英语课堂生成性教学的探索和实践 内容摘要:课程实施过程是一个开放的与非线性知识的系统构建的过程,同时也要把握课堂中非确定因素所带来的影响。这种开放的,非确定的课程因素要求教师积极构建生成性的英语课堂。面对生成的契机,若我们教师能及时捕捉和善于利用,那么,一个个超越预设、洋溢着芬芳的精彩就会向我们袭来,那些看起来似乎不起眼的点点滴滴就会展示出教育者的智慧。关键词:预设; 生成; 动态; 课堂 一、背景分析 We are living in a time of rapid social change. such change will inevitably affect the nature of those disciplines that both reflect our society and help to shape it. Modes and categories inherited from the past no longer seem to fit the reality experien