为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 贯彻全国教育大会精神, 充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能谓语动词 如何写好简单句 夯实基础查漏补缺- 写作技能 2018-12-7 Rainbowcorrectsentencebonussentence为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 贯彻全国教育大会精神, 充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能写作技能 1 简单句型的高级形式1.同位语2.形容词短语3.不定式短语4.现在分词短语5.过去分词短语6.介词短语:简单句1. I want to have a penfriend,hopefully a girl in her early twenties and with interests similar to mine.2. Hungry but excited,Thomas went home.3. In order to study well,we need to do sports。4. In this picture,a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tr