本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑e.t.外星人英文简介:e.t. 外星人 电影 外星人E.T.,科幻家庭电影,叙述小男孩艾里奥特与外星人建立了纯真友情的故事。下面是我为你整理的e.t.外星人英文简介,盼望对你有用! e.t.外星人影片评价 The film is generally considered one of the more humane sci-fi movies, and the compassionate children in the film try to help the aliens trapped on the earth, while the adults are hunt for aliens for so-called scientific research People, ET to make the childrens bicycles into the sky is the climax of the whole piece, leaping the great encirclement of adult