摘要本次设计为180万吨大型选煤厂。入洗的原煤为呼和乌素煤矿的原煤及周边煤矿的高灰煤。原煤属于易选煤,为了大量分选出精煤,提高其利用率,经过对煤质的分析及经济对比和可行性研究,最后确定采用重介质分选。另外,在设计过程中本着节约成本、提高生产效率、优化厂房设计等思想,主要以呼和乌素煤矿的原煤资料作为设计的依据,介绍重介质选煤工艺流程,及设备的选用。关键词: 选煤厂 设备选型 可选性 Abstract This design for 180 tons of large coal. Into the wash of coal mine WuSu for shout and crude and surrounding the high grey coal mine. Coal belong to easy to large coal cleaning plant, improve its disadvantage that, through the utilization of coal quality