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1、1硕士学位论文(20 届)法治视角下行业协会的解析姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 学 理 论 ( 全 日 制 法 学 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 法 学 理 论指 导 教 师论文提交日期2法治视角下行业协会的解析(硕士论文摘要)行业协会是指一些为达到共同目标而自愿组织起来的同行企业、与之相关行业之企业或从事同类行业或相关行业的自然人的社团法人组织。随着改革的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,我国行业协会在经济发展中的地位与作用也越来越重要,同时培育和发展与现实社会相适应的行业协会也越来越迫切。改革开放以来,我国行业协会培育、发展工作虽取得了较大的成绩,但处于社会转型时期的行业协会发展现况却不容

2、乐观。在如今建设法治社会的背景之下,行业协会从其成立到运行,许多环节都涉及了相关的法律领域,然而法学对这一问题的研究无论从深度上还是从广度上来看,都远远不能满足行业协会发展的现实需求。本文是从法治视角审视行业协会的现实地位,解析行业协会的本质属性,以法治思想为指导构建行业协会新体系,并综合运用理论分析和比较的方法分五个章节进行论述:第一章是行业协会的解析。本章主要通过几个反映行业协会“错位” 、 “缺位” 、 “越位”的典型案例折射出乱象背后的问题症结,即概念界定混乱、本质属性模糊和法律规范空白。第二章是行业协会的历史考量。本章分别对国内外行业协会的历史发展进行考究,以美国、日本为例介绍了国外


4、指导思想;其次在借鉴市场经济3发达国家发展行业协会经验的同时,结合我国基本国情构建新型管理制度和运作模式;最后回归行业协会的本质属性,完善我国行业协会的法律规制,在制定统一的行业协会法的同时,继续制定和完善行业协会的地方性法规和自治规范。关键词 行业协会 法治 本质属性 构建 1Analysis of Trade Association from the perspective of Rule of Law( Abstract of Master Thesis )Trade associations refer to the legal body of mass organizations w

5、hich are organized willingly by a number of corporations or natural persons engaging in the same or resembled trade or occupations sharing the common goals. With the deepening of reforms and the establishment of socialist market economic system, Chinese trade associations play an increasingly import

6、ant role in the economic development, meanwhile it is increasingly urgent to foster and develop the trade associations to adapt to the reality. Since the implement of reform and opening up, Chinese trade associations have made a remarkable progress, but in period of social transition , the perspecti

7、ve of the development of trade associations are not optimistic. In the background of the building of the society governed by rule of law, ranging from the setting up to running the trade associations, many links are involved in the relevant legal areas, however jurisprudential studies no matter the

8、depth or the width, are far from enough to meet the demands of the development of trade associations in the reality. This article is to examine the status of trade associations from the perspective of law; analyze the essential attributes of trade associations; build the new system guided by the jur

9、idical principle, This article is divided into five parts through integrated analysis and theoretical comparison. The first chapter analyzed the trade associations. This chapter reflects cruxes through studying typical cases which deployed so called “incorrect“, “Absent,“ “Offside,“ that is, the con

10、fusion of defining the concept; the ambiguity of essential attributes and the blank of law.2The second chapter is to exam the history of trade associations. This chapter studied the history of the development of the trade associations on the domestic and international level, take examples of the dev

11、elopment in the United States and Japan respectively in order to introduce the two development models of the foreign trade association. This part compared guilds, chambers of commerce, industry associations which appeared in the history of development of trade associations in China in time sequence.

12、Chapter three disclosed the essential attributes of a trade association. This chapter used the materialist dialectics to analyze the trade associations; grasp the fundamental attributes of existence and development of things; clear the direction of development of trade associations. This part illust

13、rated the essential attributes of trade associations from three aspects: the market role, the legal status and the social function.Chapter four demonstrated the status quo of trade associations in China. The use of ought to be theory to solve the in being problem, it requires us to focus back to the

14、 real world, so this chapter described and classified the basic composition, operation and management of the trade association. Finally, chapter five summed up three questions through analyzing the status quo. Chapter five represented the ideal model of building trade associations in China. Firstly,

15、 this chapter demonstrated fundamental principles and guiding ideology which are the separation of government and trade association;the government guidance; social collaboration; fostering and developing the trade associations. Secondly, learning from the successful experience of developed countries

16、 in developing the trade associations, and combined with fundamental realities of the country; this chapter tried to establish the new managing system and operating model. Finally, returned to the nature of trade associations, this chapter suggested to improve the legislations concerning the trade a

17、ssociations in China, when formulating the unified “Association Law“, continue to develop and improve local regulations and self-3regulate system.Key Words trade associations; rule of law; essential attribute; construction1目 录导 言 .1第一章 行业协会的乱象解析 .3第一节 行业协会的现实乱象 .3一、乱象之一错位 .3二、乱象之二缺位 .4三、乱象之三越位 .5第二节

18、 乱象折射的问题症结 .6一、概念界定混乱 .6二、本质属性模糊 .7三、法律规范空白 .7第二章 行业协会的历史考量 .9第一节 国外行业协会的历史发展 .9一、水平结合型的发展以美国为例 .9二、伞状倒装型的发展以日本为例 .11第二节 我国行业协会的类型发展 .12一、行会 .12二、商会 .14三、同业公会 .15第三章 行业协会的本质属性 .18第一节 行业协会的市场角色 .18一、 “市场失灵”下的自律和防御 .18二、 “政府失灵”下的替代和制约 .19第二节 行业协会的法律地位 .20一、法律地位的独立性 .20二、法律权利定位 .21三、法律义务定位 .222第三节 行业协会

19、的社会功能 .23一、经济层面的自律功能 .23二、社会层面的整合功能 .24三、政治层面的制权功能 .25第四章 我国行业协会的现实状况 .26第一节 我国行业协会的基本构成 .26一、发展类型 .26二、发展模式 .27第二节 我国行业协会的现实地位 .28一、经济体制改革初始阶段 .28二、经济体制改革深化阶段 .30第三节 我国行业协会的运行管理 .32一、组织机构 .32二、运行机制 .33第四节 我国行业协会的现存问题 .35一、法律规范不健全 .35二、主体定位不明确 .36三、运行发展不规范 .36第五章 我国行业协会的理想构建 .37第一节 我国行业协会的构建原则 .37一、政会分开,还原行业协会本质属性 .37二、政府引导、社会协同,培育和发展行业协会 .38第二节 行业协会的管理制度构建 .39一、国外行业协会管理制度的特点 .39二、改革双重管理体制 .40三、加强外部监督制度 .40第三节 行业协会的运作模式构建 .41一、发达国家行业协会运作模式 .41二、我国行业协会运作模式理想构建 .42


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