谈提高非英语专业翻译准确性的创新方法摘要: 合格的大学毕业生,必需掌握英语翻译的基本理论与技巧。但大学公外学生只学两年英语,且课时较少,又没有专门的翻译课。通过多年的教学实践,本文作者认为把翻译的一些基本理论、技巧和常识,分布到精读教材的各个单元、各个课文中,通过对课文的讲解、难句长句的分析,有计划,有步骤地传授给学生是切实可行的。abstract: a qualified college graduate should have a good command of the basic theory and skills in english translation. however, only a two-year course of english is offered with limited teaching hours to non-english-majored students in chinese colleges. there is no course specialized in translation either. through her many ye