做好成功演讲的10个诀窍正文 第一篇:做好成功演讲的10个诀窍做好成功演讲的10个诀窍1. Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.熟悉场地。争取熟悉你要发表演讲的环境。提早到达并巡视讲台,练习使用麦克风和其他辅助视觉设施。2. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. Its easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.熟悉听众。在听众进入会场时向他们致意。向一群友好的人演讲总比对一群陌生人演讲来得容易些。3. Know your material. If youre not familiar