办公室内空气质量检测及治理措施摘要: 室内空气质量与人体健康息息相关,近年来,建筑装修材料的广泛使用,导致室内空气污染日益严重。本文对某公司新装修办公楼室内环境中甲醛、氨、苯、tvoc指标进行检测分析,并根据室内空气的污染状况提出进行治理的措施。关键词: 室内空气检测治理措施abstract: the indoor air quality and the human body health, in recent years, building decoration materials of the widely used, cause indoor air pollution is serious. in this paper a new company to decorate office building in indoor environment formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, tvoc testing index analysis, and according to indoor air pollution status are pu