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1、关注世界 关爱生命 Showing Concern about the World Showing Love for Life会爱 会学 会玩 会创造 To Love To Learn To Play To Create创适合每个孩子发展的教育 Create Suitable Curriculum for Each Child温州市籀园小学国际部入学申请表Wenzhou Zhouyuan Primary SchoolThe International Department Application Form申请编号 Application No.: 所有文件请用中文或英文填写:(请如实并完整填写

2、申请表)Please submit all documents in either English or Chinese-Use only one language :(Please fill in the entire form strictly according to the facts.)申请人个人信息 Personal Information of the Applicant学生姓名(按照护照)Student name(as on passport):性别 Gender:男孩 Male 女孩 Female中文姓名 Chinese name: 英文姓名 English name:身份证

3、(或护照)号码ID (or passport) number:出生时间(年/月/日)Date of birth(date/month/year):中国大陆学生 户籍地址 Address on the household register:Chinese mainland students 非中国大陆学生 国籍 Nationality:Chinese non-mainland students居住地址 Residential address:居住地邮编 Postcode: 居住地家庭电话 Home contact number:申请人使用的主要语言(请按申请人实际使用不同语言的熟练程度排序):L

4、anguages spoken by the applicant(Please rank these languages in order as to how well the applicant actually speaks):申请人掌握中文的程度?Chinese proficiency of the applicant熟练(Advanced)一般 (Intermediate)生疏 (Basic)申请人掌握外语的程度?Foreign language proficiency of the applicant熟练(Advanced)一般 (Intermediate)生疏 (Basic)申请人

5、教育信息 Educational Information of the Applicant申请人现就读学前机构的名称?Whats the name of the preschool which the applicant goes to at present?申请人有食物过敏或其他健康状况需要学校特殊照顾吗?Does the applicant have any allergies or medical conditions which need schools special care?是 Yes 否 No如果有,请给我们更多详情 If yes, please provide us with

6、 further details:申请人是否有某些特别技能或爱好,曾参加过什么活动或获过哪些奖项?Attach Photo Here照片粘贴处关注世界 关爱生命 Showing Concern about the World Showing Love for Life会爱 会学 会玩 会创造 To Love To Learn To Play To Create创适合每个孩子发展的教育 Create Suitable Curriculum for Each ChildDoes the applicant have any special talents or hobbies? What kind

7、s of activities has the applicant taken part in? What kind of prizes has the applicant won?申请人家庭信息 Family Information父亲/监护人Father/Guardian母亲/监护人Mother/Guardian 其他监护人Other Guardian(s)姓名 Name办公室电话Officetelephone number手机号码Mobile phonenumber传真 Fax电子邮件 Email第一语言Native language(s)第二语言Second language(s)工作

8、单位/岗位Company/occupation最高学历Highest educational level attained申请人与谁居住 Who does the applicant live with? 父母 Parents 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 称谓(relationship) (父母以外的监护人)(Guardians other than parents)如申请人与父母以外的监护人居住在一起,请父母亲给我们提供签字授权书和监护人详情。If the applicant lives with a guardian other than the parents, it is

9、compulsory for the parents to sign a letter of authorization and the personal details of the guardian.您选择温州市籀园小学国际部的原因:Please list the reasons you chose to apply for the International Department of Wenzhou Zhouyuan Primary School.您最期待申请人在学校得到怎样的教育?As parents, what are the most significant developmen

10、ts do you expect for your child in academic area and personal manners while attending our school?关注世界 关爱生命 Showing Concern about the World Showing Love for Life会爱 会学 会玩 会创造 To Love To Learn To Play To Create创适合每个孩子发展的教育 Create Suitable Curriculum for Each Child您认为可以给学校和申请人怎样的支持?In which ways can you

11、 positively support our school and the applicant?申请材料 Application Materials:填写完成贴有照片并签字的入学申请表Completed and signed application form with the childs recent photo中国大陆学生:父母一方的绿卡(或长期居留证)原件和复印件,孩子的出生证明和健康证明、2 寸照片两张。Chinese mainland students: the original copy and the photocopied version of green card (or

12、long-term residence permit) of parent;birth certificate and medical certificate of the child; two 2/3-decimeter photos非中国大陆学生:孩子本人的绿卡(或长期居留证)原件和复印件、出生证明和健康证明、2 寸照片 2 张。Chinese non-mainland students: the original copy and the photocopied version of green card (or long-term residence permit) of the ch

13、ild;birth certificate and medical certificate of the child; two 2/3-decimeter photos申请人近期与父母亲合影 The recent photograph of the applicant with parents幼儿阶段记录成长的相关资料 Relevant materials of the development and growth of the child.家长协议 Parental Agreement我签署该申请表,并同意遵守温州市籀园小学国际部的入学程序。本人确认该申请表中信息完整准确。如本人未准确提供申

14、请人的重要信息,温州市籀园小学国际部有权限制入学。I, hereby sign this application form, agree and obey the entry procedures of Wenzhou Zhouyuan Primary SchoolThe International Department. Hence, the school has the privileged right and power to attain any related information concerning the previous school the applicant had a

15、ttended.I am therefore legally liable regarding to the accuracy of all information given. Wenzhou Zhouyuan Primary School holds the ultimate decision as to deny the application or expel the applicant afterwards, when any information given is misled or left out intentionally.父母/监护人签名 Signature of par

16、ents/guardian: 日期 Date:学校讯息 School Information地址:温州市第二外国语学校教学楼 G 号楼(温州市瓯海区南白象街道南湖路)Teaching Building G Wenzhou NO.2 Foreign Language School, Nanhu Road, Nanbaixiang Street, Ouhai District, Wenzhou. ( Primary school- International Department) 邮编 Postcode:325015电话 Tel:0577-55592982 0577-55592981传真 Fax:0577-55592981联系人 Contact Person:章老师 Miss Zhang 电子邮件 Email: 网址 Website:http:/


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