻人的心理压力,促进身体健康。细心收集了学校生20词英语笑话,供大家观赏学习! 学校生20词英语笑话篇1 你太晚了 You are too late On a bus a man discovered a pickpockets hand thrust into his pocket. sorry, he said to the pickpocket, you are too late. MY wife did it before you. 在公共汽车上,有个人发觉小偷把手伸到了他的口袋里o 对不起,他对小偷说,你太晚了,我妻子在你之前就做过同样的事情了。 学校生20词英语笑话篇2 What is your offense 你做了什么坏事 It was the Christmas season and the judge was in a