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1、2018 年 910 月国内生产安全事故数据李生才,笑 蕾(北京理工大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室,北京 100081)摘 要:文章统计了 2018 年 910 月国内发生的各种生产安全事故 68 起,其中包括交通事故、矿业事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄漏与中毒和其他事故。统计表明,在 68 起事故中,交通事故占 44.12%,矿业事故占 13.24%,爆炸事故占 5.88%,火灾占 7.35%,毒物泄漏与中毒占 4.41%,其他事故占 25%。68 起事故共死亡 232 人。死亡人数的百分比分别为交通事故49.14%,矿业事故 18.53%,爆炸事故 3.88%,火灾 3.45%,毒物泄漏与

2、中毒 5.17%,其他事故 19.83%。关键词:安全工程;事故数据;统计分析中图分类号:X928.01 文献标识码:A0 引 言生产安全事故是指在生产经营活动中发生的意外的突发事件,通常会造成人员伤亡和(或)财产损失,使正常的生产生活活动中断。本文继续国内生产安全事故数据统计工作 197,对 2018 年 910 月国内发生的生产安全事故进行数据统计。1 事故数据2018 年 910 月国内发生的矿业事故、交通事故、爆炸事故、泄漏中毒、火灾及其他事故见表 18。表中的生产安全事故以事故发生的时间顺序排列。表 1 2018 年 9 月国内矿业事故Table 1 Some mining indu

3、stries accidents happened in China in September, 2018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源9-1 湖北省鹤峰县 朝阳煤矿发生 顶板事故 1 B9-11 云南省祥云县 一煤矿发生透 水事故 4 B9-19江西省安源区 安源煤矿采四区 331 工作面顶板垮冒0 B9-19湖南省郴州市北湖区鲁塘镇 南方石墨有限公司石墨二矿发生透水事故1 B9-21内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗 神华集团宝日希勒能源股份有限公司露天煤矿发生运输事故4 B总计 5 起 10注: B表 2 2018 年 10 月国内矿业事故Table 1 Some mining ind

4、ustries accidents happened in China in October, 2018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源10-10 吉林省桦甸市 桦煤矿井下发生瓦斯爆炸事 3 B故10-15重庆市 恒宇矿业有限公司梨园坝煤矿爆炸5 B10-20山东省郓城县 龙郓煤业有限公司发生冲击地压事故21 B10-25四川省内江市 双鹰煤炭有限责任公司老鹰岩井发生瓦斯爆炸事故4 B总计 4 起 33注: B;红字属重大事故表 3 2018 年 9 月国内交通事故Table 3 Some traffic accidents happened in China in September, 2

5、018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源9-2 贵州安顺市关岭布依族苗族自治县灞陵大道 交通事故 5 B9-5 河南省永城市芒山镇 面包车撞上货车 6 B9-10 湖南省浏阳市 客车与货车相撞 2 B9-16 河北省雄县雄白路高速引线 货车与轿车相撞 8 B9-19广东省梅县区区白渡镇觉慈路段 货柜车先后与小轿车和水泥罐车发生碰撞5 B9-23 浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区新塍镇蓬莱路 429 号门口 客车撞行人 4 B9-25 北京市通州区漷县镇觅子店德觅路与通房路交叉口 货车与液化石油气罐车相撞起火 1 B9-25 安徽省芜湖市三山区三华路与横山路交口 渣土车与 120 救护车碰撞 2 B9-26

6、青海省海北藏族自治州刚察县 大货车与小轿车 相撞 5 B9-26 四川省乐山市 旅游客车侧翻 2 B9-26 广西壮族自治区马瑶族自治县 大货车失控侧翻 2 B9-27 云南省盐津县庙坝镇石笋村龙甲石加油站背后路段 道路交通事故 5 B9-27 安徽省合肥市合六叶高速往六安方向 小货车追尾大货 车 3 B总计 13 起 50注: B表 4 2018 年 10 月国内交通事故Table 4 Some traffic accidents happened in China in October, 2018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源10-2 安徽省合肥市庐江县白湖镇 道路交通事故 2 B10

7、-2 江西省鹰潭市余江区画桥镇 路虎越野车和 三轮车相撞 2 B10-5 江西省丰城市 交通事故 4 B10-6 湖南省岳阳市屈原管理区省道 S307 黄金路段丁字路口 货车与面包车 相撞 4 B10-6 湖南省岳阳市屈原管理区省道 S307 黄金路段丁字路口 轿车追尾 2 B10-8 陕西省府谷县深焉路段 小轿车与重型 半挂车追尾 3 B10-9 山东省东营市利津县省道 310 线北岭蔬菜市场路段 3 辆罐车先后 相撞 4 B10-13 广东省龙川县 货车撞小轿车 4 B10-23 四川成雅高速名山段成温邛高速路段分叉处 多车辆追尾 8 B10-25 江苏省常州市新北区 货车与公交车 相撞

8、2 B10-27 四川省巴中市南江县沙河镇 101 省道寡妇桥 两车相撞 2 B10-28 重庆市万州区长江二桥 公交客车坠入 长江中 15 搜狐新闻网10-28 河南省邓州市文渠镇渠首大道 重型货车和小 型客车相撞 4 B10-29 四川省雷波县回龙场乡顺河村 交通事故 2 B10-29 辽宁省沈阳市于洪区沈于公路造化市场 大客车与大货 车碰撞 2 B10-30 四川省雅江县柯拉乡境内 G318 线 轿车撞行人 0 B10-30 四川省雅江县柯拉乡境内 G318 线 两车相撞 4 B总计 17 起 58注: B;红字属重大事故表 5 2018 年 910 月国内爆炸事故Table 5 Som

9、e explosion accidents happened in China during September to October in 2018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源9-18 浙江省永康市江南街道南苑路 一面馆煤气瓶爆 炸 0 B9-30 河北省保定市莲池区 住户发生燃气爆 燃事故 5 B10-13 湖南省桃源县陬市镇 科辉墙材一分厂 蒸压釜爆炸 3 B10-29 陕西省韩城市金城办书院街 韩城市实验初级中学的锅炉爆炸 1 B总计 4 起 9注: B表 6 2018 年 910 月国内毒物泄漏与中毒事故Table 6 Some leakage and poisoning ac

10、cidents happened in China during September to October in 2018时间 地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源9-10 上海浦东新区 工地发生井下 气体中毒 3 B9-20 上海北翟路 1444 弄 虹桥污水处理厂工地发生中 4 B毒事故10-5甘肃省 金川集团公司发生一氧化碳泄漏事故5 B总计 3 起 12注: B表 7 2018 年 910 月国内火灾事故Table 7 Some fire accidents happened in China during September to October in 2017时间 地 点 事故 死亡 来源

11、9-1 云南省昆明市西山区福海街道办事处杨家地社区王家地新村 37 号 1 楼楼道 起火 6 B9-2 湖北省枣阳市南城王湾社区 枣阳众成化工有限公司起火 0 B9-4 广东省深圳市宝安区新安街道上川社区 31 区 一店铺发生火 灾 1 B10-24 河北省保定市高阳县 一座垫厂发生 火灾 1 B10-28 天津市市滨海新区大港 一润滑油仓库 发生火灾 0 B总计 5 起 8注:B 表 8 2018 年 910 月国内其他事故Table 8 Some other accidents happened in China during September to October in 2018时间

12、地 点 事 故 死亡 来 源9-2江苏省南通市 兴东国际机场一工地升降操作平台侧翻4 B9-3 湖南省安乡双洲西路 修理挖掘机时 发生事故 2 B9-3浙江省杭州市拱墅区上塘路 正方集团水泥厂储罐掉落压塌房屋4 B9-3 陕西省汉中市洋县谢村镇夏家村 尧柏水泥厂原 料滑塌 4 B9-6 湖南省益阳市市中医院对面 建筑工地发生 事故 1 B9-7 山东省济南市奥体西路解放东路 工地塌方 2 B9-14河南省郑州市 融创天璟园项目工地护坡发生坍塌事故2 B9-20上海市北翟路 虹桥污水处理厂工地脚手架拆除时垮塌4 B9-22 河北省邯郸市永年区广府镇西街村西南 小型飞机坠落 2 B9-23 湖北省

13、宜昌市点军区车溪景区王家坝景点 房屋垮塌 1 B9-23 江西省瑞金市壬田镇龙山 水库发生溺水 4 B10-4 湖北省天门市 施工电梯坠落 3 B10-7 四川省达州市达川区东环南路 103 号 人行道路面塌 陷 4 B10-10 河北省新河县白神首乡白神首村村南 低空飞行器在 飞行中坠落 2 B10-11 河南省林州市 塔吊倾斜 1 B10-24 湖北省武汉市江汉区 三层民房坍塌 3 B10-26 河北省秦皇岛市海港区东李庄田间 民用小型直升 机坠毁 3 B合 计 17 起 46注: B事故统计分析统计事故数据表明,交通事故最多,占 44.12%,矿业事故占 13.24%,火灾事故占 7.3

14、5%,爆炸事故占 5.88%,毒物泄漏与中毒占 4.41%,其他事故占 25%。68 起事故共死亡 232 人。死亡人数的百分比分别为交通事故占 49.14%,矿业事故占18.53%,毒物泄漏与中毒占 5.17%,爆炸事故占 3.88%,火灾事故占 3.45%,其他事故占 19.83%。2018 年 910 月生产安全事故发生较多的 5 个省分别为四川(8 起) 、湖南(7 起) 、河北(6 起) 、湖北(5 起)和江西(4 起) ;死亡人数较多的 5 个省、市分别为山东(27 人) 、四川(26 人) 、河北(21 人) 、重庆(20 人)和湖南(15 人) 。References(参考文献

15、):1 HUANG Ping(黄平), WANG Yajun(王亚军), LIU Qiang(刘强). Statistical analysis of major accidents in China in the year 2000J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2001, 1(1): 4447.2 WANG Yajun(王亚军), WU Qiong(吴琼), HUANG Ping(黄平). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during January to March in

16、 the year 2001J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报 ), 2001, 1(2): 6064.3 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LIU Xia(刘霞), HUANG Ping(黄平). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during April to July in the year 2001J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2001, 1(4): 5764.4 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Pin

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18、y in 2002J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2002, 2(2): 5464.6 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from March to June in 2002J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2002, 2(4): 5264.7 HUANG Ping(黄平), WANG Yajun(王亚军). Stati

19、stics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to October in 2002J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2002, 2(6): 4356.8 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November in 2002 to February in

20、 2003J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2003, 3(2): 7880.9 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from March to June in 2003J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2003, 3(4): 7880.10 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG

21、Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to October in 2003J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2003, 3(6): 7780.11 HUANG Ping(黄平), WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period fr

22、om November in 2003 to February in 2004J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2004, 4(2): 9296.12 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from March to June in 2004J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2004, 4(

23、4): 9396.13 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to October in 2004J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2004, 4(6): 9699.14 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial acci

24、dents in China during the period from November to December in 2004J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(1): 124128.15 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2005J. Journal of Safety

25、 and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(2): 122125.16 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from March to April in 2005J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(3): 121124.17 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengc

26、ai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2005J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(4): 119122.18 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in

27、2005J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(5): 125128.19 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from September to October in 2005J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2005, 5(6): 123125.20 WANG Yajun(王

28、亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2005J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2006, 6(1): 141144.21 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China du

29、ring the period from January to February in 2006J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2006, 6(2): 138141.22 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from March to April in 2006J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学

30、报), 2006, 6(3): 141144.23 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2006J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2006, 6(4): 136139.24 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of ind

31、ustrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in 2006J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2006, 6(5): 136139.25 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from September to October in 2006J. Journal of

32、 Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2006, 6(6): 138141.26 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2006J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(1): 154157.27 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄

33、平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(2): 154157.28 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period fr

34、om March to April in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(3): 153156.29 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(4): 152155.30

35、WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(5): 142145.31 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in Ch

36、ina during the period from September to October in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2007, 7(6): 127130.32 WANG Yajun(王亚军), HUANG Ping(黄平), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2007J. Journal of Safety and Envir

37、onment(安全与环境学报), 2008, 8(1): 173176.33 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2008, 8(2): 170173.34 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial acc

38、idents in China during the period from March to April in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2008, 8(3): 169172.35 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 20

39、08, 8(4): 173176.36 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2008, 8(5): 173176.37 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during t

40、he period from September to October in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2008, 8(6): 169172.38 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2008J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2009, 9(1):

41、 184188.39 HU Xiufeng(胡秀峰), WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2009, 9(2): 188192.40 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in C

42、hina during the period from March to April in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2009, 9(3): 179182.41 WEN Yong(文勇), WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报),

43、 2009, 9(4): 189192.42 WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2009, 9(5): 183186.43 ZHAO Shanshan(赵珊珊),WANG Yajun(王亚军), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accid

44、ents in China during the period from September to October in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2009, 9(6): 189191.44 YANG Yang(杨阳), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2009J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安

45、全与环境学报), 2010, 10(1): 205208.45 YANG Yang(杨阳), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from January to February in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2010, 10(2): 221224.46 YANG Yang(杨阳), LI Shengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in

46、China during the period from March to April in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2010, 10(3): 221224.47 QIN Jianyu(秦建玉),LI Sengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from May to June in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2010, 10(4):

47、221224.48 WEN Yong(文勇), QIN Jianyu(秦建玉),LI Sengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from July to August in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2010, 10(5): 237240.49 QIN Jianyu(秦建玉),LI Sengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during

48、the period from September to October in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2010, 10(6): 233236.50 QIN Jianyu(秦建玉),LI Sengcai(李生才). Statistics of industrial accidents in China during the period from November to December in 2010J. Journal of Safety and Environment(安全与环境学报), 2011, 11(1): 253256.51 QIN Jianyu


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