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1、综一下册课后翻译Lesson one一、用课文词组翻译。1. I dont know how to break the news to him.我不知道该怎样告诉他这个消息。2. A fire broke out in a hospital last night, but no one was killed.昨夜一家医院发生火灾,无人丧生。3. The cinema was not as far away from here as you think.电影院离这儿并没有你想像的那么远。4. After he had explained it to me in detail, I realize

2、d that I was wrong.当他向我详细解释后,我开始意识到我错了。5. The house has belonged to the Gates family for over 100 years.这栋房子归盖茨家庭所有已经一百多年了。6. The football star broke away from his club and planned to join another.这位足球明星脱离了以前的倶乐部并计划加入另外一个倶乐部。7. No one would be let in without a ticket.无票者一律不得入内。8. The president hoped

3、 that the two countries would improve their relations in the years to come.总统希望在未来的岁月里两国关系将得到改善。9. We should look into the future instead of always living in the past.我们应该向前看,不要总是生活在过去。10. Everyone was greatly surprised at the news that he had died of heart disease.他死于心脏病的消息使大家非常吃惊。11. I was reading

4、 the text when the teacher told me to stop to translate two sentences.我正读着课文,老师让我停下来翻译两个句子。二、用本课动词句型翻译。1. He felt the ladder shake.他感觉到样子晃了一下。2. I saw John enter the classroom。我看见约翰进了教室。3. I saw him take away the book.我看见他把书拿走了。4. Did you hear my mother go downstairs?你听见我母亲下楼了吗?5. The children let m

5、e repeat the story.孩子们让我把故事又讲了一遍。三、语法练习翻译1. What are you doing? You should be in bed now.你在干什么?你现在该上床了。2. He changed his name and thought that nobody would find out what he had done before.他把名字改了,以为这样就没有人会发现他以前干过的事了。3. I have checked the watch several times . It should be OK.这只手表应该没问题,我检查了好几遍。4. sha

6、ll I post the letter for you.要我替你把这封信发了吗?5. when I was your age, I would sit for hours in front of the TV watching a football match whenever there was one on.我像你那么大的时候,只要有足球赛,我就会在电视机前坐上几个小时观看。6. Dont worry, I will come to see you every day.别担心,我每天都会来看你的。7. If I were you, I wouldnt buy the coat,Its t

7、oo expensive.如果我是你,我是不会买这件大衣的,它太贵了。8. Would you let me use your computer for a while?你能让我用一下你的电脑吗?9. where shall we meet tomorrow?我们明天在哪里碰面?10. what shall I say? I am too happy for words.叫我说什么好呢?我太高兴了。四活学活用。*break:(及物动词)向某人透露不好的消息;(不及物动词)不好的消息被公布,透露。又如:I dont want to be the one to break the news to

8、him.我不想成为向他透露该消息的人。When the scandal broke, the judge shot himself.丑闻传出之后,那位法官开枪打死了自己。注意 break 在下文中还有其他三种用法。又如:Like a sudden storm, her tears broke out.她的泪水就像突然降临的暴雨,一涌而出。When she stopped fighting against it, a little word broke from ger lips.当她干脆任其自由发展时,从她的双唇迸发出了一个词。Suddenly Louise understood that t

9、his was wrong and that she could break away and be free of it.路易丝突然明白了这是错误的,而她完全可以从中摆脱出来。*story: a description of what happened. 对所发生的事情的描述或陈述。又如:Lets hear his story of the accident.我们听听他对这一事故的说法。*stay 作系动词,后跟表语,意思是“保持状态,又如:Andersen stayed single all his life.安徒生终身未娶。The shop stays open till midnigh

10、t.商店晚上 12 点关门。*body and soul: every part of a person including his mind and his emotions 一个人的每一部分,包括其思想及感情;彻底地;全力以赴地。又如:He dedicated himself body and soul to the education of young people.他全身心地致力于青年人的教育事业。The soldiers fought body and soul for their country.战士们全力为祖国而战。*drink in: watch or listen to st

11、h. With great pleasure or interest 看得入迷,听得出神She was drinking in life through that open window.她现正陶醉于窗外生命的气息,体验着生命的美好。*subtle: not easy to notice or understand.There are only subtle differences between the two designs.两个设计方案只有不易察觉的不同之处。I noticed something subtle in his speech.我听出他的讲话中有一些微妙的东西。There i

12、s a subtle smell of perfume in the air.空气中有一缕香水的气味。*creep: to move in a quiet, careful away ,not to attract attention.The boy crept out of the hall before dawn.天亮之前,那个男孩悄悄逃出了大厅。He crept up the stairs and quietly went into his bedroom.他悄悄地爬上楼梯,进了他的卧室。Reach: to arrive after some efforts.We reached Ath

13、ens after an eight-hour drive.我们开车八个小时才到达雅典。Your letter reached me last week.我上个星期接到了你的信。She reached the end of that thick book.她终于读完那本厚厚的书了。*bend ones will: to force sb.He was angry at his father for trying to bend his will.他对父亲迫使他屈从感到很气愤。*before: ahead of Lets discuss the tasks before us. 讨论一下我们面临

14、的任务吧。The accident took place before her eyes.事故就发生在她的眼前。He gave an excellent lecture before a roomful of student.他给满教育的学生作了一次精彩的讲演。五 Written WorkWrite a paragraph of about 100 words on this topic: What did Louise realize when she was alone in her room?When she was alone in her room, Louise sat down

15、in an armchair at the window and looked out. She saw a beautiful world outside. The air was fresh after a spring rain; the sky was blue; she heard birds singing. Suddenly she felt free, body and soul, as she realized that her marriage hadnt been really happy. It was true that her husband loved her,

16、but he had completely controlled her life. Now that her husband was dead, there would be no one to tell her what to do, or not to do. She began to look forward to those days of freedom, and was filled with great joy. 当她单独留在房间的时候,露易斯坐在窗边的一张座椅上,向窗外望去。她看到了外面美丽的世界:春雨过后的空气是那么清新;天是蓝的;她听到鸟儿在歌唱。突然她感觉到彻底的自由了

17、,因为她意识到她的婚姻其实并不快乐。尽管她丈夫是真的爱她,但是他完全控制了她的生活。现在她丈夫死了,再没有人去告诉她该做什么,不该做什么。她开始向往那些自由的日子而感到无比的快乐。Lesson two一、用课文词组翻译。1. The dog seems to understand what its owner wants.这小狗似乎懂得主人的愿望。2. He gazed at the picture for a long time, thinking about the days gone by.他久久地凝视着这张照片,回顾着过去的岁月。3. Thought the general manag

18、er knew that he would meet with a lot of difficulties, he set himself to work with a will.尽管总经理知道他会碰到许多困难,他还是坚定不移地开始了他的工作。4. An idea struck me- why not phone him right now?突然我有了一个主意为什么不给他打个电话呢?5. The newspaper gave a two-page account of the Princess funeral.这家报纸用了两个版面叙述了王妃的葬礼。6. The chinese governme

19、nt urged the United Nations to solve this problems in this area peacefully.中国政府敦促联合国和平解决这个地区的问题。7. As she was not content with the little English she knew,she enrolled in an evening class.她不满足目前的英语水平,就报名参加了夜校。8. We should put away our differences and work together for our common goal.我们应该把分歧放在一边,为共同

20、的目标而努力。9. Middle school boys in the country are forbidden to wear long hair.在这个国家,中学男生不得留长发。10. The doctor was convinced that she does not to lose weight.医生确信她没有必要减肥。二、用本课动词句型翻译。1. We tried hard to keep him talking.我们想办法让他一直说话。2. The joke set me laughing.这个笑话逗得笑了起来。3. I semlt something burning. 我闻到燃

21、烧东西的气味。4. I heard my parenmts quarreling in the bde-room 我听到父母亲在卧室里面吵架。5. The old man was watching the children playing football.这位老人在看孩子们踢足球。三、语法练习翻译1. If you told me earlier, I might have solve the problem for you.如果你早点告诉我,我也许已经帮你把问题解决了。2. Its eight oclock, He must have left home by now.已经八点了,他肯定已

22、经离开家了。3. That old man couldnt have seen anyone enter the victims room, He s blind.那老人不可能看见任何人走进受害者的房间,他是盲人。4. A:Can I use your telephone? B:No problem, you can use it anytime you like 甲:我能借你的电话用吗?乙:没问题,你随时都可以用。5. They must be dancing at the Youth Club now.他们现在一定正在青年倶乐部跳舞。6. You neednt have watered t

23、hose roses. Its going to rain soon.我本不用给那些玫瑰浇水的,现在马上就要下雨了。7. The room is so clean, Someone must have cleaned it last night.房间这么干净,昨晚肯定有人来打扫过。8. I told him to turn left but he turned right. He might have misunderstood you.甲:我叫他往左拐,他却往右拐。乙:他也许误会你了。A: I told him to turn left, but he turned right. B: He

24、 must have misunderstood you.四活学活用*look sb./sh. in the face/eye:正视(某人或某事) 。又如:She knew he was lying because he couldnt look her in the eye.她知道他在撒谎,因为他不敢正视她。How can you fight your cancer if you cannot look it in the face?你要是不敢正视你的癌症,你怎么能去战胜它呢?*by and by: before long;soon(古语) 过一会儿They will arrive by a

25、nd by.他们不久就要到了。Well meet again by and by.我们很快就会见面。*challenging:(a task or job)requiring great effort and determination(任务或工作) 需要决心与努力的Life as housewife does not seem very challenging to this well-educated young woman.对于这位受过良好教育的年轻女子来说,做家庭妇女似乎是大材小用。The task of bridging the gap between the rich and th

26、e poor is a very challenging one.消灭贫富差距的任务十分艰巨。*nonsense:foolish ideas, talk; foolish or unacceptable behaviorYou are talking nonsense!你胡说八道!He wont stand any nonsense from the staff.他不能容忍员工胡作非为。Stop this nonsense , all of you!你们都别瞎胡闹了!*strike:(of ideas, thoughts, etc.) to come to ones mind suddenly

27、A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river.我在河边散步的时候突然有了一个好主意。名词从句也可作主语,一般置于 strike 之后,主语用 it:It struck me that nobody had been in favour of the proposal.我注意到没有一个人赞成这个建议。It stuck him how foolish his behavior had been.他突然意识到自己过去的行为十分愚蠢。*why:语气词,用来表示惊奇、不解、不耐烦等Why, here comes Linda!咦,琳达来

28、了!(表惊讶)Why,its you!(表惊讶)Why, go right ahead. 怎么啦,一直往前走就是。 (不解,有些不耐烦)*disconcerting:使人困惑不安的。Her cold stare disconcerted me.她冷淡的眼光使我不安。It all seemed disconcertingly familiar.一切都似曾相识,真令人困惑。*not onlybut(also):Not only did we lose all our money, but we almost lost our lives.我们不但把钱丢失了,还差一点儿丧了命。Not only di

29、d he point out my shortcomings, but he also helped me to overcome them.他不但指出我的缺点,而且帮助我改正它们。五 Written WorkWrite a paragraph of about 100 words on the topic: How did Samuel Scudder come to see the importance of observation?When Professor Agassiz told Scudder to look at a fish, Scudder was disappointed

30、 because he thought the job was too easy. After ten minutes he thought he had seen all that could be seen in the fish. As he did not know what to do next, he began to draw the fish and saw new features. But when he told the Professor what he had discovered, the Professor criticized him. He said that

31、 Scudder had not looked very carefully and that he hadnt even seen the most visible feature. As Scudder continued his observation, he discovered one new thing after another and saw how correct the Professors criticism had been. For three days the Professor told him to look at the same fish. Then the

32、 Professor put a second fish of the same group beside the first, and told him to point out the similarities and differences between them. Then another, another and another followed. Scudder finally learned how to observe facts. He thought that that was the best lesson he had ever had. 当阿加西斯教授叫斯卡德去观察

33、鱼的时候,斯卡德非常失望因为他想这项工作太容易了。过了十分钟他认为他已经把那条鱼全部看遍了。当他不知道下步该做什么的时侯,他开始画那条鱼并看到了新的特征。但是当他告诉教授他的发现时,教授批评了他。他说斯卡德没有很仔细的观察并且连最明显的特征都没看到。于是斯卡德继续他的观察,就有了一个接一个新的发现,他才领会到阿加西斯教授批评他是多么的正确。几天后,阿加西斯教授让他去看一条同样的鱼。然后教授把第二条同类的鱼放在第一条旁边时,让他指出他们之间的相似之处和不同之处。然后一条接一条,斯卡德最后学会了怎样观察事实。他认为那是他上过的最好的课了。Lesson three一、用课文词组翻译。1. This

34、policy wasnt mean to hurt the interests of the ordinary people.这个政策的本意并不是要损害老百姓的利益。2. Everyone knows what rose stands for. 人人都知道玫瑰花代表什么。3. Leave him a message for him in case he forgets to return the files to the secretary. 给他留个条子以防他忘记把卷宗还给秘书。4. The reporter wanted to trip up the president with clev

35、er questions.记者想用些巧妙的问题让总统无意间透露秘密。5. I have come upon the word several times.这个单词我已经碰到过好几次了。6. The fire sent people rushing out of the building.大火使得人们纷纷逃出大楼。7. Its already 4 oclock, but no one has turned up yet.都四点了,还是没有人来。8. I hate to see young people hanging around on street coners.我真不喜欢看到年轻人在马路上闲

36、逛。9. The president wants to know who is in charge of this department.总裁想知道谁负责这个部分的工作。10. He rose to his feet and made his way to the door.他站了起来,朝门口走去。11. Bills mother rushed to the hospital when she heard her son had had an accident.听到儿子出事了以后,比尔的妈妈飞速赶到医院。二、用本课动词句型。1. You must have your hair cut.你必须去

37、理发。2. I must have my camera repaired.我得把我的照相机拿去修理一下。3. I have heard the song sung in English.我曾听到过有人用英文唱那首歌。4. After he returned home, he found the house cleaned.他回家后发现房子已被打扫干净了。5. I want this work finished as soon as possible.我希望这件工作尽快完成。三、语法练习翻译1. Babies need to be taken good care of.婴儿需要很好的照顾。2.

38、It will be a great pity to give up the chance.放弃这次机会将是很可惜的。3. its very dangerous for children to play in the street.小孩在马路上玩耍是很危险的。4. He promised not to come again.他答应不再来了。5. I dont mean to hurt you.我没有要伤害你的意思。四、活学活用*on the trail of sb./sth.:想方设法找到或打听。又如:The police are on the trail of a killer.警察正在追踪

39、一个杀人犯。Several newspapers are on the trail of corrupt politicians.几家报纸在追踪报道腐败的政客。*remember 这里的意思是“给某人送礼;付小费,给赏钱”等。又如:Henry remembered his 12 best friends in his will.亨利在遗嘱里给 12 位最好的朋友都留了遗产。My parents always remember my birthday.我过生日时,父母总是给我礼物。*with 表原因用法,如:The road was wet with rain.因为下了雨,路是湿的。All tw

40、elve of Henrys friends were shaking with laughter.亨利的 12 位朋友全都笑得前仰后合。*very 表“正是而不是别的”用法,如:This is the very dictionary I want. 这正是我想要的词典。That is the very question I want to ask.这正是我想要问的问题。We were there from the very beginning.我们从一开始就在那儿。*run 指故事、报道、启事、广告等的具体措辞,表示引用某人的原话或观点的用法,如:The newspaper headline

41、 ran,”Suspect of murder arrested.”这份报纸的标题是:“谋杀案的嫌疑犯已经被抓获。”“Lifes like fire,” runs a popular Chinese song.“生活是一团火! ”一首中国流行歌曲是这么唱的。 *make ones way to / towards: walk or travel to / towards(向) 前进,行走,如:He made his way to the door, opened it and left.他走到门口,开了门就走了。If there isnt anything for me to do, Ill

42、make my way home now.要是没有什么事,我就要回家了。We made our way down the will towards the town.我们走下山来,向镇里走去。He made his way back to his seat after he finished his speech.讲完话之后,他回到自己的座位。Lets make our way home.我们回家去吧。*funny:strange,surprising.A funny thing happened to me today.今天我碰上了一件莫名其妙的事。Thats funnyhe was her

43、e a moment ago and now hes gone.真是怪事,他刚才还在这儿,转眼就没了。*mean: to intendI meant to ring you but I am afraid I forgot.我打算给你打电话,可是给忘了。、I m sorry, I didnt mean to be rude.对不起,我并不是故意对人无理的。She means to succeed.她立意求成。*come upon/on:(formal 正式用法) to find by chanceI came upon this old photograph at the back of th

44、e drawer the other day.前不久我在抽屉深处发现了这张老照片。She came upon the boy stealing ice cream from the refrigerator.她发现那男孩从冰箱里偷冰淇淋。*haunt:(something unpleasant)to return repeatedly to the mindClare was haunted by the fear that war might soon break out.战争有可能很快就爆发,克莱尔提心吊胆。He was haunted by the sad song.那首哀伤的歌萦绕在他

45、的心头。*watch:注意留意,留心Watch your step.留意你的脚下。(不要踩着什么东西)Watch the time.注意时间。(不要超过允许的时间范围;不要忘记下面要做的事情)Watch it.小心点。*trip sb. Up: to catch sb. in a mistakeI tripped up in the interview and said something rather silly.我在面试中不慎说了一些蠢话。Its easy to trip up over some of the regulations.有一些规定很容易让人出错。The lawyer tri

46、pped up the defendant.律师使被告露出了破绽。*hang around /about( informal 非正式)to wait or stay near a place,with or without a particular aim or purpose:They saw a stranger hanging around in the village.他们看见一个陌生人在村子里转悠。I hung around the street corner till it was dark.我在街头一直呆到天黑。*got on to: to become suspicious o

47、f (口语) 开始怀疑He had been stealing money from the company for years before they got on to him.到怀疑他时,他偷公司的钱已经有多年了。People are getting on to the tricks some advertisers use.人们现在逐步识破一些广告商所使用的伎俩。*in case:万一Ive got the key in case we want to go inside.万一我们想进屋子,我这儿有钥匙。I have a phone number in case of emergenc

48、y.遇到紧急情况,我这儿有一个报警电话号码。Ill take my medical kit with me in case someone is ill.我要带着药箱,以防有人生病。*turn up: to appear; to arrive unexpectedlyGuess who turned up at Marys wedding?猜猜谁出席了玛丽的婚礼?His name turned up in the newspapers from time to time.他的名字不时在报纸上出现。For some reason she didnt turn up.由于某种原因她没有来。*the one(用于强调 )某个特定的人或物,惟一的一个She is the one with enough experience to perform this operation.只有她有丰富的经验来做这台手术。This is the one I want.我就想要这个。Mary


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