资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值蓝色风工作总结PPT+ + 龙进城管助手 龙进城管助手 薇 薇 信 信 公 公 众 众 号, 号, Your content to play here, or through your Your content to play here, or through your 发 发 城管总结 城管总结PPT PPT 领这个模板 领这个模板 copy, paste in this box, and select only copy, paste in this box, and select only the text. Your content to play here, or through your copy, paste in this box, the text. Your content to play here, or through your copy, paste in this box, and select only the text. and s