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1、 颍河中学八年级英语第三次月考试题第一卷(70 分)一 单项选择。 (20 分)( )1. He never tells lies, so he is _honest boy. Its not good to be _dishonest one.A. a , an B. an , a C. /, a D. an ,the ( )2. Lets enjoy the song “Yesterday once more”. It sounds A. bad B. sadly C. well D. Wonderful ( )3. _ nature reserves _ us learn more ab

2、out protecting animals.A. Studying , helps B Studies , to helpC. Study , helping D Studying, help ( )4. “X plus Y is more than Fifteen percent.” This sentence can also write as “_”A. X+ Y15% B. X+Y15% X+Y=15% D. X+Y15%( )5. If we keep the land, giant pandas will have to live.A. to take, anywhere B.

3、taking, anywhereC. to take, nowhere D. taking, nowher( )6. He was all wet when he got home because he his umbrella in the underground.A. took B. forgot C. left D. brought( )7. Im very sorry. Theres bread in the fridge. Shall I go and bring some?A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( )8. We must tell

4、 hunters wild animals. A.to continue hunting B.to stop to hunt C dont continue hunting D. not to continue hunting( )9. There is sheep eating grass there. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( )10.The old man is sure of living one hundred years.A. up B. up to C. more D. older( )11.The number of pand

5、as is getting _because their living areas are becoming farmlands. A. bigger and bigger B. smaller and smallerC. more and more D. less and less( )12.We go there if it tomorrow. A. dont; rains B. wont; rains C. wont; will rain D. dont; will rain( )13.I arrived Shanghai the evening of January 2,2009. A

6、. at, in B. in, at C. in, on D. from, to ( )14.The sentence structure of “The boy is crying.” Is .姓名 班级 考号 分数 A. S+V B. S+V+P C. S+V+DO D. S+V+IO( )15. ,.they are talking to each other!Yes. They are really happy to see each other.A. What excited B. How excited C. What excitedly D. How excitedly( )16

7、.You can call me 0512-5123467 or email me .A. on, at B. at, on C. by, on D. on, on( )17.The park is full of interesting .A. wildlives, wildlives B. wildlife, wildlifeC. wildlife, wildlives D. wildlives, wildlife ( )18.Our teacher let Simon forget the door. A. not, to close B. not to, to close C. not

8、, closing D. not to, closing( )19.Dont worry! The train at 3:30 pm. There is enough time left. A. leave B. leaving C. leaves D. Left( )20.We found to sleep. A. difficult to get B. it difficult gettingC. it difficult to get D. that difficult to get二 交际英语。根据情景,将 A .B C D E 填入文中的横线上(10 分)A. Me, too.B.

9、Excuse me.C. And it is too difficult to find a bus or a taxi.D. Will you please take my car?E. Thats all right.A: _21_ Why are you looking so worried? Whats wrong?B: Ill have to reach the airport before 10:30a.m. But you see, this is a small mountain village here. _22_I dont know what to do now.A: D

10、ont worry, let me help you._23_.B: Its very kind of you. Thank you for your help.A: _24_ By the way, whats your name, please?B: Jack Cooper.A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper!B: _25_. A: Come on! 21._22._ 23._ 24._ 25._三 完形填空。 (10 分)While Tom and Mary were on holidays at the seaside, they enjoyed _26_

11、the seagulls. They _27_ a lot about these lovely birds.They will often come close to you on the beach when they are eating something. If you _28_ a piece of bread to them, they will soon catch it.Seagulls swim well, but they dont often dive _29_ fish. They are also good at flying _30_ their large wi

12、ngs. When a seagull is flying, he puts his legs in his body.Tom often watched them _31_ close to the ground because he liked the way they _32_ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they _33_ the ground.Mary liked to see them sliding(滑行) over the _34_ as they often did, without

13、their _35_ moving. But she said she didnt like the noise they made.( ) 26. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched( ) 27. A. Understood B. learned C. found D. thought( ) 28. A. throw B. take C. send D. pull( ) 29. A. of B. above C. for D. into( ) 30. A. with B. to C. for D. of( ) 31. A. to come

14、B. came C. come D.to coming( ) 32. A. help B. beat C. put D. kept( ) 33. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched( ) 34. A. Water B. land C. sky D. ground( ) 35. A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wings四 阅读理解。 (每空 3 分,共 30 分)AAustralia has a lot of lovely animals. You cannot find them anywhere else in the world.

15、 The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas(树袋熊).The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They have large eyes and ears. They dont walk, they jump. They use their strong back legs. They can jump at up to 74 kilometers per hour. They can go over nine meters in one jump!Kangaroo mothers have pouche

16、s(育儿袋) to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm.Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia. They are on TV, in books and in the shops. The government even wants to put them on passports(护照).But do you know that millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many

17、 of them.There are about 20 to 25 million kangaroos in Australia. Thats more than the number of people in the country!Some kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough food to eat. They break into farms for food. Farmers are very angry with them.The koala is another famous Australian animal. They

18、 look like bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from eucalyptus, where they spend most of their time.Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their home“This is my place, you cant come in!”Like kangaroos, a koala baby lives in its mothers pouch.But koalas have fewer plac

19、es to live in. There are about 100,000 koalas in Australia. There is a law to keep them safe.( )36 Kangaroos and koalas are the most famous animals in Australia because _.A. there are not many of them B. they cant live in other countriesC. we cant see them in any other country except Australia D. th

20、ey are lovely animals( )37. Which of the following is WRONG about kangaroos?A. They can run at up to seventy-eight kilometers per hour.B. They have large eyes and ears. C. Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies. D. There are many of them in Australia.( )39 Why does the Australian govern

21、ment kill some kangaroos each year?A. They can make more money. B. Kangaroos break into farms for food.C. Kangaroos do not have enough food to eat.D. There are more kangaroos than people.( )39 What do koalas use to mark their home?A Their footprint. B. Their sound. C. Their fur. D. Their smell.( )40

22、 What is the similarity(相同之处)between a kangaroo and a koala?A. There are too many of them in Australia. B. They keep their babies in the mothers pouch.C. They have a special smell. D. They can jump very highB The size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other parts of the face.

23、Other parts of the face change shape as we get older, but ears do not change their shape. They only change in size.Reading peoples character from their ears is an old science. In very old times people thought that a person with big ears had a good and generous character. They thought that a person w

24、ith pale (nearly white), small ears was dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ear showed whether a person was musical or not. Today, too, many people believe that the size and the shape of the ear help you know if a person is musical. Ears are all different, and each characteristic has

25、a meaning. Next time when you look at a person, see if his ears are large or small. Look at the lobes( the lowest part of the ear). Are they attached(连着) to the face? Ears that are always red mean a person may easily get angry, or he/she just has high blood pressure(高血压). Ears that are always cold a

26、nd pale mean a person has a nervous character. And a big inside hole of the ear means a person is musical.( )41.In the old times people might ask for help from a person with_.A. red ears B. big ears C. small ears D. pale ears ( )42. The passage is mainly about _.A. the size of our ears B. musical ea

27、rsC. ears which related to characters D. our faces and ears( ) 43. From the passage, we know _ change shape as we get older.A. ears B. hair C. eyes D. teeth( ) 44 We can guess Beethoven may have _. A. pale ears B. white ears C. small ears D. ears with a big inside hole( )45. If you are often late fo

28、r school, you may find the ears of your teacher _.A. get bigger B. get smaller C. get colder D. get redder 第二卷(50 分)五 词汇应用。 (共 25 分)A) 根据首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。(10 分)46. The Chinese g_ wants to protect these rare birds. 47. Hundreds of natural d_ happen every year, such as earthquakes, typhoons. 4

29、8 Today more and more people understand the i_ of protecting wild animals. 49 Our teacher often e_ us to learn English well. 50.People _ (尖叫) when the earthquake happened.B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (10 分)11. We prevented them from _ (kill) the wild animals. 52. There are many _(fog) days in Londo

30、n. .53. Every year, a large number of _(tour)come here and visit birds. 54. Eddie _(mop) up the floor from 7:00pm to 7:30pm yesterday. 55. They need some workers _(build) the tall building. C) 根据所给中文,完成句子翻译,每空一词。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)71. 这车开的太快,撞上了树。The car ran too fast and _ _ a tree. 72. 人们恐惧地相互看着,不知该怎么

31、办。People looked at each other _ _ and didnt know what to do. 73. 每天农民们给我们提供大量的蔬菜。Every day farmers _ lots of vegetables _ us. 74. 小明出生时重 4 公斤。Xiao Ming weighed 4 kilos _ _. 75. 消防员使我们镇定下来,因为我们都安全了。The firemen _ us _ as we were all safe. 六 书面表达。 (25 分)某英语报社举行“国宝-熊猫 ”征文比赛,请你以“Giant pandas”为题,根据提示要点用英语

32、写一篇 80 词左右的短文参赛。提示要点: 1、人们都喜欢大熊猫,它们黑白相间,貌似熊,平静而温和;2、它们只生活在中国,现仅存一千只左右,数目越来越少; 3、大熊猫生活的地方在变成农田,人们为获取毛皮而捕杀它们; 4、如果再不采取措施,世界上将再无大熊猫了。Giant pandas参考答案:二单项选择。 (20 分)1-5 BDAAD 6-10 CDDAB 11-15 BBCAD 16-20 ABACC二 交际英语。 (5 分)21-25 BCDEA三 完形填空。 (10 分)26-30 C B A CA 31-35 C B D A D四 阅读理解。 (每空 2 分,共 30 分) 、(A

33、)36-40 BBBCC (B) 41-45 CABDB (C). 46-50 BCCDD五 词汇。A) 51. government 52. disasters 53. importance 54. encourages55. height 56. screamed 57. directions 58. arrival59. covers 60. unnecessaryB) 61. killing 62. foggy 63. trapped 64. alive65. carelessly 66.tourists 67. endangered 68. playing69. was mopping 70. to buildC) 71. crashed into 72. in fear 73. provide for 74. at birth75. calmed down


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