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1、 第 1 页 共 11 页八年级英语教学案第 5 课时课题:Unit 2 Whats the matter? Section A 1a-2c励志小木屋:人人都希望拥有健康。追随本单元,养成健康的习惯,你将是很棒的。教学目标:知识与能力:1. 掌握身体部位的词汇。2会表达身体的不适。3.会询问病人情况并给出相应的建议。过程与方法:通过听力训练和 pairwork 来巩固如何表达身体的不适。情感态度与价值观:通过学生相互询问身体状况,来增进相互之间的友谊,并学会如何保持身体健康。一自主预习:(一) 预习任务:Task: 1.掌握身体部位的词汇。2. 如何表达自己身体某个部位的不适。3.能熟练运用

2、Whats the matter?4.如何表达建议。(二)预习诊断:1. I have a toothache, I need to see a d_.2. Whats the matter? I have a _ (胃痛) 。3. Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over, we _ stay in our classroom.A. should B. must C. had to D. may4. _ I have a cold.A. Whats the matter, Tom? B. Where are you , Tom?C. W

3、ho are you? D. What are you doing , Tom? (三)预习反思: Do you have any questions?二Teaching steps:Step1. Warming-upStep2. Lead-inStep3. Pairwork (Practice 1c)Step4. Listening practice. Finish 1b. 2a 2bStep5. Pairwork .( practice 2c)Step6. 精讲点拨:1)have 的用法 have+a/an+表示“得了病”2) should 的用法 意为“应该,应当” ,没有人称和数的变化

4、,可用来表示建议,其后接动词原形,否定形式在其后加 not,缩写为 shouldnt,变一般疑问句时,should 提到主语前面。Whats the matter (with you)/Whats wrong (with you)Step7.拓展延伸 have a cold 感冒 胃痛_牙痛_ 喉咙痛_ 发烧_ 头痛_Step8.Summary: 本节课你学了什么?1. 表示身体部位的词汇。 教师活动教师活动第 2 页 共 11 页2. 如何询问病人情况,病人如何表达。三限时作业:(满分 10 分) 得分_1. Im very t_. Please give me a cup of tea.

5、2. Thats_ advice, Wang Lei. A. a very goodB. very good C. very a good D. very good a3. You_ brush your teeth before you go to bed.A. would B. might C. should D. could4. Students should_ the teacher carefully in class.A. hearing B. listen to C. listening to D. hearing of5. I have a cold.(就划线部分提问 )_ _

6、 wrong?6. You should get up early. (改为否定句)You _ _ up early.7. I have two brothers. (同 6 )I _ _ two brothers.8. 昨天我弟弟感冒了。My brother _ _ _ yesterday.9. 今天早饭你吃的什么?What_ you _ for breakfast this morning?10. You should _ _ (躺下) and rest.11. Did you _ _ _ (看牙医) yesterday?教后反思:八年级英语教学案第 6 课时课题:Unit2 Whats

7、the matter? Section 3a-4 教师活动第 3 页 共 11 页励志小木屋: Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。一 学习目标:(一) 、知识与能力:1.Master the vocabulary.2.能够进行以 Whats the matter? 为话题的简单的健康讨对话。3.能用 have 谈论健康。4.能够用 should 或 shouldnt 进行健康建议等方面的信息。(二) 、过程与方法:通过自主学习和 pairwork, groupwork 进一步巩固和熟悉掌握 Whats the matter” ,have a sore throat 等。(三) 、情

8、态动词与价值观:通过用 should 和 shouldnt 对健康建议的表达和运用,让学生在关心自己健康状况的同时,也他人的健康,培养学生的热心、爱心和乐于助人等方面的优良品质。二教学重难点:Aim2 . 3 . 4三自主预习:(一) 、预习任务:Task 1:写出下列短语:嗓子痛_头痛_感觉舒服_躺下休息_牙痛_ 看牙医_两小时以前_Task 2: 根据不同的症状, “对症下药” 。A: I have a toothache. B: You should _.A: I have a sore throat. B: You should _.A: I have a stomachache. B

9、: You should _.A: I have a fever. B: You should _.(二)、预习诊断:请选择适当的词完成下列对话。A: Whats the _? B: Im not feeling well, I _ a cold.A: When did it start? B: About two days_.A: Oh, thats too bad. You _ get some rest. B: Yes, I think so.A: I _ you feel _ soon.(三)预习反思: Do you have any questions?三、Teaching step

10、s: Step1: Warming-up Step2: Lead-inStep3: Pairwork Step4: Groupwork Step5 精讲点拨 1.Whats the matter with?=Whats wrong with?意为“怎么啦?”“出了毛病了吗?”如:Whats wrong with you ? I dont feel well. Whats wrong with your watch ? It doesnt work(它不走了). 2.hope 意为“希望” ,常用于 hope to do sth;hope+that 从句,其中 that 可以省略。如:I hop

11、e to see you soon. I hope(that )our country will be stronger.(我希望我们国家将更强大。)Step6: 拓展延伸:Im not feeling_. I have a headache.Lie down and rest, see a dentist, drink lots of water, drink hot tea with honey教师活动hope have matter should better ago第 4 页 共 11 页A.well B.good C.bad D. badly解析:feel 是连系动词,意为“感觉,感

12、到” ,后跟形容词作表语。表示“身体好”用well 而不用 good,此时 well 是形容词。Step7: Summary:四、限时作业:(满分 10). 得分_1.翻译短语或句子。 三天前_ 我想是这样的_ 疾病_一些好的建议_ (身体)好的_ (它) 什么时候开始的?_那太糟糕了_ 我希望你很快好起来_2. 词的适当形式填空:1) I am not _ (feel) well now. I have a fever.2)When did you _(brush) your teeth yesterday? At seven oclock.3) The boy is _(illness),

13、 so his mother wants to take him to see a doctor. 3、单项选择: 1)_ boys enjoy playing soccer.A: Lots of B:A lot of C: Much D: Lot of2) Im hungry. You _ eat something.A. shouldnt B: should C: dont D: cant3)Whats the matter? _. A: I have a toothache. B:I am fine.C: I am 15 years old. D: I like baseball.4)M

14、y sister is _. I have to look after her. A: ill B: illness C:well D: cold5).You look tired. You should have a rest. Yes, _. A.I think it is B. That sounds great C.I do D.I think so6) When did you go to Beijing?_. A: Two years agoB: After two years C: In two years D: For two years7)Lie down and rest,

15、 you can feel _ soon . A: right B: good C: better D: best8) Whats the trouble_ him? A: for B: to C: with D: from9)How is your mother?_, thank you. A . Shes very goodB. She feels good C: She is at work D. She is very wellHomework:1. 句型变换:1) I have a sore throat.(改一般疑问句)2)Im feeling better now.(划线提问)3

16、)I hope I can feel better then.(改同义句)2.汉译英: 1) 你怎么了? 我胃痛。Whats the_ with you? I _ _ _. 2)如果你发烧,你应该多喝水。If you _ _ _, you should _ _ water.3).如果你牙疼,你应该去看医生。If you _ _ _, you should _ _ _.4). 我希望你尽快好起来。 I hope you _ _ soon.5). 它什么时候开始的? 两个小时前。When _ it _? Two hours _.教后反思:八年级英语教学案 第 7 课时课题:Unit 2 Whats

17、 the matter ? Section B 1a2c 温馨提示:An apple every day, keeps the doctor away . 每天一个苹果,让医生远离我。教师活动第 5 页 共 11 页一、 教学目标 (一) 知识目标重点词汇 可数名词 problem ; 动词 stress; 副词 early形容词 thirsty , tired, hungry, stressed, 重点短语 be stressed out;listen to music; drink some water;go to bed early go to the party重点句型 1.-What

18、s the matter with ? - Shes tired .2. She should go to bed early .3. She shouldnt go to the party .(二)1. 能从图片材料中获取有关健康讨论、健康建议等方面的信息。2. 能听懂以 should 和 shouldnt 引导的健康建议的简单对话。(三)通过用 should 和 shouldnt 对健康建议的表达和运用,从而让学生在关心自己健康的同时,也关注他人的健康,给出合理的健康建议。二、预习学案 (一)预习任务Task 1 Can you write the words 口渴的 _ 使紧张_ 紧张

19、的 _ 饥饿的_疲劳的_提早地,提前地 _ 问题 _Task 2 Finish 1a Task 3 Write the following phrases.1.吃一个苹果_ 2. 喝点水_ 3. 早上床睡觉_4.听音乐 _5. 去参加聚会_Task 4 Finish 1bTask 5 给出合理化的建议1. Gina is tired. She should _ .2. Tony is stressedn out . He should _.3. Julie is thirsty . She should _ .4. Alan is hungry . She should _ .(三)预习诊断

20、1.Im feeling t_ . I want to drink some water .2. Dad gets up late , but Mom gets up e_ .3 . Im h_ . Is there anything to eat ?4. Tom is s_ out . He should l_ to some music .(四) 预习总结 今天的预习,你有哪些收获?二、Teaching steps Step 1 Warming-up Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Pairwork (两人一组练习会话) Step 4 Listening practice Fi

21、nish 2a and 2b Step 5 Pairwork (两人一组以第三人称练习会话)Step 6 要点详解1、I want to drink some water . Im _ (口渴的) .2、stress v. _ Dont _ the children too much .不要给孩子太大压力。stressed adj. 有压力的 be 3 . early 反义词 _ We should go to bed _ at night .Step7 延伸拓展如果你的一位同学感冒了,请你给出两个 should 的建议和 shouldnt 的建议.教师活动第 6 页 共 11 页should

22、 _ _. 1 2Shouldnt _ _. 1 2Step 8 能力提升 短文填空We are all very busy studying now . But doing exercises is good foy our h_ . So we should do more e_ every day to keep us h_ .Jim is very good at p_ basketball. Michael Jordan is his f_ basketball player . Jim is on the school basketball team . Every Friday

23、afternoon,they play basketball after class .Step 9 Summary . What have you learned ?三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分率 _1. I enjoy l_ to music . 2. Our tests are coming. Im s_ out .3. I feel t_ after a days hard work .4. Shes h_ . Please give her something to eat .5. Would you like some water ? No, thanks. Im not t

24、_ .6. You shouldnt _ (watch) TV for long .7. -Jack, how are you feeling today ?-Much _. I think I can go to school tomorrow. A . better B . worse C . weaker 8.You _ brush ( 刷 ) your teeth before you go to bed . A would B might C should D could9. You should get up early . ( 改为否定句 ) You _ _up early.10

25、. I have a cold . ( 就划线部分提问 ) _ _ wrong ?四、教后反思 八年级英语教学案 第 8 课时课题 : Unit 2 Whats the matter ? Section B 3a-4 励志小木屋:自我控制是强者的本能。一、教学目标:知识与技能:(1)识记本部分单词如 way, traditional, balance(d), weak, angry 等。(2)会用句型:Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle.Its important to eat a balanced diet.认知性目标:了解祖国医学文化,懂得阴阳平衡是生

26、命活力的根本。平衡则健康、有神;失衡则患病、早衰甚至死亡。情感态度与价值观:形成健康的生活理念,通过平衡的饮食和良好的生活习惯保持健康。二、预习重点:3a and 3b三、预习任务:Task1. Can you write the words ?方法_ 传统的_ 相信_ 有些;几个_平衡 _ adj. _ 虚弱的 _ 药_ 西方的_ 重要的_ 饮食;节食_ 每人 _Task 2. Fast-reading Read 3a and answer the questions .1) What should you eat if(如果) you have too much yin ?2) What

27、should you eat if(如果) you have too much yang?3) Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries . 英译汉4) Its important to eat a balanced diet . 英译汉教师活动第 7 页 共 11 页Task 3. Careful-reading Read 3a again and write the phrases .传统中医_ 太多_ 阴阳平衡_ 例如_ 西方国家_ 几个;少数 _ 平衡的饮食 _四、预习诊断:Traditional Chinese

28、 doctors believe we need a _ of yin and yang to be _ ._ example , are you often weak and _ ? Maybe you have _ _ yin .You should eat_ _ _, like beef. _ Dangshen and Huang Qi herbs is also good _ this . But people who are too_ _ and angry may have too _ yang . Chinese doctors believe that they should

29、eat more yin foods , like tofu .Chinese madicine is now _ in many western countries. Its easy to have a _lifestyle,and its _to eat a balanced diet .五、预习质疑: 六、Teaching stepsStep 1 Warming-up Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Learn 3aStep 4 精讲点拨 1. Its important to eat a balanced diet . 句首的 it 是形式主语,真实主语是 to eat

30、a balanced diet . 动词不定式作主语时,通常用 it 放在句首作形式 主语,而把真实主语动词不定式放在句末。 _ is important to exercise every day . A That B This C It D He2. Maybe you have too much yin .too much “太多 ”,修饰不可数名词too many“太多 ”,修饰可数名词much too “太” ,修饰形容词或副词He eats _ food , so he is _ fat . A . much too , too much B . much too , too ma

31、ny C. too much , much too D. too much , many too Step 5 能力提升 Finish 3bStep 6 Groupwork Who is Dr Know ?Step 7 summary 七、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分率 _1. I b_ you can work out( 解出 ) the question .2. I am good at English but w_ at math .3. If you have a cold . You should take the m_ three times a day.4. Its i_ fo

32、r us to have a good lifestyle .5. Its necessary to have a _ ( balance ) diet .6. _ ( watch ) TV too much is bad for your eyes .7. Its easy for her _ ( write ) a letter .8. You are _ tired. Maybe you have _ yin .A. too many; much too B. too much; much too C. too much; too many D. much too ; too much

33、教师活动第 8 页 共 11 页9. Everybody _ tired sometimes .A . get B. gets C . like D. likes10. I try to eat _ junk food . That helps me to keep health .A . much B. a little C. many D. a few 八、Homeworkstay, hot yang foods, early, it, yin foods, until, a few 1. She is tired. She should go to bed_.2. Yoy have to

34、o much yin. You should eat _ .3. He has too much yang . He should eat more _4. He usually go to bed _ 12 oclock .5. I have _ pencils . I can give you one .6. _ is important to eat a balanced diet .7. Good food and exercise can help me to _ healthy .教后反思:八年级英语教学案 第 9 课时课题 : Unit 2 Whats the matter ?

35、Self-check 励志小木屋:信念是内心的光,它照亮了一个人的人生之路。一、教学目标:1、识记本部分单词和短语2.会用句型:Its inportant to eat a balanced diet. 3、了解本单元出现的与健康有关的生活常识4、形成健康的生活理念:通过平衡的饮食和良好的生活习惯保持健康。二、预习重点:P18 第 2 部分三、预习任务:Task 1 write the words 瞬间_ 此时;现在_ 直到之时_ 寄宿家庭_ 听见_Task 2 完成第 1 部分Task 3 Read the letter and answer the questions .1. Is Sal

36、ly feeling well at the moment ?2. Whats the matter with Sally ?3. Why is she stressed out ?4. How is her host family ?5. I study very late every night, sometimes until 2 am .(英译汉) Task 4 Give your advice . (完成第 2 部分的回信)四、预习诊断:1. Its difficult for me _ ( learn ) math .2.You must exercise to stay _ (

37、health ) .3. Dont get _ ( stress ) out. You should listen to music. 4. Its good for us to eat a _ ( balance ) diet .5. I hope you feel _ ( well ) soon .五、预习质疑: 教师活动教师活动第 9 页 共 11 页六、Teaching stepsStep 1 Warming-up Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Learn 3aStep 4 精讲点拨 I dont think Im improving . 我认为我没有提高。动词 thin

38、k, believe 后跟宾语从句时,若从句具有否定意义,否定转移。I dont think/believe 意为“我认为不” 。I dont think he can come today . 我认为他今天不能来。Step 5 能力提升 Give the advice .Step 6 Groupwork Disscuss your advice .七、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分率 _1.He is very busy at the m_ . You can come to see him an hour later .2. I dont b_ he can work out the pr

39、oblem .3. Its important _( stay) healthy .4. Its _ (重要的) to eat a balanced diet .5. My English is i_ now. I can speak English very well now .6. Dumplings are one of the t_ Chinese fppd .7. Do you enjoy _ ( live ) in China ?8. He doesnt go to bed _ 120 oclock every night .A. after B. when C. until D.

40、 for9. You shouldnt study _ you are tired .A. until B. when C. after D. before 10. Hurry up. We have only _ minutes .A. few B. a few C. little D. a little八、Homework 1. The little girl knows only _ English, but she can sing _ English songs.A. little; few B. few; little C. a little; a few D. a few; a

41、little2. Its important _ us _ English well .A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. to ;to learn D. for; learning3. Were tired because we have _ yin . A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too4. Does your teacher often give you _ ?A. some advice B. some advice C. any advice D. any advices 5. He _ at home.A. need to stay B. neednt to stay C. needs to stay D. doesnt need stay6. I feel _ and sleep _.A. good; well B. good; good C


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