1、Computer Science Faculty Evaluation and DevelopmentMaosong SunTsinghua University,Arlington, Virginia, USA July 11, 2008,2,Case Study: Faculty Evaluation at CS Tsinghua,Evaluated annually, one term three years: - Publications - Research funding - Teaching (student evaluation) - Awards - Social servi
2、ce,Question 1: How can we avoid short-term effect without losing the efficiency of research?,3,Case Study: Faculty Evaluation at CS Tsinghua,Current evaluation: Mixture of all the factorsPublication-oriented vs. Real things-orientedUpdated idea: “Do things to the extreme”,Question 2: How can we comp
3、are publications and real things in faculty evaluation? How can we encourage faculties to do the latter?,4,Case Study: Faculty Evaluation at CS Tsinghua,“Do big things” - Large scale: mixture of high-quality research and large-scale engineering - Individual-based faculty evaluation - Team-based facu
4、lty evaluation,Question 3: How can we build a team-based faculty evaluation system, in addition to the Individual-based faculty evaluation?,5,Case Study: Faculty Development at CS Tsinghua,Current strategic task of CS Tsinghua: recruit PhD graduates of the first rate US universitiesThe state-of-arts: Prof. Zhang Xiaodong - Advantages and constraintsWelcome to Join CS Tsinghua!,Question 4: How can we recruit talents from the US in the given constraints?,6,Thanks!,