就职即,奥巴马广获支持x 英语 就职在即 奥巴马广获支持 Americans giving Obama extraordinary support: polls 美国当选总统奥巴马就职典礼前夕,美国纽约时报和 CBS 新闻部联合进行的一项民意调查显示,有 79的民众都对即将到来的奥巴马任期持乐观态度,是历任五位总统中支持率最高的。而对即将卸任的布什总统,仅有 22被调查者对其任期内的表现表示满意,该支持率再创历史新低。 Barack Obama has attained extraordinarily high levels of public approval, according to opinion polls released Sunday, ahead of his historic inauguration ceremony as the first African-American president. Barack Obama has attained extraordinarily high levels of public appr