本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高中英语演讲小短文 高中英语故事演讲欣赏 在进行英语教学时,将英语随堂练习的各项内容有机融入英语故事中,能有效提升练习的趣味性,促进同学学习。本文是高中英语故事,盼望对大家有关心! 高中英语故事:农夫和儿子高中英语故事:猴子与螃蟹 Once upon a time, there was a monkey that met a crab and they travelled together in thejungle. 很久很久以前,有一只猴子和一只螃蟹相遇了,它们结伴到 森林里去游玩。 The active monkey found a fruit seed and the crab found a rice ball. 蹦蹦跳跳的猴子突然捡到一颗果实的种子,而螃 蟹则捡到一只饭团子。 The monkey was greedy and said to the crab, Dear crab, let us exchange what we have!