包涵体表达的蛋白的复性作者:shewlyn实验频道来源:本站原创点击数: 3511更新时间:2004-4-8包涵体表达的蛋白的复性 摘要 综述了包涵体形成、包涵体分离和溶解、包涵体折叠复性的方法、复性产率低下的主要因素以及通过分子伴侣、低分子量添加物等的应用而提高了蛋白质复性产率。关键词 包涵体 蛋白质 复性Abstract Strategies for decreasing the formation of inclusion bodies, isolation and resolution of inclusion bodies, refolding of inclusion body proteins and the cause of decreased refolding yields were included. Renaturation yield of recombinant protein have been improved by using some additives, such as mo