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1、基于语料库对动词 take 的搭配意义研究摘要:本文基于英语专业学生语料,以及外交部新闻发言稿总结统计语料,将二者进行对比,以探究英语学习者对 take 搭配意义的理解,使用 take 的方式以及使用 take 搭配其他词时出现的问题。根据初步统计显示,学习者对于 take 这一词的使用较为依赖,虽然与外交部新闻中 take 使用的比重几乎相同,但学生在动词的选用上仍显匮乏,且搭配词语不及外交部新闻中词汇使用丰富。词义选取以虚词为多数,多为“使”或“用”等意。这也导致部分学生语料中出现了搭配错误,但从总体结果来说使用效果与正确用法的偏差不大。关键词:take;语料库;搭配;词义正文:take

2、作为英语中的高频动词,在意义的选取上也极为自由,在牛津高级英汉双解词典中仅单词释义就有 30 项(详细见后文 2.take 词义汇总) ,从意义类型角度来说,take一词因其释义众多,还是比较偏重口语的应用,普及度较广,所以学习者对其更为熟知,以简单明了地表述观点为目的简化挑选词汇过程的结果也导致了其错用及误用现象的出现,基于此点,本文将通过图表的形式,在比较两个语料库中 take 用法不同的同时,尝试在学生语料中找出一些英语学习者普遍易犯的错误。1.研究方法本文以北京工商大学 05 级,07 级英语专业学生和 2010 级同声传译课学生语料为基础,以外交部 2004-2013 年新闻语料为对

3、比,利用 antconc 软件检索高频词汇,出现频率以及搭配来探究虚化动词 take 的用法,搭配,及使用当中出现的错误。具体方法是将双方语料转为 txt 格式,导入 antconc 软件,得出结果学生语料共105985 词,其中 take 及其其他形式共出现 204 次,占总词数 1.9%,外交部语料共 945600词,占总数比重 1.9%。将检索出的这些语料总结,与词典上释义对比,探求学生语料中对take 一词的错误用法以及和外交部预料进行对比,比较二者差异。2.take 词义总结及语料中统计出的使用概况基本词义 中文词义 应用举例CARRY/LEAD 携带、带领 I forgot to

4、take my bag with me.REACH AND HOLD 伸手取 I passed him the rope and he took it.REMOVE 移开 Will you take your books off the table?CAPTURE 捕获 The rebels succeeded in taking the town.CHOOSE/BUY 选择、购买 Ill take the grey jacket.EAT/DRINK 使用、引用 Do you take sugar in your coffee?MATHEMATICS 数学 Take 7 from 12 and

5、 youWRITE DOWN 写下 The police officer took my name.PHOTOGRAPH 拍照 To have your photos takenMEASUREMENT 计量 To take sbs pulseSEAT 作为 Are these seats taken?GIVE EXAMPLE 举例 Lots of couples have problems in marriage. Take Ann and Jim.ACCEPT/RECEIVE 接受、收到 If they offer me a job, Ill take it.CONSIDER 考虑 She

6、took what he said.HAVE FEELING/OPINION 有感情、看法 My parents always took anACTION 行动 To take actionFORM/POSITION 形式、位置 Our next class will take the form of a debate.TIME 时间 The journey takes about half an hour.NEED 需要 It doesnt take much to make her angry.SIZE OF SHOES/CLOTHES 尺码 What size shoes do you

7、want?HOLD/CONTAIN 装得下、包含 The bus can take 80 passengers.TEACH/LEAD 讲授、带领 The head teacher usually takes us for French.STUDY 学习 She wants to take a computer course.EXAM 考试 When did you take your driving test?TRANSPORT/ROAD 交通工具、道路 To take the busGO OVER/AROUND 越过、绕路走 The horse took the first fence we

8、ll.IN FOOTBALL 足球 To take a penaltyVOTE/SURVEY 投票、调查 To take a voteBE SUCCESSFUL 成功 The skin graft failed to take.GRAMMER 语法 The verb “rely” takes the preposition “on”.表 1 take 基本词义总结从上述图标资料可以看出,take 一词的利用几乎涵盖了生活的各个方面,其中学生在使用时更偏爱“利用”这一词义:Rank Freq Freq(L)Freq(R)Collocate1 50 50 0 To2 42 0 42 This3 3

9、9 38 1 should4 29 29 0 And5 15 0 15 The6 15 0 15 More7 14 0 14 Effective8 13 4 13 R9 13 0 13 part10 10 10 0 Who表 2 take 搭配高频词汇及出现频率在搭配使用中,学生语料更多的使用“to take”的形式,来表达“目的”的意思,而后的搭配词“this” “more”“effective”之后的主体均为“opportunity”和“measure” ,从语法角度来说虽无大碍,但仍略显动词使用上的匮乏,除这些之外,语料中还出现了“take the chance”这一搭配的误用,可见 t

10、ake 一词词义中“使用”这个义项对于学习者的误导。而从虚化动词选取列表中可以看出,take 的选取仅排在 have 与 make 之后,可见纠正其搭配错误的重要性。 Have Make Take学生 966 217 204外交部 10147 2476 1834表 3 语料中虚化动词出现次数3.结果分析3.1 总体差异在语料库中检索结点词,统计后得到 take 在语料库中出现的频率,并对其进行处理,我们得出学生和外交部使用 take 的次数和频率,如表 4 所示。学生 外交部Take 181 1137Takes 11 106Took 3 152Taken 9 439合计 204 1834频率

11、1.9% 1.9%表 4 take 各种形式出现次数汇总通过对上表数据的计算,我们得出学生在 204 个样本中使用 take 原形的概率约为88.72%,外交部在 1834 个样本中使用 take 的频率约为 61.99%。而学生和外交部使用 take各种形式的概率都为 1.9%。学生使用 take 原形的比率比外交部高约 26.73%。这些数据说明学生使用 take 原形的概率远远高于外交部,进而说明学生对 take 的词形变换灵活使用能力远远低于外交部(外交部代表官方文件,具有较高的正确性,所以我们以外交部作为参考,说明学生对 take 的使用情况。以下都是同理,将不再做说明。 )我们从语

12、料库中搜索到了学生使用 take 时因不会活用词形而产生的句子语法错误,如以下例子所示。1. Chinese government always take great attentions on drugs and solve(R) the problem.2. So no drugging problems is have to take out.3. nce(P) and to seek (P)or to seek(LP) excitings or take the effection (P)of other drugers become the sar(4. It also take i

13、nfluence on the feat of all human being. 5. social (P)association must be more(P) take part in more service acitivity (P)and this()topi6. Please allow me take this chance to wish lord mayor and friends enjoy 7. Countries should takes effect actions to explore the drug. The gov8. care about the drugs

14、 all of the time (P) and they takes mix measures of laws, political, governmental, ec9. Of all the people who takes the drug, 80% of them are young people. So, they10. ug and we should give more help to the people who takes drug. And we should help them to (R) to 以上十例 take 的正确使用分别为 takes, be taken,

15、to take, takes, 去掉 be more, to take, take, take, take, take. 我们可以看出,学生学习和使用 take 的时候,仍然会犯很多语法错误,而语料库搜索外交部 take 使用基本正确而且规范,现举五例说明。1. Prime Minister Sigurardttir expressed her cordial greetings to Premier WEN and welcomed Ambassador MA to take the post.2. Last September, the Japanese government abando

16、ned its previous agreement with China on setting aside the dispute and took the so-called nationalization measures regarding the Diaoyu Dao, which in essence are aimed at changing the Diaoyu Daos legal status。3. Qi Xiaoqiu, director of the MOHs disease control bureau, says that the outcome indicates

17、 that the measures carried out by the Chinese government over the past months are taking effect.4. Deng Haihua, deputy director of the MOHs information office who has been busy with daily reporting, has refrained from celebrating. “We have taken notice of that, and we find it normal,“ he says. 5. I

18、would also like to emphasize that China is firm in its position and resolve to defend its territorial sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands and will continue to take necessary measures to this end.我们再对上述表格数据计算 taken 的使用频率,发现学生使用 taken 的频率约为 4.41%,外交部使用 taken 的频率约为 23.93%,学生和外交部使用 take 及其各种形式的频率均为1.9%。

19、外交部使用 taken 的频率比学生使用 taken 的频率高约 19.52%,学生使用 taken 的频率远远低于外交部。其原因主要有以下两点:(1)taken 常用于被动句,完成时,含有过去分词的句子,一般情况下其构成句子都较复杂,对学生语法运用能力的要求较高,学生在学习和使用过程中经常出现错误。 (2)中国学生惯性思维,不喜欢使用被动句,没有意识使用分词结构。我们举以下例子分析:1.The problem should take into consideration.2. When he refused to give his name, he takes into custody.3.

20、 The presence of dust clouds has take as evidence of recent star formation.4. Having take off his coat, he sat down.例句一,应该为:The problem should be taken into consideration.例句二应改为:When he refused to give his name, he was taken into custody. 例句三应改为:The presence of dust clouds has been taken as evidence

21、 of recent star formation. 例句四应该为:Having taken off his coat, he sat down. 从以上可以看出,学生在例句一,二,三所犯的均为不会正确使用 take 的被动形式,偏向于使用 take 原形;例四表现出学生不会使用 take 的过去分词。而在外交部的许多官方文件里则能正确且经常使用taken. 一下是摘自外交部官方文件里的句子,我们可以对比借鉴一下。1. The diplomacy of New China has traversed an extraordinary journey over the past sixty ye

22、ars and more. During this period, a series of major foreign policies and strategic thoughts have gradually taken shape through practices, including the independent foreign policy of peace, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, commitment to holding high the banner of peace, development, coope

23、ration and win-win progress, the path of peaceful development and efforts to build a harmonious world.2. On the diplomatic front, it has taken new measures, put forward new ideas and presented a new image. Chinas diplomacy in the new era has taken on a more global perspective with a more enterprisin

24、g and innovative spirit. On the basis of carrying forward the major foreign policies and fine diplomatic traditions of over 60 years since the founding of the Peoples Republic, todays China, I would say, is actively exploring a path of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.根据我们检索语料库的结

25、果,经整理后的出表 5:学生 外交部To,this,should,and,the,more,effective,part,who,Some,drug,will,a,out,placeTo,concrete,will,should,China,your,the,a,part,effective,this,not,measures,actions,can,up,place,into,necessary,it,note表 5 take 搭配高频词汇从以上表格,我们可以看出学生通常将 take 与 this, some, more 或 effective 等相对抽象的词语搭配,而外交部则将 take

26、与 concrete, China, measures, action, note, place 等比较具体的词语搭配(关于搭配,后文将详细阐述,此处只略微提到。 )其原因也与大部分中国学生甚至中国人的思维有关,外交部的文章是经过精心修改的,有意识克服这些问题,所以比较接近西方思维用法。我们从语料库中举出一下例子,分析一下中国学生对 take 的使用。1. Second, government should take more () in their works, and on the other (P) andand, the social group and (R) office grou

27、p should take (R) more party easied in the (P) service work, so2. The Chi() Chinese government always take a lot of attention to this problem and try to sol3. her hand, social group and globalizations need to take more community services work. This put for例句一里学生应该是不知道是用什么动词,所以选取了比较常用的 take,这是很多中国学生常

28、用的方法,然而在使用 take 填补了谓语位置的空白,却不知道选取什么词来与 take 搭配。 例句二中学生也是用 take 来表达了 pay 的含义,例句三中 to take 可以省略,这些都说明中国学生把 take 当万能词,有使用泛滥的现象。而外交部使用 take 的方式则值得我们借鉴和学习,试举以下例子参考:1. China has already taken concrete actions to build such a new model of major-country relationship.2. China will continue to take its surrou

29、nding region as a priority in its diplomacy and foster a more peaceful, stable and prosperous neighboring environment that sustains development.3. China will take a more active part in the handling of international and regional hotspot issues and shoulder its due responsibilities for world stability

30、 and tranquility.以上三例都选自外交部发言人的一片演讲稿,这句话都分别作为三个段落的中心句使用。Take 后分别接的是 actions, as, part in, 可见, take 的搭配方式灵活多样。但庆幸的是,学生在对 take 的固定搭配掌握得不错,而且大部分学生都能正确使用。一下例子可以说明。1. I ld should fully realize the () of anti-drugs and take effective measures to get rid of harmful drugs. Every country in the world should

31、take fully attention to the fighting of the drugs.3. unities and other organizations need take (P) part in more dor () mitery Jobs job. 3.2 典型搭配、异常搭配和中间语搭配本次资料共统计 105985 词。本节通过定量分析和定性解释相结合,首先分析了中国学生和外交部发言人对“take”用法的总体差异,然后从典型搭配、异常搭配和中间搭配三个方法分析,以发现两者之间的差异。总体来看,中国学生“take”的使用次数和频率明显低于外交部发言人,且出现频率高的搭配词也

32、较少。对于这种现象,原因可能是中国学生对“take”的使用不够熟悉。而对于使用“take”出现的种种搭配错误,学生们受中文直译的思想影响较深,而中文直译的思想可能会成为其克服搭配错误的最大障碍。3.2.1 典型搭配据本次资料统计,中国学生和外交部发言人共有的显著搭配词有 8 个,如: opportunity,action,place 等。尽管同一搭配词的频率有所不同,这些中国学生和外交部发言人共有的显著性搭配词称为典型搭配。典型搭配是语言交际中高频使用的习惯性词语的组合,是给文本组织的基本意义单位和功能实施手段。典型搭配揭示了词语的一般行为方式,体现了语言使用的地道型和自然性。以下是从本次中国

33、学生的资料中抽取的检索行:(1)And every country in the world should take fully attention to the necessary of the fighting.“attention”在 牛津高阶英汉双解英语词典(第四版) 中的释义是“action of applying ones mind to sth/sb or noticing sth/sb 注意; 专心; 留心” 。常见的搭配有“catch sbs attention/eye;draw attention to sth ;give ones undivided attention”

34、。 但在实际应用中,很多学生会使用“take attention to sth”,而外交部发言人则会使用更地道的其他搭配,如“catch;draw;give;pay”等。(2)The Chi() Chinese government always take a lot of attention to this problem and try to 出错点同上。(3) up their bad habits on drugs, and also we should take more (R) (TC+)Uh(+TC) laws, we should make more “law”在朗文当代英语词

35、典中的释义是“the whole system of rules that people in a particular country or area must obey”而常见的搭配动词有“break;pass;obey”等。 “take the law”并不是习语,对于本句意思的表达可用“pass”。 (4) tries arrest the ingnorance of the anti-grugs and take effective manners to deal to (P) fight against :“manner”在朗文当代英语词典中的释义是“the way in whic

36、h something is done or happens”,常见的搭配动词有 “have;adopt 等” ,而资料中学生使用的“take effective manners to do sth”并不是习语搭配。而另一个词“measure” 在朗文当代英语词典中的释义:“an action, especially an official one, that is intended to deal with a particular problem”,常见搭配有“adopt;implement;impose;take”等,可与“take”搭配构成短语“take effective measu

37、res to do sth”,刚好符合本句的意思。由此可见, “take effective manners to do sth”也很好地反映了中国学生的典型搭配错误。3.2.2. 异常搭配异常搭配是指学习者频繁使用而本族语者基本不用,这样的搭配称为异常搭配。这常出现在具体的语言环境中,即语用学(pragmatics)方面。例如,英语学习者在表达“吃药”时多愿意选择“take medicine”,而外交部却多习惯使用“take drugs”或是“take pills”等更为具体的词语。以下摘自学生同传课的例子更能充分展示这一特点:(1)Please allow I to take the ch

38、ance to express my best wishes.字典中,chance 的搭配主要为:have/stand/grab/grasp a chance 等,take the chance 明显是汉译英时受到了母语的影响。(2)He has always pay attention to the drug issue and take approach to deal with (P) drug.首先,approach 前应加不定冠词 an,an approach 的固定搭配应为 adopt/develop/try an approach。想要表达“采取某种方法”而常用的“take”的搭

39、配应为“take measures” 。(3)tries arrest the ingnorance of the anti-grugs and take effective manners to deal to (P) fight against显然,这句的错误和上一句相同,都是应用“take measures” 。(4)Every country in the world should take fully attention to the fighting of the drugs.并没有“take attention to something”这种说法,这属于学习者由于时间急迫、用词不

40、精等自造的搭配,正确的应为“pay attention to something” 。(5)They always take out a list as soon as we meet.实际上,take out 有“取出;去掉;出发;抵充”的意思,在此处说不通,可以视为与a list 的搭配错误。3.2.3 中间搭配中间搭配,即学习者经常使用并达到显著性,而本族语者却不经常使用的搭配被称为中间语搭配。搭配词中形容词居多,如由动词的过去分词或现在分词形式构成的形容词accepted, established, existing, surveying, teaching, 以及 present,

41、current, general, common 等常见形容词。这是受学生母语和英语的双重影响从而形成的词语组合,缺乏典型搭配,但可以被接受,是语言能力发展的一个特定阶段。(1)it important to project the drug, we should take (R) real action to do it. China government. Real action 为法律用语,译为“物权诉讼” ,并不能表达学习者“真实行动”的含义。遗憾的是,由于语料有限,并不能找出更为典型的例子来解释说明“中间搭配” ,实际上,中间搭配在学习者的日常用语中屡见不鲜。在所得语料库中,学习者所

42、使用的 take(及其变形:takes, took, taken)共计 204次,而相应的,外交部发言人达到了 1834,然而,双方的频率都是 1.9%。尽管频率相同,但学生使用“To,this,should,and,the,more,effective,part,who,Some,drug,will,a,out,place”居多, “To,concrete,will,should,China,your,the,a,part,effective,this,not,measures,actions,can,up,place,into,necessary,it,note”等词为外交部所选与其搭配。

43、英语学习者由于出现典型搭配、异常搭配、中间搭配而使自己与英语熟练者大相径庭。下面,将对take 进行更为深刻的剖析。3.3 根据 take 用法对搭配词分类比较林斯英语字典(2000)把 take 的用法说明大致分为以下几类:(1) with nouns that refer to physical actions;(2) with nouns that refer to a particular role;(3) with nouns that refer to some measure, or choices;(4) with nouns to form common idiomatic

44、expressions;(5) with nouns that refer to time, money or tools;(6) with nouns which mean join in some activities;(7) with nouns which mean to accept something;(8) with nouns that refer to a kind of emotional feeling;(9) others根据以上用法将检索出 take 所有搭配进行分类,结果见下表:Rank Freq Freq(L) Freq(R) collocate1 153 0 1

45、53 VV2 51 51 0 MD3 49 49 0 TO4 29 29 0 CC5 23 0 23 VVP6 11 11 11 RB7 11 10 1 NN8 10 10 0 WP9 10 10 0 PP10 6 5 1 NP表 6 take 搭配词类型及出现频率学生使用的搭配词 外交部使用的搭配词to, this, should, the, more, effective, part, who, some, drug, will, out, place,exam,exercise,practice,activities,stepto, concrete, will, should, Chi

46、na, you, the, part this, not, measures, actions, step, activities, practice, exercise, place, into, necessary, note, opportunity, effect, advantage, advice, orders, examination, exam由上表可知,学生和外交部在用法上都有相同的搭配词,另外一个特征是学生倾向于使用概括的词,而外交部使用的词相对比较具体,并且学生使用的搭配词数量有限,相对于外交部使用的搭配词较少。根据上表还可以看出,学生和外交部之间有显著的差异。一般来说

47、,学生和外交部使用搭配词数量多者则语言水平较高。学生语料库最长出现的 18 搭配词,而外交部搭配词有26 个以上,几乎是学生的 1.5 倍。 实际上,这种组合的意思主要落在搭配的名词上,及这些搭配词本身也能表达相同的意思。这就是动词 take 的虚化用法。由此可以看出,学生过少使用 take 的虚幻用法。学生过度使用某个动词,却过少使用这个动词的某个用法,原因可能是 take 与一些搭配词共同出现的频率很高,导致 take 的整体频率高。而某种具体用法搭配词种类用法并不多。相对于学生要表达相同的意思,外交部有多种选择,这样就不会重复使用同一个词语,因而使用的搭配词种类也很多。学生作文中有一问题

48、是关于淡水问题,因而中国学生用 take measures 这一短语表达采取措施解决该问题,而 take effect 表示开始生产或者起作用,而外交部中使用 effect 通常用于名词,如固定搭配 have an effect on something or somebody 这种表达与一件事,一次行动或者某个人改变某人或某事的方式。下列例子前两个来自学生,后两个来自外交部。1, What we can do? At first, we must take some steps to stop water pollution.2, Man cant live without fresh wa

49、ter, so we must take some measures to protect.3, Ask the staff if the policy has had any effect on their attitudes to4, Is it having the effect you want?对于这种用法,学生搭配词的种类比外交部多,二者都有的搭配词是exam,exercise,外交部中没有的搭配词是 courser,activities,practice,sports,其中 activities,practice 和 take 共用的频率分别是 20,19.从新检索发现,所有的activities 和 take part in 一起出现,并且大多数都是以复数的形式(16 次) 。而practice 与 take 共用的频率是 9/19.通过进步查看上下文发现这与本话题有关。以上对学生 take 用法的分析发现,总体上来说,学生使用的搭配种类比外交部少,这显示了学生的词汇深度和广度有限,另一个原因是语料库的可比性,外交部无论是库容还是题材范围都比学生广,并且学生更喜欢使用概括模糊的词语


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