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1、高中一年级期末复习习题精选一 单项填空(注:选择题无空,要重考虑)1. It that the sports meeting put off because of the fine weather.A. is suggested, will not be B. was suggested, beC. suggested, should be D. was suggested, not be2. Our home is always love and understanding. A. rich for B. rich in C. high with D. high by3. It is ver

2、y rich village, 5 or 6 families 10 have cars.A. in which, in B. which, fromC. where, than D. that, over4. The modern equipment which over there will be used wildlife. A. is being made; to protect B. is being made, to protectingC. is making, for protecting D. is made, protecting5. Though he earned 15

3、00 dollars a month, he was poor in society. A. as many as; but B. as high as, howeverC. as much as, yet D. as well as, still6. When I met Mike last Sunday, he told me that he the actress for almost two years. A. had married B. had been married toC. had been married by D. had got married with7. I cou

4、ld not remember the name of my classmates though I him at the first sight in the crowd. A. recognized B. knew C. saw D. remembered8. On the farm there many and and there are in the pool.A. deer, sheep, fish B. deers, sheeps, fishesC. deer, sheeps, fish D. deers, sheep, fishes9. To my surprise I saw

5、a little animal ate up much food. A. so, so B. such, such C. such so D. so, such10. The pretty house door is always looked a rich man.A. its, belongs to B. of which, is belonged byC. of that, belonged to D. whose, belongs to11. The reason he was late for the meeting was something was wrong with his

6、car. A. why, that B. why, because C. which, that D. that, because12. The whole book 12 units, two mainly revisions .A. contains, included B. includes, containingC. contains, containing D. includes, including13. He said that he had been to Hong Kong and that he would go there . A. long before, before

7、 long B. before long, long beforeC. long age, before long D. before long, before long14.Hows everything going? A. Everything is finished B. Everything is been doneC. Not so bad, you know D. Not doing wrong, you know15.Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith. A. Oh, no. Lets not B. I

8、d rather stay at homeC. Im very sorry, but Ive other plans D. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble. 二 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中选出填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并填在括号里。The lake lay before me blue and peaceful, in the evening16. On either side, the mountains rose sharply, surrounding it in a kind of bowl. A few

9、sheep17their sides and here and there a cow was 18 eating on the lower slopes. The place was so far away so untouched by human work that it seemed the very place to19. Even Higgs, I thought, wont be able to find me here.I sat down by the edge of the lake and pulling20 my shoes and socks, put my 21 i

10、n the water. It was cold, like ice. After a moment I 22 ever and spread some of the 23 on my hot face. I could see myself faintly in the water starting at me like a 24I realized suddenly how 25I was of running away. Surely I thought I could live here for a few day, out of26 of higgs and his men. Whi

11、le I tried to 27 some plans for the future. I found a tiny cottage on the far side of the 28 with some smoke coming from its roof. I still had a little money. Perhaps they would give me a29 and some food.As I watched, a man came out of the house and down to a little 30 at the lakeside He got into it

12、 and began to move 31 towards my side. I could not see his32at first. He continued calmly 33 the lake and when he was about halfway, he rested his oars and the boat drifted(飘流) into a patch of sunlight. He34a hand in a friendly way of greeting. I was about to raise mine in satisfaction 35, all at on

13、ce, I saw his face clearly: it was Higgs!( ) 16.A.sky B.light C.air D.gas( ) 17.A.dotted(点缀)B.ran C.rushed D.followed( ) 19.A.work B.visit C.play D.hide( ) 20.A.down B.on C.off D.up( ) 21.A.feet B.hand C.head D.body( ) 22.A.came B.stop C.got bent( ) 23.A.earth B.grass C.water D.ice( ) 24.A.workmate

14、B.comrade C.styanger D.friend( ) 25.A.interested B.excited C.happy D.tired( ) 26.A.work B.touch C.feel D.reach( ) 27.A.do B.produce C.make D.drive( ) 28.A.lake B.river C.mountains D.hills( ) 29.A.meal B.water C.boat D.bed( ) 30.A.bike B.boat C.bus D.car( ) 31.A.unhurriedly B.unworriedly C.unexcitedl

15、y D.unfrightenedly( ) 32.A.face B.hand C.looking D.expression( ) 33.A.through B.cross C.above D.across( ) 34.A.caught B.held C.lose D.raised( ) 35.A.that B.then C.while D.when三 阅读理解AThe First Time I Sold A PaintingThe first time I sold a painting was during an art fair(艺术博览会). I was satisfied with a

16、ll the people who stepped at my booth(摊位),only to leave without buying anything One couple, tow ever, kept returning to admire a particular painting, and they finally decided to buy it.My first sale! Someone did like my work. Then, as they walked away, I heard the woman say, “Wont Grandmas wedding(婚

17、礼)portrait(肖像) look wonderful in this frame(框)?”36. No one would buy his paintings because his paintings were .A. good-looking but no useB. so expensive that no one could afford toC. not good enough to be worth buyingD. very cheap but wonderful37. The couple bought the painting .A. and were going to

18、 put it beside their grandmas wedding portraitB. and were going to put it in the frame in place of their grandmas portraitC. and then, took the painting away from the frame and put their grandmas portrait inD. that looked exactly the same as their grandmas wedding portrait38. From the passage, we ca

19、n see that .A. all his paintings were set in frames on saleB. all the paintings looked wonderfulC. nobody bought a paintingD. no one but a couple was attracted by the beautiful paintingsBOn television all over the world. there are programmes about the work of the police. They are popular because the

20、y are usually very exciting. In London, there is a television programe called “Police Five”because it is on for five minutes once a week. A television reporter, Shaw Taylor, talks about crimes(罪行) in the London area. He asks for public help. The police station needs the help of ordinary people becau

21、se sometimes you or I have information that can be useful to the police.Shaw Taylor shows pictures of paintings, jewelry and other things which thieves stole during the week. Sometimes he shows the car that the thieves escaped in. When people see men or things on the television program which they ma

22、y remember, they can tell the police where they saw them. With their help, the police may catch more criminals.Sometimes the police find a car or some money. Shaw Taylor shows them on television. The owners sometimes see them. Then they can telephone the police and say, “Thank you very muchthats min

23、e!”39. The television program is called “Police Five”, because it is about the work of the police and .A. it is on for five times every weekday.B. it lasts five minutes a weekC. it begins at five in the afternoonD. it is program about five policemen40. From the passage we know Shaw Taylor is .A. a p

24、opular TV reporterB. a TV reporter few people knowC. a TV reporter ordinary people dont likeD. an unknown TV reporter41. The police station asked for public help because .A. ordinary people like the television programB. ordinary people are interested in picture of paintings, jewelry etc.C. The polic

25、emen can not catch the thieves themselvesD. ordinary people may help the policemen get useful information about the criminals42. The program helps a lot in .A. helping the police find the criminals and giving the things back to the ownersB. exciting ordinary peopleC. making the police popularD. frig

26、htening the thievesCFor three days Mr. Bunter did not say a word. He looked at people sensibly enough but seemed unable to hear any questions put to him. An officer said to the captain, “These brass plates(黄铜牌) on the steps of the bridge-ladder(舰桥梯) are very dangerous things.”“Are they?” replied Joh

27、ns,“ it takes more than a brass plate to make an able bodied man fall down in that way. And the weather five. Everything dry and the ship going on a smooth sea!”On the fourth, day the chief officer looked better. He could hear and understand and could even speak in weak voice.“Well, Mr. Bunter” said

28、 captain Johns, “Can you tell us what caused the accident?”Bunter moved his head slightly and fixed his cold blue eyes on the Captains puzzled(迷惑不解)face. “No accident,” he breathed.“Well, what made you have that fall, then?”Bunter raised himself a little, looked straight in to the captains eyes and

29、said in a low voice, “Youwereright!”“Bless my soul!” cried out Captain Johns. “Do you mean you had a supernatural(超自然)experience that night? You saw a ghost(鬼) on my ship?”Unwillingness, shame disgust(厌恶),Would have been seen on poor Bunters face if a good part of it had not been wrapped in bandagee

30、(绷带).He tried hard and answered.“Yes, I have seen.”“And did itdid it knock you down from the ladder?”“Come! Am I the sort of man to be knocked down by a ghost?”Captain Johns pointed a finger at Bunter. “Youve been terrified(吓住了) ,”he said.“ Thats whats the matter, even the man at the wheel(掌舵的人) fri

31、ghtened, though he couldnt see anything. He felt the supernatural. Youve been punished because you wouldnt believe, Mr. Bunter.”“Suppose I have,” said Bunter. “You dont know what I saw. And I cant tell you what it was like. Every man has his own ghosts. I stepped back I dont remember anything else.”

32、“The man at the wheel said you went backwards as if something had hit you.“It was a sort of inward blow,” Bunter explained. “Arent you satisfied now that I believe?”43. What happened to Mr. Bunter?A. He had fallen on a brass plate on the bridge ladder.B. He had been punished because he didnt believe

33、 in ghost.C. He had somehow fallen down the bridge ladder.D. The ghost had hit him and had fallen backwards.44. The captain wished to believe that Bunter had fallen .A. as a supernatural punishment for his disbelief (不信,怀疑)B. when using the bridge ladder carelessly in the nightC. because he was a so

34、rt of man to be hit by the ghostD. because of some fault (过失 ) in the brass plate on the steps45. Bunter half agreed that he had been punished because .A. the ghost had also frightened the man at the wheelB. that explanation would satisfy the captainC. it should be clearly seen from what he said abo

35、ut ghostD. his injuries (伤)showed he had been beaten46. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. The weather had no connection(连系)with the accident.B. The captain believed in supernatural things, such as ghost.C. Bunter and the captain were friendly relations.D. The

36、man at the wheel did not actually see anything strange or supernatural.DThere are warm tropical regions(热带地区) all over the globe, but only the Indians of the South American rain forests have formed the habit of sleeping in the open air. Long before they made painful acquaintance(相识) with Europeans,

37、they invented something that was unique(独特) on earth: The hammock.Nobody really knows who first had the bright idea of making sleeping in the air the symbol of untroubled rest. The Indians see the hammock as a “Gift”(礼物) of heaven(上天) ,something given to them a very long time ago.In it the Indians p

38、ass away hot noon hours, napping or chatting. Swinging it to and fro(来回摆动) creates a cooling breath of air and keeps away insects(昆虫 ). They work and play in hammocks, are born and die there.Hung like a suspension(悬浮) bridge between heaven and earth, a hammock is dry while the soil is wet and it is

39、safe from most wild animals.Hammocks have the advantage(优点) over beds in that they are easy to transport and take up very little space when they have been rolled up(卷起). Indians never go on a journey without their hammocks, not even to their plantations.47. The word hammock in this passage means .A.

40、 a suspension cage which can be swung to and fro in the air.B. a seat hanging by two ropes from the branch of a tree.C. a suspension bridge in the South American rain forests.D. a net hung between two supports and used as a bed.48. When was the hammock invented and by whom?A. The Indians had invente

41、d the hammock long before they came to South America.B. The Indians had invented the hammock long before the Europeans came to South America.C. The Europeans invented the hammock after they made acquaintance with the Indians.D. The Europeans had invented the hammock before they went to South America

42、49. Indians swing the hammock to .A. pray(祈求) to heaven for a giftB. keep away flies, mosquitoes and other insectsC. keep away wild animalsD. fall asleep quickly50. Acording to the passage, hammock .A. cannot be rolled upB. are difficult to transportC. are never brought to the plantationsD. can be k

43、ept dry while the ground is wetEWithout proper planning, tourism(旅游业) can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants(居民) of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed(使烦恼) and unhappy. They begin

44、 to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. they forget how much tourism can help. the countrys economy(经济). It is important to think about the people of a destination(目的地) country and beauty that attract(吸引) tourists. Tourism should also advance the well-being (health and happiness) of local

45、 inhabitants.Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Business can also lose m

46、oney. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads, and other support facilities(设施) needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is no

47、t used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers(阴沟) to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.51. Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraph that goes before the passage?


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