本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英文短文阅读 著名英文励志短文阅读 不够潇洒,但这就是人生。不够豁达,但这就是人生。不够励志也不够美妙,但这就是人生啊。我整理了闻名英文励志短文,欢迎! 闻名英文励志短文篇一 Life is not about just getting by. Life is about reaching ever higher, building one achievement on top of another, and creating real, meaningful value in each moment. 生活并不是过得去就行,而是需要我们每时每刻都有所超越,不断取得成就,并且制造真正的、有意义的价值。 A common stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by. You, on the other hand, are destined1 for much more spectacular things. Yes, i