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1、1浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)培养方案一、专业名称:表演(人物形象设计 ) 专业代码:130505二、培养目标本专业培养具备德、智、体、美全面发展,适应知识经济和知识创新的需要,掌握现代人物形象设计理论与技术。在宽基础的前提下强化专业特长培养,毕业后能在生活、影视、舞台等领域,美容美发形象设计学校、传媒事业单位、形象设计公司等行业从事人物形象策划和人物形象设计工作的应用型人才。三、培养规格及基本要求知识 、能力、素质协调发展,知识是基础 、是载体,能力是知识的综合体,素质是知识和能力的升华。(一) 知识结构要求:1要求掌握化妆基础理论知识,生活化妆、舞台化妆、影视化妆理论知识


3、力,其中包括创造性思维能力、实践能力、科学研究能力等。5具备艺术思维能力、艺术创造力、艺术应用能力等。(三)素质结构要求:1具有较高的政治思想道德素质和法制意识,强烈的社会责任感和较强的从业素质。2具有一定的文学修养、历史哲学素养,人文关怀精神和当代社会文化意识。3具有和谐的身心素质、较强的艺术审美修养。4具有较强的创新能力、自学能力、计算机应用能力、文献检索能力、表达和社交能力等。小标题采用黑体五号,正文采用宋体五号,行距固定值 18 磅2四、主干学科: 艺术学五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、计算机基础概论、英语、大学生心理健康教育、舞台化妆基础、生活化妆技术、影视化妆

4、技术、发型技术、服装设计、服饰搭配、人物造型设计、形象设计顾问六、特色课程自学课程:艺术哲学及专业相关领域的艺术修养课程研究型课程:人物造型设计、形象设计顾问讨论课:名师作品研讨课、当前热点文化现象研究七、学习年限:3-6 年 最低毕业学分:176 授予学位:艺术学学士课内总学时:2469 独立实践教学:31 周+32 学时八、培养方案的学分分配类 别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例通 识 课 程 41+5 16 62 35.2%学科基础课程 43+5 14 62 35.2%专 业 课 程 22+12 15 49 27.9%第 二 课 堂 3 3 1.7%合 计 128 48 176 100%

5、实践教学 89.51 比 例 72.7% 27.3%比 例 50.9%九、专业特色本专业能够根据 21 世纪的时代特点和当今社会对人物造型设计专业人才的需求,传承我校“求知求实、创新创业”的优良传统和办学特色,培养具有知识、能力、素质协调发展和综合提高,加强基础与增强实践创新能力的现代人物造型设计应用型人才。人物造型设计专业是浙江省最早建立的人物造型设计本科教育。也是中国第一家引进韩国、西班牙先进的教育资源,借鉴国外先进的教学理念和教育经验,在人才培养模式上,敢于创新,以高等教育培养目标结合国家职业技能考核要求,在扎实的专业理论和创新的基础上注重实用技能与实践的能力,对学生进行案例分析、实习教

6、学、创新思维训练,加强动手能力、综合设计能力的培养。十、说明本专业学生通识选修课至少完成 16 学分,其中修读自然科学类或工程技术类课程至少 4 学分,修读经济管理类或综合类课程至少 4 学分,修读计算机信息类课程至少 2 学分。3浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)专业教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注计算机信息类 02524 计算机基础概论 1.0 16 16 1 2 注 126433 名著选读 1.0 16 8 8 1 2 人文艺术类46523 礼仪基础 2.0 32 32 4 2

7、74509 思想道德修养与法律基础 3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510 中国近现代史纲要 2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 马克思主义基本原理概论 3.0 48 42 6 1 3 思想政治类07501 形势与政策 2.0 128 注 203502 体育 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 体育 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 体育 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2

8、 03505 体育 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 大学生心理健康教育 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 体育健康类08501 军事理论 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 注 373507 英语 1 4.0 64 64 1 4 73509 英语 3 4.0 64 64 2 4 注 473014 口语与写作 2.0 32 32 3 2 语言类英语拓展课 2.0 32 32 4 2 必修综合类 04503 职业发展与就业指导 2.0 38 注 502526 Access 应用 2.0 32 32 2 202401 网页设计与制作 2.0 32 20 12 2 202528 图像处理

9、与应用 2.0 32 12 20 2 202418 多媒体技术与应用 2.0 32 16 16 2 2计算机信息类02538 办公软件应用 1 2.0 32 20 12 2 2见前注 1通识教育选修语言类 英语通识选修课 2.0 32 32 46560 人物造型设计专业导论 1.0 16 16 2 4 46505 化妆基础 1 5.0 80 32 48 1 16 47595 专业素描 4.0 64 16 48 1 16 43662 平面构成 3.0 48 16 32 1 16 43661 色彩构成 3.0 48 16 32 1 16 46561 化妆基础 2 5.0 80 32 48 2 16

10、 46626 发型设计基础 1 5.0 80 32 48 2 16 46627 化妆设计效果图 4.0 64 32 32 2 16 46628 化妆设计 5.0 80 40 40 3 16 41026 服装形象搭配 1 4.0 64 16 48 3 16 必修 42612 立体裁剪基础 4.0 64 48 16 4 16 41602 服装史 2.0 32 32 2 4 42536 时装绘画 3.0 48 24 24 3 16 46629 发型设计基础 2 4.0 64 16 48 3 16 41666 20 世纪流行文化 2.0 32 32 3 4 学科基础教育选修 46630 美甲 3.0

11、48 16 32 4 16 4浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)专业教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注46631 人物形象饰品设计 4.0 64 16 48 5 1648628 人像摄影 4.0 64 32 32 6 16学科基础教育选修42653 立体裁剪 4.0 64 48 16 7 1646658 化妆技术(种族、年代) 5.0 80 32 48 3 8 46633 时尚发型设计 1 3.0 48 16 32 4 16 46606 人物造型设计 1(风格) 5.0 80 40 40

12、 5 16 46607 人物造型设计 2(主题) 5.0 80 40 40 6 16 必修 46608 人物造型设计 3(综合) 4.0 64 32 32 7 16 41029 服装形象搭配 2 3.0 48 16 32 4 16 46632 化妆设计与塑造 4.0 64 32 32 4 16 46634 时尚发型设计 2 5.0 80 40 40 5 16 46678 影视化妆 3.0 48 16 32 5 16 46635 形象设计顾问 3.0 48 24 24 6 16 47504 雕塑 4.0 64 32 32 2 16 44572 计算机图形设计 3.0 48 24 24 3 16

13、专业教育选修 46636 创意发型设计 4.0 64 32 32 6 16 1. 考核方式栏“”为集中笔试。2. 备注栏说明注 1:通识教育(计算机信息类)课程实行分级教学,具体安排如下:第一学期 第二学期课程层次 必修 选修一般起点 计算机基础概论(02524) 计算机应用技能(02505)办公软件应用 1(02538)图像处理与应用(02528)网页设计与制作(02401)Access 应用(02526)四选一高起点 计算机基础概论(02524) 办公软件应用(02527)图像处理与应用(02528)网页设计与制作(02401)Access 应用(02526)多媒体技术与应用(02418)

14、四选一优秀生 免修图像处理与应用 02528)网页设计与制作(02401)Access 应用(02526)多媒体技术与应用(02418)四选一新生入校后进行计算机水平测试,学生根据不同分级修读相应的课程,其中优秀生第一学期选修“办公软件高级应用(02407)”课程。注 2:“形势与政策”课每学期 16 学时,每学期考核一次,该课程总成绩为各学年考核平均成绩。注 3:“军事理论”课除 21 学时外还有 15 学时安排在军训期间进行;注 4: 高考英语成绩居我校入学英语成绩排名前 30%的新生,入学后可参加学校统一组织的英语水平测试,笔试及口试均达到优秀的学生,可免修“英语 1”和 “英语 3”。

15、注 5:“职业发展与就业指导” 分散在第 1、4、5(6 )、7 学期,分别为 12、4 、16 和 6 学时。5浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)专业选修课最低修读学分一览表课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读 学分 是否指定教学计划 表内课程选修 备注自然科学类工程技术类 4 否人文艺术类经济管理类综合类 4 否语言类计算机信息类 2 是体育与健康类通识教育思想政治类通识选修课至少完成 16学分,除表内所列课程归属大类学分必须修读完成外,其他 6 学分可在九个大类中任意选择课程修读。学科基础教育 14 是 专业教育 15 是 6浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)专业独立

16、实践教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注02505 计算机应用技能 2.0 32 32 1 2 计算机信息类02527 办公软件应用 2.0 32 20 12 1 2见前注 1体育健康类 03501 军训 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W 综合类 04501 社会实践 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W 46667 爱心教育实践 1 0.5 1W 1W 3 1W 必修人文艺术类 46668 爱心教育实践 2 0.5 1W 1W 5 1W 通识教育选修 计算机信息类 02407 办公软件高级应用 2.0 32 1

17、6 16 1 2 见前注 146681 影视特效 3.0 3W 3W 7 3W 学科基础教育必修 46637 人物造型设计实践 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 46579 毕业实习 2.0 4W 4W 7 4W 专业教育 必修 46638 毕业设计(论文) 10.0 16W 16W 8 16W 浙江理工大学 2014 级表演(人物形象设计)专业独立实践教学选修课最低修读学分一览表课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读 学分 是否指定教学计划表内 课程选修 备注通识教育 学科基础教育 专业教育 其他要求:1. “第二课堂教育 ”共 3 学分,学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发

18、表学术论文或文学作品、设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验、社会调查、社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分。具体可参见学生手册中浙江理工大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法文件。2. 体质健康测试:学生每学年测试一次(五年制学生只参加前四年测试),具体测试时间、内容、测试方式,成绩评定等可参见学生手册中浙江理工大学关于落实 实施办法文件。7Zhejiang Sci-Tech University2014 Program Outline of Performing Art(Personal Image Design) Name of Major: Performing A

19、rt(Personal Image Design) Code for Major:130505 ObjectivesThis program is to promote students all-round development in morality, intelligence and physical health. To adapt to the knowledge-based economy and knowledge innovation, students are required to master modern theories and techniques of perso

20、nal image design and strengthen their specialty. The graduates are supposed to be practical talents engaged in personal image planning and design in daily life, movie and television, stage and other fields, and work in schools of hairdressing and image design, media institutions and image design com

21、panies. Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities Knowledge, ability and quality should be developed coordinately, with knowledge as the foundation and carrier, ability as the combination of knowledge, quality as the sublimation of knowledge and ability. Students are required to:A. Knowledge Req

22、uirements1. Master the basic theoretical knowledge and techniques of makeup in daily life, stage, movie and television.2. Master the basic theories of hairstyle, knowledge and methods of braid and updo, cutting and blow-drying, coloring and perming, as well as fashion hairstyle design and combing.3.

23、 Master fashion design, fashion color, dress aesthetics, garment draping, fashion accessories making and matching skills.4. Master the scientific theoretical knowledge of personal image design.5. Master the knowledge and methods of image design consultation and personal image design.6. Master at lea

24、st one foreign language, and instrumental knowledge of literature search, computer application and writing.B. Ability Requirements1. cquire the ability of personal image design and implementation in daily life, movie, television and stage, etc.2. Acquire strong ability of entire personal image desig

25、n and implementation, including color analysis and use, and dress matching, etc.3. Have the compacities of self-study, computer use, literature search, expression and social skills, etc.4. Have artistic and creative thinking, practical ability and scientific research ability, etc.C. Quality Requirem

26、ents1. Have high morality and strong sense of law, social and professional responsibility.2. Know some literature, history and philosophy, and have humanistic concern and modern social and cultural awareness.3. Be healthy in body and mind and have high artistic and aesthetic taste. Main DisciplinesA

27、rt Core Courses Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Introduction to Computer Basics, College English (For Art Majors), Students Mental Health Education, Basic Theater Make-up, Life Makeup Techniques, Film and Television Makeup Tech

28、niques, Hairstyle Technology, Fashion Design, Accessory Matching, Image Sculpt Design, Image Design Consultation8 Special CoursesSelf-study Courses: Philosophy of Art, and other courses about artResearch-based Courses: Image Sculpt Design, Image Design ConsultationSeminar: Masterpieces Seminar, Stud

29、y of Current Hot Cultural Phenomenon Length of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of ArtsMinimum Credits Required for Graduation: 176In-Class Hours: 2469Separate Practice Teaching: 31 weeks + 32 periods Proportion of Course CreditsCourse Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits To

30、tal credits PercentageGeneral Studies 41+5 16 62 35.2%Basic Discipline-related Courses 43+5 14 62 35.2%Major-related Courses 22+12 15 49 27.9%Extracurricular Activities 3 3 1.7%Total Credits 128 48 176 100%Practice Teaching 89.51Percentage 72.7% 27.3%Percentage 50.9% Characteristics of the MajorWith

31、 the social demand for personal image designers in the 21st century, this program, in adherence to the excellent tradition and characteristics of the university, that is, “Pursuing knowledge, being realistic, and innovative”, aims to cultivate practical talents specialized in modern image design wit

32、h all-round development of knowledge, ability and quality, and a balance in both theoretical foundation and practical innovation. The program offers the first professional undergraduate education in Zhejiang province, and is the first one to borrow the advanced teaching ideas and education resources

33、 of Korea and Spain to China. As far as the training mode is concerned, it encourages innovation and combines higher education with national professional skill evaluation, so that practical skills are highlighted apart from the theoretical study and creativity training. The students are encouraged t

34、o participate in case studies, social practice, innovative thinking training, and their practical ability in integrated design are greatly enhanced. NotesStudents concerned should obtain at least 16 credits of General Optional courses, of which 4 should be Sciences or Engineering, 4 should be Econom

35、ics and Management or Comprehensive Courses, and 2 should be Computer Sciences.92014 Teaching Schedule for Performing Art (Personal Image Design) Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityCourse Classification C/OCourse CategoryCourse Code Course Title CreditsTotal HoursLecture HoursPractice Hours TermsWeekly Hou

36、rs Evaluation Mode NoteComputer Sciences 02524Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 2 N126433Introduction to Classical Literary Works1.0 16 8 8 1 2 Humanities and Arts46523 Basics of Etiquette 2.0 32 32 4 2 74509Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510Th

37、e Outline of Modern Chinese History2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 13.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 23.0 48 32 16

38、 4 3 74516Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism3.0 48 42 6 1 3 Ideology and Politics07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N203502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Education 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32

39、 4 28 4 2 04507 Students Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 Physical and Healthy08501 Military Theory 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 N373507 College English 1 4.0 64 64 1 4 73509 College English 3 4.0 64 64 2 4 N473014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 LanguagesCollege English for Advanced Learners

40、 2.0 32 32 4 2 CComprehensive 04503Career Development and Employment Guidance2.0 38 N502526 Applications of Access 2.0 32 32 2 2General EducationO Computer Sciences02401 Webpage Designing and Making 2.0 32 20 12 2 2Check N1 for detail102014 Teaching Schedule for Performing Art(Personal Image Design)

41、 Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityCourse Classification C/OCourse CategoryCourse Code Course Title CreditsTotal HoursLecture HoursPractice Hours TermsWeekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note02528 Manipulation and Applications 2.0 32 12 20 2 202418Multimedia Technology and Applications2.0 32 16 16 2 2Computer Sc

42、iences02538 Office Software1 2.0 32 20 12 2 2Check N1 for detailGeneral Education OLanguages Optional Course of General English 2.0 32 32 46560 Introduction of Image Sculpt Design 1.0 16 16 2 4 46505 Foundation of Makeup 5.0 80 32 48 1 16 47595 Professional Sketch 4.0 64 16 48 1 16 43662 Two-Dimensi

43、onal Composition 3.0 48 16 32 1 16 43661 Color Constitution 3.0 48 16 32 1 16 46561 Foundation of Makeup 5.0 80 32 48 2 16 46626 Foundation of Hairstyle Design 5.0 80 32 48 2 16 46627 Drawing of Makeup Design 4.0 64 32 32 2 16 46628 Makeup Design 5.0 80 40 40 3 16 41026 Image-matching of Fashion 4.0

44、 64 16 48 3 16 C 42612 Draping for Dress 4.0 64 48 16 4 16 41602 History of Fashion 2.0 32 32 2 4 42536 Fashion Sketch 3.0 48 24 24 3 16 46629 Foundation of Hairstyle Design 4.0 64 16 48 3 16 41666 Fashion Culture of the 20th Century 2.0 32 32 3 4 46630 Nail Art 3.0 48 16 32 4 16 46631 Accessory Des

45、ign for Figure 4.0 64 16 48 5 16 48628 Portrait Photography 4.0 64 32 32 6 16 Basic Discipline-related CoursesO 42653 Draping for Dress 4.0 64 48 16 7 16 46658 Make-up Skills (Race, Generation) 5.0 80 32 48 3 8 46633 Fashion Hairstyle Design 3.0 48 16 32 4 16 46606 Image Sculpt Design 1 (Style) 5.0

46、80 40 40 5 16 46607 Image Sculpt Design 2 (Theme) 5.0 80 40 40 6 16 C 46608 Image Sculpt Design 3(Integrative) 4.0 64 32 32 7 16 41029 Image-matching of Fashion 3.0 48 16 32 4 16 46632 Makeup Design and Shaping 4.0 64 32 32 4 16 Major-related CoursesO 46634 Fashion Hairstyle Design 5.0 80 40 40 5 16


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