摘 要 这次毕业设计的课题是YZY400全液压静力压桩机的设计,我完成静压桩机压桩机构设计。我首先实地参考,根据压桩机构的主要参数,确定液压缸的型号,然后确定压桩液压缸与立柱的连接方式。最后对连接螺栓和立柱的焊缝强度进行计算校核。 关键词:压桩机 液压缸 校核AbstractThe task of graduate design will design a pile driver of statics YZY400 include hydraulic pressure. I will finish landscape orientation and circumgyrate framework of this pile driver . First of all , I reference tower crane and base tread frameworks parameter , then make sure model number of f