本标准适用于已投入商业运行的火力发电厂纯凝式汽轮发电机组和供热汽轮发电机组的技术经济指标的统计和评价。燃机机组、余热锅炉以及联合循环机组可参照本标准执行,并增补指标。Special Difficulties p88 Before going home, I went to the grocers. Bill Smith, the man who always serves me, was very busy. This, however, did not worry me. On the contrary, it gave me the opportunity to look round for several things I wanted. By the time my turn came, I had already filled a basket with packets of biscuits, cans of fruit, bars of soap and two large bags of flour.本标准适用于已投入商业运行的火力发电厂纯凝式汽轮发电机组和供热汽轮发电