火力发电厂高温高压管道上管座焊接 文章作者: 文章期数:鲁福魁 ( 山东省电力建设第三工程公司,潍坊 ) 摘要:在火力发电厂安装施工中,高温高压大径管道上接管座很多,选择合适的焊接材料、焊接工艺和热处理工艺,获得满意的焊接接头。 关键词:火力发电厂;异种钢焊接;焊后热处理 Tube Seat Weldings on high temperature and high pressure pipelines in thermal power station Lufukui (Shandong province No.3 power station construction company,weifang ) ABSTRACT:In construction of thermal power station,there are lots of tube seat weldings on high temperature and high pressure pipelines.We get suitable welded joint