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1、SCHOOL OF FOREIGN STUDIESSOUTH CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITYAn Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence 合作学习法缓解高中英语课堂沉默的实证研究A senior thesis submitted to School of Foreign Studies,South China Normal University in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for t

2、he degree of Bachelor of ArtsDeclaration of AuthorshipI declare that this senior thesis is my own original work. I have already read the SCNUs policy on plagiarism. No part of this senior thesis has been or is being concurrently submitted for any other qualification at any other university. I certif

3、y that the data collected for this senior thesis is authentic. I fully understand that falsification of data will result in the failure of the thesis. Name: _Signature: _Date: _An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence IABSTRACTClassroom learning i

4、s the main place for senior high school English learning and teaching. Students active classroom interaction not only can improve their ability of English thinking and expressing but also enhance their psychological diathesis, improve cooperative learning as well as participation.Students negative s

5、ilence in classroom is not conductive to English teaching and also affect students English speaking and communication, thus it bring a bad effect to English teaching and learning. Many researchers do some researches in classroom silence and propose many suggestion and strategies. However, they seldo

6、m put these into English teaching practice to prove its effectiveness and reliability. Thus, this thesis tries to carry an experimental study of cooperative learning on senior high school English classroom in an attempt to see whether cooperative learning can help to mitigate classroom silence, impr

7、ove students language output and classroom interaction. The author conducts the experiment in two classes in a senior high school in Guangdong Province. The subjects are 60 students, among whom 30 are in the experimental class and 30 in the control class. They shared nearly the some level in English

8、 proficiency and knowledge background and were taught by the same teacher. The difference is that cooperative learning is applied in the experimental class and the control class is still taught with traditional method. The instrument used in the experiments includes two questionnaires, classroom obs

9、ervation and interview. Through the experiment, the conclusions of the result are as follows:1) Cooperative learning can help students improve their English interest and confidence and form positive learning motivation.2) Cooperative learning can help mitigate senior high school classroom silence an

10、d create more language output. Key words: Classroom silence; English classes of senior high school; Cooperative learning An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence II中文摘要当前,课堂作为高中英语教学的主要阵地。学生在课堂上的积极发言能提高英语思维能力以及表达能力,增强应变能力和心理素质,进一步提高合作学习和参与意识。英语课堂上学

11、生的消极沉默不利于教学的进行,且影响着学生口语能力和交流能力,给英语课堂教学和学习带来负面影响。许多学者针对课堂沉默这一现象进行并提出了相应的应对策略,但很少在教学实践中证明其有效性和可行性。因此,本文试图通过实验研究,将合作学习法运用到实际教学中并与传统教学相比较,旨在探究高中英语课堂上应用合作学习能否有效缓解课堂沉默现象,增加学生语言输出,促进课堂互动交流。笔者在广东省某中学高一两个班平行班进行了实证研究。被试学生 60 人,有着相近英语背景知识和能力水平。其中,实验班 30 人,控制班 30 人,由同一名老师进行英语教学。不同的是实验班采用合作学习法,控制班仍采用以教师为中心的传统教学法

12、。本次实验工具包括实验前测后测沉默程度的问卷,课堂观察和实验班抽样访谈活动。经过实验分析,笔者得出以下结论:1) 应用合作学习法帮助学生提高英语学习兴趣和信心,形成积极的学习动机。 2) 合作学习法能够有效缓解高中生英语课堂沉默现象,增加学生课堂语言输出。关键词:课堂沉默;中学英语课堂; 合作学习Comment p1: 目录另起一页,具体操作:“插入分隔符下一页”。目录标题:Times New Roman,四号,加粗,居中。下面空一行。不改。Comment p2: 自动目录制作方法:(1)调出:视图工具栏大纲。(2)找到每一章(含摘要、致谢、参考文献、附录等)的标题,选定,在“大纲”对话框选“

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14、al Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence IIITable of ContentsABSTRACT.I中文摘要 .IIChapter One Introduction.11.1 Background of the Study.11.2 Purpose of the Study.11.3 Structure of the Study.2Chapter Two Literature Review.32.1 Introduction.32.2 Studies of Teachers

15、 Beliefs and Teaching Behavior.32.3 Studies of The Expected Teachers Beliefs of the New Curriculum.72.3 Studies of Systemic-Functional Grammar.42.4 Studies of Interpersoanl metafunction.52.6 Summary.5Chapter Three Theoretical Framework: Interpersonal Metafunction.53.1 Introduction.53.2 Metafunctions

16、.53.3 Interpersonal Metafunction.53.4 Summary.5Chapter Four Interpersonal Analysis of Recorded Texts.84.1 Introduction.84.2 Research Design of Recorded Texts of Transferred Teachers.84.3 Analysis of Recorded Texts of Transferred Teachers.104.4 Summary.13Chapter Five Conclusion.155.1 Major Findings.1

17、55.2 Implications of the Study.175.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies.17References.20Appendix I.18Appendix II.19ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.21An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence 1Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyLanguage

18、 is a skill, as well as English. The ultimate purpose of learning language is for the exchange of ideas, for interaction. Language rules of usage should be taught to expedite communication. But based on the limited situation in China, classroom is the major approach for students to acquire a second

19、language and use it to communicate. Thus, classroom interaction plays a vital important part for students in learning English. The participation of students in class can motivate their interest of leaning English and help to improve their comprehensive language application ability. However, it seems

20、 quite hard for students to involve themselves enthusiastically in classroom. For example, when an English teacher requires the whole class to discuss or ask volunteers to answer questions, many students prefer to keep silent, letting just those active learners to response. Such situation of negativ

21、e classroom silence has a bad effect to students English proficiency learning, which needs to be change urgently.1.2 Significance of the Study In recent years, researchers home and abroad are making efforts to change this situation. Many of them focus on universities and try to analyze the reason wh

22、at cause classroom negative silence. The reasons include the following parts. Chinese Students are unwilling to make mistakes and lose face in the presence of peers. China has a traditional concept of regarding the elder and not being to talkative. The examination-oriented education and bandwagon ef

23、fect let most of students choose to keep silent. On the other hand, the role of the teacher in class makes some effect on it. Researches on classroom silence are mainly to find out its cause and theoretical function and proposed some suggestion. However, the systematicness and feasibility of those s

24、uggestions dealing with classroom silence need to be proved. Moreover, previous studied pay more attention on college or universities with few relative to senior high school students. With different subjects and background, it is doubtful whether the research can be applied to high school classroom

25、silence. This research is done with the purpose of exploring the relationship between classroom silence and cooperative learning compared with the traditional teaching mode. 1.3 Research questions Two groups of subjects took part in the experiment, with one receiving traditional teaching mode and th

26、e other, cooperative learning. By comparing the classroom silence situation of the two groups before and after the experiment, this essay is to An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence 2deal with the following two questions:(1) Do the students of

27、cooperative learning speak more English than the students of traditional teaching mode?(2) Can cooperative learning help to mitigate classroom silence and increase their English output?1.4 Organization of the ThesisThis thesis consists of the following chapters:Chapter 1 presents a general overview

28、of the research background, questions, the significance of the research and the structure of this thesis.Chapter 2 introduces the theoretical foundation of the study, including the literature review about classroom silence and cooperative learning home and abroad.Chapter 3 is methodologies of the ex

29、periment, involves the research design of this study, the hypotheses, subjects, instruments and the teaching procedures.Chapter 4 analyzed the data collected from instruments such as class observation and the questionnaires. With SPSS system, the result can be more scientific.Chapter 5 is the conclu

30、sion of the major findings of the thesis. It also analyzes the limitation of this thesis and looks forward to the suggestions for further research.An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Classroom Silence 3Chapter Two Literature ReviewThis thesis aims to prove the

31、 practicability and effectiveness of cooperative learning in reducing classroom silence, the author introduces some theoretical foundation about classroom silence and cooperative learning.2.1 Classroom Silence2.1.1 The definition of silenceAs for “silcence”, we are familiar with it. Silence, was uni

32、versally considered as a non-verbal linguistic phenomenon, which has aroused many researchers attention. But it may be defined in different aspects with abundant theoretical frameworks and research approach. McCroskey (1977: 78) in psychological aspect, defined silence as follow: a subset of silence

33、 was “an individuals lever of anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons.” i.e. communication apprehension. Some of the scholars did deep study on this aspect, Power (2) student attitudes to education;(3) various of students classroom behavior;(4)

34、 preferences for settings and teaching methodology;(5) teachers academic expectations and requirement for students. Just like McCroskey, Burgoon(1976: 62) considers individual silence as “unwillingness to communicate“ Saville-Troike (1985) once proposes that classroom silence can be group as a type

35、of non-verbal communication. “Silence is the absence of talk, but not the absence of thought. When applying to the classroom context, it suggests the limited participation or lack of participation during classroom interaction. It does not refer to pauses or hesitations that occur during periods of s

36、peech.” (White 1996:37). . Webster Collegiate (cited from G.K.Chesterton,1997:43) offered another definition of silence in details from the aspects of acoustic and pragmatic: a. a refraining from making any noise or from speech; the fact or state of keeping silentb. stillness; absence of any sound o

37、r noisec. a withholding of knowledge or omission of mentiond. not being able to communicate, write, keep in touch, ect.e. oblivion or obscurityYang Ping(1996)put forwards that silence can be grouped into three different An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Senior High School English Clas

38、sroom Silence 4types: psycholinguistic silences, interactive silences and sociocultural silence. These three types of silences function in different situation. As for silence in classroom, it is considered as a kind of interaction behavior happen in the classroom context between teachers and students. Thus, in a broad sense and narrow sense, there are two aspects of classroom silence. In the broad sense, Liu Xiangqian (2005) believes classroom silence including teachers silence and students silence. While in a narrow sense, it just mentions to the absence of any noise appea


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