句法的理解与翻译 Syntactic understanding and translation1. 英汉句子语言特征对比Comparisons between English and Chinese syntactic Features1.1 英语重形合,汉语重意合 英语重形合是指英语语言符号之间有较强的逻辑关系: connectives; prepositions; relatives 汉语重意合是指汉语句子主要通过字词的意义连结起来: punctuations 。例:Accomplishment is often deceptive because we dont see the pain and perseverance that produced it. So we may credit the achiever with brains, brawn or lucky break and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all three.【译文】成就常常使人产生错觉,使人只看到功成名就,却看不到成就的