一,ApabiReader安装使用级别Q:为什么我已经安装了Apabi Reader,下载图书时还提示“您没有安装Apabi Reader、版本不够高或者安装存在问题.”?Q: When I did what it asked, I was then told that the version of Apabi Reader I had installed was low, and asked me to install a higher version. I downloaded this version from your website. Which version should I download so as to avoid this and from where?1,出现这个问题可能是Apabi Reader没有正确安装,导致Apabi Reader中的检测控件check.dll无法顺利运行。请到下面站点下载最新Apabireader重新安装,注意安装时不要有IE浏览器打开。英文、繁体版下载地址:http:/dlib.apabi.