联合国演讲稿 联合国演讲稿 ( 中英文 对照 ) Your excellence UN Secretary-General,President of the General Assembly,Executive Director of UN Women,And distinguished guests 尊敬的秘书长阁下,大会.阁下,妇女署执行主任阁下,以及尊贵的来宾们 Today we are launching a campaign called HeForShe 今天我们将启动一项 HeForShe 的倡议活动 I am reaching out to you because we need your help,we want to end gender inequality 此番演讲是为了获得您的支持,能让我们一道行动,终结性别不平等 And to do this,we need everyone involved 实现这个目标需要每个人的参与 This is the first campai