1、肺功能检查的诠释Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation主要内容测量肺容量的检查Tests to Measure Lung Volumes气体流量的测定Tests of Gas Flow肺弥散量的测定Tests of Diffusing Capacity主要内容测量肺容量的检查Tests to Measure Lung Volumes气体流量的测定Tests of Gas Flow肺弥散量的测定Tests of Diffusing Capacity肺容量测定法 Spirometry 肺容量测定法是测定通过开放气道的气体容积. 测量肺容量时,病人先平静呼吸,随
2、后用最大力吸气和呼气.获得的肺容量 深吸气量(IC) 补吸气量(IRV) 补呼气量(ERV) 肺活量(VC)等这些数值都和病人用力有关。肺容量测定法 SpirometryLung Volumes 4 Volumes肺容积 4 Capacities肺 量气IRVTVERVRVICFRCVCTLCRVTidal Volume (TV) Volume of air inspired and expired during normal quiet breathing潮气量:平静呼吸时,每次吸入和呼出的气量IRVTVERVRVICFRCVCTLCRVInspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) The maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a normal tidal volume inspiration补吸气量:平静吸气末,再用力吸气所能吸入的的最大气体量IRVTVERVRVICFRCVCTLCRVExpiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) Maximum amount of air that can be exhaled from the resting expiratory level补呼气量:平静呼气末,再用力呼气所能呼出的最大气体量IRVTVERVRVICFRCVCTLCRV