1、 甘蔗收获机切割喂入系统的改进分析与试验研究 年 月 硕 士 甘蔗收获机切割喂入系统的改进分析与试验研究 分类号 密级 UDC 专业 硕士学位论文 甘蔗收获机切割喂入系统的改进分析与试 验研究 学科专业 机械工程 指导教师 教授 论文答辩日期 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 论文评阅人 广西大学学位论文原创性和使用授权声明 本人声明所呈交的论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除已特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含本人或他人为获得广西大学或其它单位的学位而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本论文的研究工作所做的贡献均已在论
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3、收获机切割喂入系统的改进分析与试验研究 摘 要 本文以本课题组自主研发的第二代样机为研究对象,对甘蔗切割喂入系统进行结构改进,以期降低甘蔗堵塞率和宿根破头率。本文研究的主要内容包括如下: 1)对甘蔗收获机及切割喂入系统做了简要介绍后,提出摩擦输送力是影响甘蔗堵塞的主要因素,刀盘质量的不平衡是引起切割器振动的主要因素之一。为后续切割喂入系统的研究提供理论指导。 2)通过仿真模拟分析与试验研究手段,验证了切割器螺旋提升机构的摩擦系数等因素 对甘蔗物流堵塞的影响,并从动力学角度探讨了刀盘减振的原理,同时指出现有喂入系统齿轮箱设计存在缺陷所导致的喂入系统处甘蔗易堵塞的问题,继而提出对切割喂入系统的改进
4、措施。 3)对改进后的切割喂入系统进行 ADAMS 仿真分析,针对切割器螺旋提升机构的改进分析,仿真结果表明,改进后的切割器螺旋提升机构使甘蔗在螺旋上的滞留时间缩短了 39.2%,对甘蔗的最大输送力提高了 36%;针对喂入系统的改进分析,仿真结果表明,改进后的喂入辊使甘蔗在螺旋提升机构上的滞留时间较原来缩短了 35.9%,对甘蔗的最大径向作用力比齿轮箱降低了 86%,甘蔗更易进入物流通道,其输送性能得到明显改善;仿真试验也表明适当提高喂入辊转速有利于降低甘蔗收获机的堵塞率。 4)对改进前后的切割器螺旋提升机构做了物理试验分析,结果表明,II 相比原系统,在刀盘最佳转速 700 r/min 时甘
5、蔗滞留时间缩短了 37.6%,振幅减小了 60%,验证了仿真结果的正确性,同时刀盘振幅的大幅降低提高了刀盘的动平衡特性。通过正交试验发现,螺旋头数对刀盘振动有显著性影响,螺旋头数、刀盘转速和甘蔗进给速度对滞留时间有显著性影响;最优参数定为:螺旋头数为 3 头,刀盘转速为 700 r/min,甘 蔗进给速度为 0.3 m/s. 本文为后期试验平台的搭建和物理样机的开发提供了参考依据。 关键词 : 甘蔗收获机 切割喂入系统 仿真试验 振动 滞留时间 III IMPROVED ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON CUTTING FEEDING SYSTEM O
6、F SUGARCANE HARVESTER ABSTRACT In this paper, the second generation prototype machine developed by our research group is used as the research object to improve the sugarcane cutting and feeding system in order to reduce the sugar cane jamming rate and the root breaking rate. The main contents of thi
7、s paper are as follows: 1. After briefly introducing the sugarcane harvester and cutting and feeding system, the fact that the frictional conveying force is the main factor affecting the jam of sugarcane and the unbalance of cutter quality is the main factor that causes the unbalance of cutter is pu
8、t forward, which can provide a theoretical guidance for the research of the following cutting feeding system. 2. The influence of the friction coefficient.etc of spiral lifting mechanism of the cutter on sugarcane logistics blockage has been verified by simulation analysis and experimental research.
9、 The principle of cutter head vibration reduction is discussed from the view of dynamics. At the same time, it is pointed out that the sugarcane jam is easy to be blocked in the feeding system which is produced by the faultiness of the design of the existing gear box of feeding system, and then prop
10、osing the improvement measures of cutting and feeding system. For the spiral lifting mechanism of the cutter, the number of helix has been changed from 2 to 3; 4, After improving, it makes the distribution of quality of the spiral more uniform,the dynamic balance more stable, the vibration of the cu
11、tter reduced, while the spiral makes more effect on the sugarcane in unit time,the logistics transportation of sugarcane is IV more unobstructed); for feed system, the gear box has been changed into feeding roller, and the shafts of two cutters were driven by a pair of reversed synchronous rotating
12、hydraulic synchronous motor. The improved feeding system can expand the logistics channel of cutting transmission mechanism. Meanwhile, the negative resistance of the sliding friction produced by the gear box while working on the sugarcane is converted into the driving force of the positive rolling
13、friction produced by the feeding roller while working o n the sugarcane. The trapezoidal tooth on feeding roller can not only play the role of clamping and conveying sugarcane, but also envelope sugarcane and increase the contact surface between the sugarcane and feeding roller, which increases the
14、dynamic friction of sugarcane. 3. The improved cutting feeding system is analyzed by using the the ADAMS simulation. 1) The results, regarding to the improving analysis of spiral lifting mechanism of the cutter, have shown that the improved screw feeding system can shorten the residence time of the
15、sugarcane on the spiral in 39.2%, and the maximal conveying capacity of the sugarcane is improved in 36%; 2) As for the feeding system, the results of simulation showed that the improved feeding roller can shorten the residence time of sugarcane on the screw lifting mechanism in 35.9%, and the maxim
16、um radial force on the sugarcane is lower than that of the gear box 86%, that is to say, the sugarcane was more easily to skid into the logistics channel, and the conveying speed is faster with backward transport distance farther. The transmission performance is improved significantly, which can eff
17、ectively suppress the plugging problem of the feeding system and play a disproof role of the test about the measurement result of the motor pressure of the cutter; simulation test also showed that the appropriate increasing of the rotation speed in feeding roller is conducive to reducing the pluggin
18、g rate of sugarcane harvester. 4. Physical tests were performed on the cutting feeding system of daopanluoxuan mechanism before and after the improving, and the results show that, comparing to the original system, the residence time of sugarcane is reduced in 37.6%, and the amplitude is reduced by 6
19、0% under the optimal rotational speed of 700 r/min. It is proved that the simulation results are correct and the greatly reducing of the amplitude of cutting disc is an effective and feasible way to improve the dynamic balanced characteristic of the cutter head and the cutting quality, and reduce th
20、e breakage rate of the perennial root. The results of the V orthogonal test showed that the number of screw heads had significant effect on the vibration of the cutter head, and the number of screw heads, the speed of cutter head and the feed speed of sugarcane had significant influence on the resid
21、ence time. The optimal parameters are as follows: the number of screw heads is 3, the rotational speed of cutter head is 700r/min and the feed speed of sugarcane is 0.3 m/s. This paper provides the reference for the construction of post-test platform and the development of physical prototype. KEY WO
22、RDS: Sugarcane harvester; Cutting conveying system; Simulation test; Vibration; Residence time VI 目 录 摘 要 . I ABSTRACT. III 符号说明 . IXX 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 课题的来源及主要任务 . 1 1.2 课题研究的目的及意义 . 1 1.3 国内外的研究现状及趋势 . 2 1.3.1 国外甘蔗收获机的研究现状 . 2 1.3.2 国内甘蔗收获机的研究现状 . 3 1.4 甘蔗收获机切割喂入系统研究现状 . 4 1.4.1 国外切割喂入系统的研究现状 . 4 1.
23、4.2 国内切割喂入系统的研 究现状 . 4 1.5 本文的研究内容 . 4 1.6 本文的研究思路及方法 . 5 1.7 本章小结 . 6 第二章 甘蔗切割输送机理的理论分 析 . 7 2.1 整秆式甘蔗收获机的结构及工作原理 . 7 2.2 甘蔗切割喂入系统堵塞分析 . 8 2.2.1 切割器螺旋提升机构结构及原理 . 9 2.2.2 切割器螺旋提升机构的堵塞机理分析 . 9 2.2.3 喂入系统结构与工作原理 . 10 2.3 甘蔗切割喂入系统振动分析 . 11 2.3.1 切割器空载时力学性能分析 . 12 2.3.2 不平衡与切割器的力学性质 . 13 2.3.3 切割器振动的基本特
24、性 . 17 2.3.4 切割器自身振动的其他影响因素 . 21 2.4 本章小结 . 22 VII 第三章 甘蔗切割喂入系统存在的问题及改进分析 . 23 3.1 切割喂入系统存在的问题 . 23 3.1.1 切割器螺旋提升机构物流仿真分析 . 23 3.1.2 切割器螺旋提升机构物流试验分析 . 24 3.1.3 现有喂入系统结构存在的问题 . 25 3.1.4 喂入系统物流仿真分析 . 26 3.1.5 喂入系统物流试验分析 . 27 3.2 切割器螺旋提升机构的改进 . 28 3.2.1 切割器螺旋提升机构针对物流的改进分析 . 28 3.2.2 切割器螺旋提升机构针对振动的改进分析
25、. 29 3.2.3 切割器螺旋提升机构的改进 . 30 3.3 喂入系统的改进 . 30 3.4 本章总结 . 32 第四章 甘蔗切割喂入系统的仿真 . 33 4.1 建模软件 SolidWorks 及仿 真软件 Adams 介绍 . 33 4.2 虚拟样机模型的建立 . 33 4.2.1ADAMS 仿真流程 . 33 4.2.2 甘蔗柔性体模型的建立 . 34 4.2.3 甘蔗切割喂入系统仿真模型的建立 . 36 4.3 螺旋提升机构改进前后物流仿真试验 . 38 4.3.1 仿真目的 . 38 4.3.2 试验设计与安排 . 38 4.3.3 仿真试验结果与分析 . 38 4.4 喂入系统改进前后仿真试验 . 41 4.4.1 仿真目的 . 41 4.4.2 试验设计与安排 . 41 4.4.3 仿真试验结果与分析 . 42 4.5 本章小结 . 44 第五章 甘蔗切割喂入系统的试验 . 45 5.1 高速摄影技术 . 45