内容摘要:近年来我国纺织产业发展较快,外贸出口增幅迅猛。2006年我国纺织业在继续面对欧美配额压力的同时又受到国际企业社会责任运动的挑战,本文分析了企业社会责任运动的趋向,研究新环境对中国纺织品出口的作用机制,尤其是其中的制约性因素。并在此基础上提出中国纺织业应对企业社会责任的策略建议。关键词:纺织产业 外贸环境 企业社会责任 挑战 策略Content abstract : our textile industry in recent years, the rapid development of export growth. in 2006 纺织业 in our country has continued to face up to european and american quota the pressure by the international business and social responsibility of the challenges, this article analyses the social responsibility of the