魔戒1,中英文台词对照翻译 魔戒首部曲之魔戒现身 HDrip-加长版 这世界改变了 The world is changed. 我从水中触摸到 I feel it in the water. 我从地上感觉到 I feel it in the earth. 我从空气中嗅到 I smell it in the air. 过去的一切 Much that once was. 都已失落.is lost. 现在没有人记得了 For none now live who rember it. 这一切都从铸造魔戒开始 It began with the forging of the Great Rings. 精灵族得到三只戒指 Three were given to the Elves. 他们能够长生不老也是最有智慧、最公平的种族 Immortal, wisest and fairest of allbeings. 矮人族分到七只戒指 Seven to the Dwarf-lords. 他们很会挖掘矿坑是山洞的巧心工匠 Great miners and craftsmen of t