1、2016Q2突破机遇挑战Corporate LogoChapter.1新年伊始,万象更新Corporate Logo2015上半年业绩实现新突破2000年2004年2005年TEXT ONETEXT WHAT YOU NEEDEXTTEXTEXTCorporate LOGO新突破收入攀升2014Q2 2014Q3 2014Q4 2015Q1 2015Q2600$600$600$600$600$Corporate LOGO新突破线上业绩60%30%PC Our products has got perfect sale achievements on all products we are de
2、putizing . AnalysisMobileCorporate LOGO新突破业绩构成TOPIC ATOPIC BTOPIC CTOPIC DTOPIC EThe construction of marketing channels direct influences the overall performance of the company.Chapter.2适逢其会,相机而动SWOT分析,业绩发展迎来新机遇Corporate LOGO新机遇SWOT分析S WO T2015下半年I have a dream,that one day, this nation will rise upI have a dream,that one day, this nation will rise upI have a dream,that one day, this nation will rise upI have a dream,that one day, this nation will rise upChapter.3长风破浪,一往无前新挑战2016下半年,迎接目标Corporate LOGO新挑战2015目标新客目标XX亿收入目标利润目标齐心并力蓄势待发