提升煤矿井下安全管理信息化水平实现性能稳定煤矿的地质灾害主要表现为由于煤炭开采而造成的地表沉陷以及由此引发的地面建筑物的险情,煤矸石排放占用土地以及造成的污染,露天开采所造成的周边地面滑坡等。煤炭资源的开采对生态环境的破坏是严重的,煤矿关闭后留下的是满目疮痍。The main geological disasters in coal mine is the surface caused by coal mining subsidence and ground buildings caused by this situation, emission of coal gangue occupied land, pollution, caused by the surrounding ground surface mining landslide. Destruction of the coal resources exploitation on the ecological environment is serious, coal mines shut down after lea