托收方式中D/P项下出口商的风险与防范措施朴丽【摘要】在国际贸易中,结算方式的选择直接影响收汇的安全。托收程序简便,手续快捷,受到外贸人士的青睐。但由于基于商业信用,出口商承担很大风险,若没有有效的防范措施,很容易使货款石沉大海。【关键词】托收 D/P 风险 防范措施The Research about Risk and Prevention of Exporters under the Collection of D/PPiao Li【Abstract】Which payment term to choose makes a direct influence on the safety of getting the payment for goods. Collections proceeding is sample and shortcut. So many merchants would like to. But it is a kind of international settlement which is on the base of commer