烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的健康皮肤进行自体移植,但对于大面积烧伤病人来讲,健康皮肤很有限,请同学们想一想如何来治疗该病人Members: 汪 淼 李丹丹 朱燕燕 曾章章Thanksgiving Parents烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的健康皮肤进行自体移植,但对于大面积烧伤病人来讲,健康皮肤很有限,请同学们想一想如何来治疗该病人 As we all know, the gratitude have been occ-upying an important pos-ition in our traditional virtues in our country since long long ago. And when it comes to gratit-ude, who is the first y-ou want to thank? Of co-urse, the first are our parents. Next, let us look the main processes today.烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的健康皮肤进行自体移植,但对于大面积烧伤病人来讲,