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1、大学英语 3 口语考试题目及答案Unit 1 Personality1. Discuss the personality traits that you think would make an ideal person for these jobs: salesperson, teacher, doctor, secretary. Give your reasons.Salesperson: be patient to their customers, enthusiastic and full of energy. They should have good communication sk

2、ill and very sociable and talkative. They should have some experience to help them master this field.Teacher: They are able to attend to the students needs and assist each person in the way that he or she learns best. They need to be constantly open to new ideas, be flexible. The qualities a good te

3、acher should possess include passionate about teaching, inspiring, interest in the subject he or she is teaching, patience and tolerance, compassion, understanding and respectableDoctor: they should be diligent to practice clinic skills, such as inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and so

4、 on. Second, they should treat the patients as your family members, be very kind to them. Third, they must be very careful and cautious. You cant make any mistake because life is extremely precious. Last but not least, they should be enterprising, continue learning the advanced technology and knowle

5、dge, because methods of treatment have developed quickly nowadays.Secretary: be good at watching at what boss is doing and saying carefully should good at please all sides of colleagues and make them happy working with you.Be capable of handling disputes. Or cooperate with the boss in dealing diffic

6、ult matterIn a word, if you want to be a prominent doctor, you have to make great efforts to improve yourself.售货员:耐心向他们的客户,热情,充满活力。他们应该有良好的沟通技巧和非常善于交际,健谈。他们应该帮助他们掌握这个领域的一些经验。老师:他们能够参加的学生的需求,帮助每个人在他或她最好的学习方式。他们需要不断接受新的观念,灵活。一个好的教师应具备的素质,包括对教学充满热情,激发兴趣,他或她是教学,耐心和宽容,同情,理解和尊重医生:他们应该努力实践的临床技能,如检查,触诊,叩诊,听

7、诊等。第二,他们应把病人作为你的家庭成员,是他们非常好。第三,他们必须非常小心和谨慎。你不能犯任何错误,因为生命是非常宝贵的。最后但并非最不重要的,他们应该有进取心,学习先进技术和知识的继续,因为治疗方法发展迅速,目前。秘书:善于看在什么样的老板做的和说仔细应该善于请同事各方并使他们快乐的工作与你。能够处理纠纷。或配合处理困难的老板总之,如果你想成为一名著名的医生,你必须努力提高自己。2. Describe the personality of a person you know well, like your parents, a teacher, a classmate, a friend

8、, a singer, an athlete, a movie star, etc. mom3.What do you think causes shyness? What are the ways to overcome shyness?Some shyness results simply from poor self-esteem. People who have a poor self-image may not feel confident enough or worthy enough to address other people.Some shyness results fro

9、m other conditions or factors in a persons life. Such as parents or one of the parents is plagued by Shyness. A parents own self-depreciation leads to depreciating or not trusting her child. Silent or public humiliating experiences - This corrodes or distorts the self that is being developed. Shynes

10、s may result from a traumatic incident. Shaming family problems - It is common for children and teenagers to feel ashamed, for instance, while their parents are separating. This can be overcome in a short time or may linger as a form of self-depreciation. Family problems of other natures can also ca

11、use this damage.Wayfirst determine why you are shy. There are always underlying reasons for the way a person reacts in certain situations.Next, try behaving in a confident manner in private and practice until you begin to see results in public. Walk confidently and speak firmly and soon youll find y

12、ourself behaving the same confident way in social settings.3. One way to boost your self-confidence is to always look your best. Looking great makes you feel great and does wonders for your self-esteem.4. If you are having difficulty overcoming shyness, join clubs or go to events that interest you.

13、Its a lot more comfortable to engage in conversations with those who have common interests.5. If you do not have the confidence to approach someone new, then smile and try to be approachable. Most people are receptive to a smile and a friendly face.只是可怜的自尊有些害羞的结果。谁有一个自我形象不佳的人可能不会有足够的信心或足以解决其他人。从一个人的


15、的让你感觉很棒,会对你的自尊心。4。如果你有困难克服害羞,加入俱乐部或去那些你感兴趣的事件。与那些有共同利益的对话很舒服多了。5。如果你没有自信的人的新方法,然后微笑着尽量接近。大多数人都接受一个微笑和友善的脸。4. Influence of personality traits on lifeGood personality can benefit you a lot while bad personality goes against. Some good personalities have a profound effect to success. Intelligence, seri

16、ousness, diligence, creativity are all possible for people to make their own way. Whats more, successful and colorful life always needs people to be persistent and grateful. On the other hands, if people are lazy, timid, self-important or self-pity, he/she will definitely live in a dull and void lif

17、e.4。人格特质对寿命的影响好的性格能使你受益很多,而不良人格违。一些好的人士的成功产生深远的影响。智能,认真,勤奋,创新都是人们可以使自己的路。更重要的是,成功的和丰富多彩的生活总是需要人们保持感激。另一方面,如果人是懒惰的,胆怯的,自命不凡或自怜,他/她会生活在一个沉闷的和无效的生活。Unit 3 Social Problems1.What social problems are there around you? 1.Hard to be employed (就业难)causes: labors abundant ; lack of enough jobs.effects: compet

18、ition in talent market is very ferocious; brain drain2,Business fraud(商业欺诈)causes: businessman try every mean to seek profit; law enforcement systems need to be strengthenedeffect: vicious competition in commercial circles; consumers rights are harmed3,Environment pollution (环境污染)causes :wrong devel

19、oping strategy; l argue numbers of high energy-consumption industrieseffect: degradation in humans living condition; harmed some endangered animals4 Poverty Drug Abuse Crime 1。不使用(就业难)原因:劳动力丰富的工作缺乏足够。效果:在人才市场竞争非常激烈;人才流失2,商业欺诈(商业欺诈)原因:商人想方设法寻求利润;执法系统需要加强效果:在商业界的恶性竞争;消费者权益受到损害3,环境污染(环境污染)原因:错误的发展战略;我认

20、为,高耗能产业的号码效果:在人类的生活条件恶化;伤害一些濒临灭绝的动物4 贫穷滥用毒品犯罪2. Problems caused by the increase in the number of car For one thing, over many privates cars would result in traffic jams which bring much bother to office workers on the way to the office. And at the same time the number of car accident would increase,

21、 too. In addition, the used steam or gas which is discharged from the large number of cars has polluted environment badly, and endangered the health of the residents. Finally, the great demand for gas from a mass of cars which are waiting outside gas stations has resulted in soaring on the price of

22、the gas. Consequently, a series of related problems would emerge.一方面,过多的私家车会导致交通拥堵带来了很多麻烦来办公室的路上的办公室工作人员。在汽车事故的数量将增加的同时,也。此外,所用的蒸汽或气体,从汽车的大量排放污染环境严重,危及居民健康。最后,从大量的汽车加油站外等待气的巨大需求导致的天然气价格飙升。因此,相关的一系列问题就会出现。3. Problems caused by the increase in the number of computerpeople spend more time on their comp

23、uter, so they have less time get together, talk or do some excises. In this way, people will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind. Besides, sitting in front of computer too long will damage peoples vision and heath. It is sometimes difficult to know whether the information is correct or

24、not. Surfing the internet can be quite addicting, it may waste much time of people. People chat with each other indirectly, it may lead people be more unreal.人们在计算机上花费更多的时间,所以他们有更少的时间在一起,说或做一些消费税。在这种方式中,人们会变得非常懒惰并且不愿动脑。此外,坐在电脑前太久会损害人的视力和健康。有时很难知道该信息是否正确。上网可以很容易上瘾,这会浪费很多的时间的人。人们互相聊天,间接地,它可能会导致人们更加虚幻。

25、4. Stresses in life and ways to reduceAt first, some reasonable stress is necessary and helpful. It can change into the motivation when we do something.Stress is a response to challenges in life, and a life without challenge is too boring to contemplate. However, most of the stress in our lives is u

26、nnecessary, and it can be eliminated by taking some simpleThis is the most important step of all, as identifying the things that stress you out in your lifeThen Eliminate unnecessary commitmentsBe on time. Being late always stresses us outSimplify life. Simplify your routines, your commitments. Lear

27、ning to let go of our need to control others and the situations around us is a major step towards eliminating stress.Slow down. Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things slow.Do some exercise, eat healthy and always be grateful.首先,一些合理的应力是必要的和有益的。它可以改变的动机时,我们做的东西。压力是生活中的挑战的回应,和生活中没有挑战是考虑

28、太无聊了。然而,生活中的压力是不必要的,它可以通过采取一些简单的消除这是最重要的一步,为确定的东西,你在生活中的压力然后,消除不必要的承诺准时。迟到总会让我们感到压力简化生活。简化你的程序,你的承诺。学会放弃我们需要控制他人及周遭是消除压力的一个重要步骤。车辆慢行。而匆忙的生活,学会从容。做一些运动,吃健康,永远感激。Unit 4 Career Planning1.your childhood dream and present dream about your career.2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of students tak

29、ing a part-time job?Generally speaking, college students can benefit a lot from part-time jobs. First, with the development of society and economy, students are getting higher education, as a result of which, the family are under the economic pressure. Taking a part-time job, in this point, students

30、 can pay a part of their living cost, and at the same time relieve their parents burden. Second, it also needs communication skills when you are taking an interview to get the job, as there are many other competitors. If you fail to take the first job, you will take efforts improving yourself to win

31、 the next. Third, doing part-time jobs is not only a process of self-development, but also a process of experiencing social life, which will contribute to their job-searching in the future. And at last, they are making their college life colorful by having various part-time jobs and meeting people f

32、rom different industries.However, there are also disadvantages. Students doing part-time jobs are busy running between the working place and their school. As a result, they get tired, and even skip classes to have a sleep after hard working. It must influence their study to some extent. Moreover, th

33、eir health will get worse in the long run. Take a friend of mine for example:she once skipped three classes to meet her boss, spending nearly four hours on the way. When she came back, she was worn out with insignificant information taken from her boss. Its totally a waste of time and energe.一般来说,学生


35、在一定程度上影响他们的学习。此外,他们的健康在长期会变得更糟。举个例子,我的一个朋友:她曾经跳过三类来满足她的老板,花了将近四个小时在路上。当她回来的时候,她累坏了微不足道的信息来自于她的老板。这完全是浪费时间和精力。3.How to prepare for future career?Study yourself, Try to find out what you really want to do in the future;Write your career goals downReview your plans and progress periodically with anothe

36、r person.Start over if the career does not fit youGain some important work experience, try to gain the experience and lessons of life as much as possibleStrengthen your general knowledge of economics, history, the law, international politicsImprove your public speaking skillsBecome computer savvy.Be

37、 prepared for lifelong learning.Learn to know how to get along with and how to cooperate your freinds;Join the student union to make friends as much as possible.研究自己,找出你真正想做的事情在未来;写下你的职业目标回顾你的计划和进展,定期与他人。从头开始,如果工作不适合你获得一些重要的工作经验,尽可能获得生活的经验和教训加强你在经济常识,历史,法律,国际政治提高你的演讲技巧成为电脑高手。做好终身学习的准备。学会如何相处,如何配合你的朋

38、友;加入学生会使尽可能多的朋友。5.your ideal careerUnit 5 Language1.The importance of languageLanguage is one of the most important areas of human development.Language is important because it is connected with so many different aspects of peoples life. When people get a little older, they will begin using language

39、to express emotions. Then they learn about communication and social skills. Language also connects with moral development. Language is the basic condition for people to communication. The language of one country is different from the other country and it tells the features of the country which disti

40、nguish it from one company to another. The language also contains the culture of an nation.语言是人类最重要的发展领域。语言是重要的因为它是与人们生活的很多不同的方面。当人们长大,他们将开始使用语言来表达情感。然后他们学习的沟通和社交能力。语言也与道德发展的连接。语言是人们沟通的基本条件。一个国家的语言是不同于其他国家,它告诉国家区别于公司的另一个特点。语言也包含了一个民族的文化。. 2.Tips for foreign language learning. Your problems in Englis

41、h learning. Set realistic expectationsBreak study time into smaller chunks(Research shows that language students learn more effectively and retain more when they study frequently and for shorter periods of time)Learn vocabulary effectively(The absolute best way to learn vocabulary is through the use

42、 of flash cards that you make yourself)Make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learningStudy day-by-day(You learn new skills on the basis of old ones)Occasionally go back and review old topics and vocabulary.Dont be afraid to make mistakes.3. your opinion about some policies on English language

43、 in china.It is good for china to encourage people to learn English.And Chinese government took the measure to add the English course into childrens elementary education. But, on the other hand, I do not agree China should establish English as an official language. After all, Chinese is our national

44、 language. It is concerning the history and culture of china鼓励人们学习英语很好的中国。中国政府采取措施增加对儿童的基础教育英语课程。但是,另一方面,我不同意中国应该建立英语作为官方语言。毕竟,中国是我们民族的语言。这是关于中国的历史和文化Unit 6 Man and Animals1. why do animals and people become aggressive or angry?If, however, an animal finds itself in abnormal conditions, it may show

45、abnormal aggressiveness.Animals in zoos are kept in cages and often become more aggressive than they would be in the wild.Living conditions in crowed cities, they say, are similar to those of animals in a zoo and make the inhabitants unusually aggressive. 如果,然而,动物发现自己在异常情况下,可能会表现出异常的攻击性。关在动物园笼子里的动物,

46、往往会成为比他们在野外会更积极。他们说,在人多的城市,生活条件相似,动物园里的动物,使居民异常咄咄逼人。2. the right relationship between men and animals.While it is only natural that humans eat meat from those animals, because thats part of the food cycle. Are we abusing the animals by rearing them, making them grow up and all that, eventually slaug

47、htering them to fill our stomachs? Is it necessary to do so? Can we survive without meat, only subsisting on vegetarian foods? The answers are not!Animals should figure into the lives of humans, and humans into theirs.the promotion of animal rights. human beings are much more advanced in intelligenc

48、e than animals. animals are lack of the qualities to own the animal rights, while human beings deserve much more rights compared to animal. Therefore, they also have the obligations to treat animals around us well. we need laws to punish those who mistreat animals. Some people regard animals as a ki

49、nd of resource on the earth. I think we should evaluate this view critically. In the last analysis, we are creatures too. We need energy too, So, I am against the idea of absolute vegetarianism. Some other animals are used in the scientific experiment. I think its very hard to say whether it is good or not. But I want to point out two things. First, condition permitting, used the animals as less as possible. Second, do not mistreat animal during the process of experiments. As human beings, we neednt apotheosize ourselves. We need animals as food or something


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