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1、1九年级英语 Unit10 Youre supposed to shake hands.知识点【短语归纳】1. be supposed to do 被期望做,应该2. shake hands 握手3. for the first time 第一次4. table manners 餐桌礼仪5. drop by 偶然拜访,顺便拜访6. after all 毕竟,终究7. be on time 准时8. (in) the wrong way 以错误的方式9. be relaxed about 对比较随意10. a bit 一点【重点句子】1. He should have told me about

2、 it. 他本应该把这件事告诉我。2. Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. 我所在的地方,对时间是相当宽松的。3. We often just drop by our friends homes. 我们时常去朋友家拜访。4. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can.我们经常走遍市中心,看尽可能多的朋友。5. We usually make plans to see friends. 通常我们都是做好去看朋友的计划

3、。6. Were the land of watches, after all. 毕竟,我们是表之乡。7. Its even better than I thought it would be. 事情比我想象的要好得多。8. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他们花尽心血让我感觉不到拘束。9. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to.尽管我经常出一些错,但它不像过去那样打扰我。10. I thought that wa

4、s pretty strange at first, but now Im used to it.开始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是现在我已经习惯了。11. I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things, and dont find them so strange any more. 不得不承认,我发现记住一切东西是很困难的,但我渐渐习惯了,并且发现他们也不再那么奇怪了。【单元知识点】1. be supposed to do 应该(注意它的翻译,另外

5、 supposed 后面用的是不定式 to do)We are supposed to stop smoking. 我们应该停止吸烟。2. shake hands 握手3. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. 你本应该问清楚怎么样穿才得体。上句中的“should have asked”是“ 情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做(这点要清楚)2She should have gone to Beijing. 她本应该去了北京。 (没有去)4. be relaxed about sth. 对某事随意、不严格

6、They are relaxed about the time. 他们对时间很随意。5. pretty adv. 相当,很 She is pretty friendly. 她相当友好。adj. 美丽的 She is a pretty girl.她是一个美丽的女孩。6. plan to do. 打算做某事(常见用法)She has planed to go to Beijing.7. drop by 访问,看望,拜访,串门We just dropped by our friends homes.我们刚刚去朋友家串门。8. on time 按时(in time 的意思是及时,这两个短语经常出现在辨

7、析题中)9. after all 毕竟 终究(五星级重点词汇,记住它的意思)You see I was right after all.你看,毕竟还是我对了。10. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事(重要内容,注意后面用的是不定式 to do)Lily invited me to have dinner.莉莉请我吃晚饭。11. without 没有(这个词经常考,题目会单纯考它的意思,所以大家应该记住它的意思)12. around the world = all over the world 全世界13. pick up 捡起 挑选(捡起的意思考的较多)He pick

8、ed up his hat. 他捡起他的帽子。14. start doing = start to do 开始做某事(start 的用法属于常考内容,记住它的这两个用法)He started reading= He started to read. 他开始读。15. point at 指向16. stick v. 剌 截 n. 棒,棍17. go out of ones way to do 特意,专门做某事He went out of his way to make me happy. 他特意使我高兴。18. make mistakes 犯错误(复数) make a mistake 犯错误(一

9、个)19. be different from 与不同Chinese food is different from theirs. 中国菜与他们的不同。20. get/be used to sth. 习惯于(这些用法大家务必记住,虽然这些用法很多,而且比较容易搞混淆,但是它们确实经常考,大家可以结合例子记忆)get/be used to doing 习惯于 be used to do 被用于做be used for doing 被用于做 used to do 过去常常做(就我的经验,第三个用法和第五个用法考的比较多)I wash clothes everyday. But Im used to

10、 it. 我每天都洗衣服,但我习惯了I am used to washing clothes. 我习惯于洗衣服了。The knives are used to cut things. 小刀被用来切东西。The knives are used for cutting things. 小刀被用来切东西。She used to watch TV after school. 她过去放学后常常看电视。21. I find it difficult to remember everything. 我发现要记住每一样事是困难的。3find/think + it +形容词 to do sth.I think

11、it hard to study English.22. cut up 切开 切碎Lets cut up the watermelon. 让我们切开这个西瓜吧。23. make a toast 敬酒24. crowd v.挤满 其形容词和过去式及过去分词都是:crowded(crowded 考的相对多些)25. set n. 一套 v. 设置26. cant stop doing 忍不住做某I cant stop laughing. 我忍不住笑27. make faces 做鬼脸28. face to face 面对面29. learnby oneself 自学(重要用法)I learn En

12、glish by my self. 我自学英语。九年级上英语单元检测题Unit 10(全卷满分 150 分,时间 120 分钟)A 卷(100 分)听力测试(30 分) 略。基础知识运用(70 分)I.单项选择(20 分,每小题一分)( ) 1. Our school is very _ to the shop.A. close B. closing C. closed D. to close( ) 2. The baby ran _his mother when he saw her.A. to B. into C. off D. off to( ) 3. We had invented m

13、any new things _ last year.A. at the time of B. by the time ofC. in time of D. last time4( ) 4. I _ meet my old classmate in the street the day before yesterday.A. had B. happened to C. used to D. could( ) 5. We finally decided to set off_at 6:00.A. Beijing B. with Beijing C. to Beijing D. for Beiji

14、ng( ) 6. My parents _ for 16 years.A. married B. got married C. have been married D. have married( ) 7. Every audience _ by the _ film.A. was moving; moved B. moved; movingC. was moved; moving D. moving; moved( ) 8. A plane cant _ on because of the heavy rain yesterday.A. land B. drop C. fall D. sto

15、p( ) 9. By the time of last term, we _ all the lessons.A. finished B. have finished C. finish D. will finish( ) 10. The man has to_a girl who he doesnt love.A. married B. married to C. married with D. was married( ) 11. Go straight and you can find a post office _ I will wait for you there.A. at the

16、 end B. in the end C. by the end D. at the end of( ) 12. The weather in Chengdu is colder than _ in Chongqing.A. it B. the one C. one D. that( ) 13. The heavy box is _, so I cant open the door.A. on the way B. by the way C. in the way D. at the way5( ) 14. These boxes can be used _ seats if we have

17、no enough seats for the party.A. for B. to C. as D. in( ) 15. The Caiyuanba Bridge _ since last year.A. was built B. has been built C. is being built D. has built( ) 16. He has _ cold for a couple of days.A. caught B. had C. got D. been( ) 17. It took them half an hour to go_ the crowd.A. through B.

18、 across C. cross D. out( ) 18. The film _ when I _ to the cinema.A. began; got B. had begun; had gotC. began; had got D. had begun; got( ) 19. Tom likes wearing T-shirt which is _ cotton.A. made of B. made in C. made into D. made from( ) 20. Its not good for us to _ at night.A, stay out B. stand up

19、C. stay up D. get up.交际应用(10 分)A.补全对话,选择方框中的句子完成对话。 (15 分)A: What do you do in the evening, Bill?B: _1_A: Which programs do you like best on TV?B: News and sports. How about you, Claire?6A: Unfortunately I dont have TV sets,_2_I also read newspapers.B: Do you read everything in the newspaper?A: No.

20、I hate the advertisements in it.B:_3_A: There are also too many advertisements on the radios.B:_4_You neednt read the advertisements in the newspaper, but you cant avoid them with TV and the radio.A:_5_B: You are right.A. I have to listen to the radio to know what is happening in the world.B. So do

21、I.C. Either you turn them off or you have to put up with them.D. It is the same with TV.E. I read newspapers and watch TV every evening.B.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The person who _ the campus is a great_. (invent)2. I dont like eating _ (west) food.3. She was so _ (exhaust) that she cant sing or dance.4. My be

22、st friend got _ (marry) last week.5. The tragedy has a bad _. (end).完型填空。 (10 分)Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the _1_ important. Not 7_2_ people understand this but it is quite true. The human body can go _3_ food for a long time, but two_4_ three days without water usually make peopl

23、e _5_.Many people do not understand how _6_ water the human body needs and many people do not drink enough, especially in hot weather. Most people drink when they are _7_. They often need more water especially when they _8_ exercises.A mans body is 65 to 70 percent water. If we do not have _9_ water

24、, we feel _10_ and may become ill. Do you know what the best drink is?( ) 1. A. more B. much C. least D. most( ) 2. A. many B. few C. lot of D. much( ) 3. A, with B. on C. without D. by( ) 4. A. and B. or C. but D. of( ) 5. A. dead B. to die C. dying D. died( ) 6. A. many B. little C. much D. can( )

25、 7. A. thirsty B. tired C. hungry D. cold( ) 8. A. make B. take C. have D. go( ) 9. A. come B. a little C. all D. enough( ) 10. A. fine B. tired C. happy D. well.阅读理解(30 分)AFrom a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains or seas below. _1_. 8Peopleand man-made satellites have been sent out int

26、o space to look at the earth carefully and peep!, have learnt more about the earth in the last few years.The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it._2_._3_. It nearly covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place and at that place th

27、e sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place,there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!In most part of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants, Some live near the top of the s

28、ea. Others live deep down. _4_._5_. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men godown into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in deep sea for fourteen days.将下列句子还原到文章中.A. The sea is very big.B. The sea can be very cold. ,C. There are also a lot of smal

29、l living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them.D. But it can be very terrible when there is.a strong wind.E. If we go into space, we see more and more of the earth.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._9BHundreds of. years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modem machines. There was

30、 no modem machine, either. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and affects our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious

31、 kind of pollution. It affects all living things in the world.Many countries are making new laws to fight against pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away: they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air.We need to do many other things, We can put waste things in the dustbi

32、n and not throw them on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.( ) 1. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder because_.A. there was air pollution.B. Our rivers and lakes were dirty.C. there were no

33、 modem machine.D. there were modem machine.( ) 2. Which kind of pollution can make us become angry more easily?A. Air pollution. B. Water pollution.C. Noise pollution. D. We dont know.( ) 3. _ affects our drinking water.10A. Having no modem machines B. Air pollutionC. The death of lots of fishes D.

34、Water pollution( ) 4. New laws are made to_A. kill fish B. control pollutionC. deal with noise pollution D. reduce modem machines( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is not TRUE?A. Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.B. We must protect our environment.C. We should encourage people

35、to buy themselves cars.D. We cant throw waste things about.CThis story came to me from a friend in America. A little girl was traveling with her family on one of those long sleeper trains. When night came she was put in the upper bed and told that God would look after her. As everyone began to sleep

36、, the little girl got a bit frightened, and called out,“Mummy, are you there?“Yes, dear, “answered Mother. A little later she called, “Dad, are you there?“ “Yes, dear, “came the fathers voice.This was done several times. Until at last another passenger got unhappy and said, “We are all here! Your father, your mother, your brother and sisters. NOW GO TO SLEEP!“It was quiet for several minutes, and then the child was heard to whisper, “Mother was God?“


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