本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑独住的好处和坏处高中英语作文|住高层的好处与坏处 许多人都渴望自由,渴望有自己的私人空间,独自居住有什么好处和坏处呢?下面是我为你整理的独住的好处和坏处高中英语作文,盼望你喜爱! 独住的好处和坏处高中英语作文篇1 Nowadays, more and more students perfer to rent an apartment rather than live in the dorm. The opinions vary from person to person .living in the dormitory is safer and it is convenient to talk with others. Its much easier to build friendship with your roommates. Renting an apartment is more comfortable .You can have many free time to focus on your stu