描写月亮的英文诗句欣赏|描写月亮的诗句 古诗 圆圆的月亮皎洁明亮,如一盏夜灯挂在天上,给黑漆漆的夜晚带来了一丝光亮一丝温暖。月儿缓缓上升,银河隐退了,星星疏落了,夜空像水洗过似的洁净无暇。我精心收集了描写月亮的英文诗句,供大家欣赏学习! 描写月亮的英文诗句篇1 The Moon Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul, o thou fair moon,so close and bright; Thy beauty makes me like the child that cries aloud to own thy light: The little child that lifts each arm to press thee to her bosom warm. Though there are birds that sing this night with thy white beams across their throats,