Prison Break revolves around two brothers. One named Lincoln Burrows who has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and the other, Michael Scofield, a genius, who devises an elaborate plan to help his brother escape prison. It have four seasons of Prison Break by now. Michael Scofield & Lincoln Burrows LincolnBurrows 所犯罪行:一级谋杀,恶意用枪 introduction :他年轻时的所作所为表明他将最终进入FoxRiver监狱。他从Morgan 高中辍学的时候只有10 年级,那时他就发现很多情况下法律都不能解决问题。前科包括偷窃入狱2 个月,破坏别人财产入狱3 个月,斗殴入狱6 个月,占有毒品入狱6 个月,斗殴入狱10 个月。Burrow