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1、五、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Da Vinci was a famous painter. He liked drawing pictures in _ diaries.A. his B. her C. our D. their22. A Harry Potter theme park opened _ the US in 2010.A. for B. at C. in D. to23. Wang Xuan failed many times, _ he never gave up.A. an

2、d B. but C. or D.so24. Yao Ming got _ votes than Michael Jordan in the NBA All-Star voting.A. most B. the most C. many D. more25. _ body languages does your mother often use?Her warm hugs!A. Where B. What C. When D.Why26. Sometimes, a word, such as “tomato”, _ different sounds.A. has B. have C. had

3、D. having27. When Lily was a child, she _ her aunt every weekend.A. help B. helps C. helping D. helped28. If youre a good reader today, you _ a better future.A. will have B. are having C. have D. had29. Chinas space programme _ fast since Shenzhou I.A. develops B. developed C. has developed D. is de

4、veloping30. My mother _ in her office at 21:00 yesterday evening.A. worked B. works C. is working D. was working31. E-books are very light, and they can _ easily in a Reader.A. store B. be stored C. have stored D. are stored32. Lily, I cant remember _ during the class? What should I do?Dont worry. M

5、aybe my notes can help.A. what did Mr. Wang say B. what will Mr. Wang sayC. what Mr. Wang said D. what Mr. Wang will say考生须知1. 本抽测分听说机考、笔试两部分。满分 100 分,听说机考 40 分,笔试 60 分。笔试部分共 9 页,五道大题,39 个小题,考试时间 90 分钟。2. 请在试卷上准确填写学校名称、姓名和考试编号。3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4. 在答题卡上, 选择题、作图题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.

6、 考试结束后,请交回答题卡、试卷和草稿纸。2六、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。When I was 14, I experienced a lot of trouble which led to hearing voices, self-harming,and trying to take my own life. I was very sad. I hated my life and I hated myself. I felt soalone and I didnt think there

7、 was anyone I could turn to.Later on I realized I needed 33 and turned to my family, my school and friends,and I had to go to the hospital for the next three and a half years.When I was 17, I became much better. And I 34 I should do something for theyoung people in my area. Theremight be some others

8、 sufferingtrouble. With this idea I created apeer(同伴,同辈) support group,named Evolve.The first meeting was35 . I was so nervous that Iwasnt sure I was even capable. I ended up running out of the room in tears. Luckily my friendencouraged me and said that my 36 would grow, and it did.We have different

9、 people who 37 along, each of them amazing, talented and 38 .However, all of us that come along struggle with something, whether its exam pressure,mental health problems, or something else.When we get together, we play games, talk about the good and the bad 39 oflife, and give each other advice. My

10、favourite part is talking about one thing we are lookingforward to.We went from being a couple of people, to a hundred people. Without Evolve, I wouldntbe so confident. I wouldnt have 40 some of the amazing friendships I have, and Iwouldnt be where I am today.Do you think you might set up a peer sup

11、port group in your area some day?33 Asupport Badvantage Ccourage D progress34 Aunderstood B explained Cthought Dremembered35 Ainteresting Bpossible Cdifficult D impressive36 Adifference Bconfidence Cmind Didea37 Asend Bride Cwalk Dcome38 Avaluable Bsilent C proud Dseparate39 Ahours Bparts Cmessages

12、Dquestions40 Amanaged Btaken Cinvented Dbuilt3阅读理解(共 36 分)七、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共 26 分,每小题 2 分)AXiao Liang, ChinaChinese New Year is my favorite time of year. The Chinese NewYear festival lasts for 15 days.At midnight on New Years Eve, every door and window in thehouse are

13、 opened to let the old year leave.On the last day we have the Lantern Festival. We carry lanterns atnight.There is the Lion Dance. Two people dance under the bright clothes.This brings good luck.People wear red clothes to bring a happy future. We take oranges ifwe visit someones home. This is lucky,

14、 too.Children are given little red envelopes with lucky money inside.Jenny, AmericaThanksgiving Day is my favorite day in a year.Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. On thatday, my family members get together and have a big meal.There are also parties on that day. People bring mea

15、t, corn and lotsof other delicious food to the party to celebrate the harvest and allthey are thankful for.Everyone is very thankful to have a good meal and great friends.What are you thankful for?41. Why are doors and windows opened at midnight on New Years Eve?A. To bring good luck. B. To let the

16、old year leave.C. To have a lot of fun. D. To watch the lanterns.42. What do Jennys family members do on Thanksgiving?A. They buy some food for the parties.B. They get together and have a big meal.C. They celebrate the harvest in the parties.D. They make delicious food for their friends.43. How do C

17、hinese people bring a happy future?A. To wear red clothes. B. To carry big lanterns.C. To give children money. D. To visit someones home.4kindleBCan e-books replace paper books?35% of readers say YES!E-books are better than books.Books are about 8 dollars per copy if the book ispaperback. You can ge

18、t the same book for 2 dollars on akindle. We should all begin to use e-books to save trees and save money. If we do this, it willnot be hard to save trees and reading will be easier.Save the trees.It is said that a whole football field worth of forest or trees is cut down in less than aminute. If we

19、 change many of our books into electronic books, imagine how many trees can wesave?65% of readers say NO!E-books are cold.Which would you prefer? Would you like to eat with your friends behind the screenthrough a web camera, or face to face in a restaurant? Digital channels, including e-books, havet

20、heir uses. But people will always need and value the real and the touchable books.E-books are not always green.When people say e-books are “environmentally friendly”. Its not really, besides the factthat it cuts down paper use, still it requires battery(电池). And where do we get that from? Wemostly g

21、et electricity from coal or other non-renewable resources. As a result, were usingmore electricity in fact.Many people love to hold and enjoy the paper books.E-books are super convenient, but that is one of their only few advantages. When you areholding a paper book, it is always much easier to get

22、the information. Paper books can be takenanywhere, and do not rely on power. You can read them in more places. Its much more naturaland after having read so many books, both paper and digital I can tell you now, our bodiesand minds prefer natural and physical things such as paper books.In my opinion

23、, e-books and paper books have both advantages and disadvantages.Nobody can tell if e-books can totally replace paper books. It depends on readers choices andpreferences.44. Which of the following is true according to the writer?A. 35% of readers say e-books cant replace paper books now.B. 65% of re

24、aders think e-books are “environmentally friendly”.C. The writer thinks our bodies and minds like e-books better.D. Some people feel it easier to get information from paper books.45. Why do some readers think e-books are not always green?A. Because they dont use other resources.B. Because they cant

25、replace paper books.5C. Because they require battery.D. Because they help save paper.46. What is the main idea of the passage?A. E-books can totally replace paper books in the future.B. Paper books are much more important than e-books.C. Both e-books and paper books have their advantages.D. Readers

26、all decide e-books can replace paper books.CA 13-year-old Inventor Finds FameGuled Adan Abdi, from the northern town of Buhodle, taught himself how to make plastictoys from bits of useless objects, and then workedout how to motorise(给装上发动机) them bystudying real cars.“I started making toys when I was

27、 younger,” hetold the BBC Somali(索马里的) Service. “I used toplay with them without any motor. But later I said tomyself: Why dont you make them into a movingmachine? So I looked at the cars in the town andinvented my toys with the same design.”So far, he has constructed four electronic toys, including

28、 a truck and a plane, mainlyusing plastic from old cooking oil containers(容器). He has also invented a fan that can be usedas a light at night.Guled lives at home with his mother and older brother and sister, and goes to a school inBuhodle that is supported by the community. But he has missed out on

29、a lot of his educationand is only in the third year at primary school a class usually for eight year olds.“I have never seen anyone make such things and I was not trained by anyone.” To get thetoys to move, he connects them to a battery-powered control box. The toys are fashioned fromrubbish, so the

30、 only things he has to pay for are the batteries.It is his teacher, Asha Ahmed Omar, who has been the real driving force behind Guled,encouraging him to continue with his experimenting and buying him the first batteries.Now his fame has spread beyond Buhodle with the help of his teacher, and he was

31、askedto travel 270 km to Garowe, to show his inventions to Puntland President Ali at state house.President Ali promised that the Puntland government would now supply his education.But for Guled there is another problem getting money to buy new parts for his toys,which he would like to be able to sel

32、l.Eyeing his future, the teenager said his ambitions(雄心) are not limited to models. “Iwould like to gradually learn how to become a producer of cars.”647. The second paragraph mainly talks about _.A. Guleds strong interest in plastic toys at an early ageB. the reason why Guled started to make his to

33、ys movingC. the way that Guled played with his toy car with a motorD. how Guled taught himself to make plastic toys from rubbish48. The underlined word “constructed” in the third paragraph means _.A. bought B. drew C. studied D. made49. Guleds story _.A. tells us never too late to invent thingsB. he

34、lps us to know how to invent thingsC. encourages teenagers to be creativeD. tells teenagers to work with teachersDIn the sci-fi film Sunshine, an astronaut named Mace must leave his spacecraft without aprotective suit for 15 seconds. He makes it through with the damage as a result of being verycold.

35、 Have you ever wondered what might happen to your body in space without a spacesuit?On Earth, our atmosphere (air) protects us from the Suns harmful UV rays, controlstemperatures and also keeps a nice atmospheric pressure. The vacuum(真空) of space, however,is full of dangers.One of the serious danger

36、s Mace might face in outer space is ebullism (液体沸腾). Thepressure in the vacuum of space is so low that the boiling point of the fluids(液体) in yourbody drops below the bodys normal temperature (37), which results in the formation of gasbubbles in your fluids that can really make you feel aching.Anoth

37、er serious danger is the lack of oxygen. After around 15 seconds, your body wouldhave used up all of the oxygen in your body and youd lose consciousness(意识). Some of youmay be thinking “But I can hold my breath for minutes!” The situation in space is a littledifferent than here on Earth because of t

38、he lack of outside pressure, and if you held your breathin space without a suit youd be in a big trouble. This is because any remaining air wouldrapidly enlarge, breaking the lungs.After losing consciousness, youll probably last a couple of minutes at most before youdie. Of course, theres all that a

39、wful UV from the Sun which is going to give you serioussunburn, likely leading to cancer.Is it the damage for coldness a reasonable result of Sunshines suitless spacewalk?Actually, its extremely cold in space, but astronauts wouldnt immediately freeze because heatleaves the body very slowly in a vac

40、uum. Therefore, the cold wouldnt cause Mace too muchharm in just 15 seconds, even if he faced the very lowest temperatures in space. The morelikely damage would be caused from the enlargement and breaking of the skins small bloodvessels(血管).7Anyway, obviously its never a good idea to go into space w

41、ithout some kind ofprotection. But dont lose hope because you are probably saved with timely help before you die,so keep up.50. What is the best title of the passage?A. Keep Alive in Space B. Walking Freely in SpaceC. Without a Spacesuit D. Coldness Damage in Space51. What does the writer think of t

42、he air or the vacuum?A. The air supplies living protection and temperature control.B. The air brings people serious problems sometimes on Earth.C. The vacuum helps astronauts walking and living in space.D. The pressure of vacuum in space increases the boiling point.52. Where can we read the passage?

43、A. In a magazine. B. In a movie poster.C. In a how-to book. D. In a diary.53. What is the purpose of writing this passage?A. To encourage readers to watch the film Sunshine.B. To show the readers many serious air problems.C. To discuss the causes of cancer from the sunburn.D. To explain the unreason

44、able damage in the film.八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)The most influential Chinese writersDo you enjoy reading? I do. When I read, I choose books written by good writers.Heres a list of the most well-known writers in China. They are selected by readers online.Lu Xun (1881-1936) is generally con

45、sidered as one of the mostimportant and influential writers in modern times. His work brought bigchange to cultural values. His famous works include short stories of Diaryof a Madman and The True Story of Ah Q, Kong Yiji and some essays.Ba Jin (1904-2005) is one of Chinas most important modern write

46、rs.He wrote many short stories, childrens books and other articles and morethan ten novels. His most famous works are The “Love” Trilogy (三部曲)including “Fog”, “Rain”, and “Lightning” and The “Torrents (奔流)”Trilogy including “The Family”, “Spring” and “Autumn” .8Bing Xin (1900-1999) is one of the mos

47、t productive andrespected Chinese writers during the 20th Century. Her literatureachievement is as important as famous male writers of her time. Manyof her works were written for young readers. Her most famous workis “To Young Readers”.Lao She (1899-1966) is one of the most beloved modernChinese wri

48、ters, and he was well-known for his humor andsympathy (同情) with the poor in his works. His most famouswork is novel Camel Xiangzi. He received the name of “PeoplesArtist” by Beijing City Government.Lin Yutang (1895-1976) was a noted modern Chinese writer, andtranslator. He left a large number of Chi

49、nese and English works, includingnovels, essays, English textbooks, dictionaries, translations and so on. Hismost important works are The Importance of Living (1937), Moment inPeking (1939) and Between Tears and Laughter (1943).Cao Yu (1910-1996) is a famous modern Chinese dramatistand drama educator who is often called “the Shakespeare ofChina”. Thunderstorm (1933), Sunrise (1936) , The Wil


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