车库水泥地面施工的策划与管理摘要:地面工程是一个单位工程的一个重要分部工程,随着新材料的不断更新,地面面层的种类越来越多,但最原始的水泥地面,从经济的角度来看还是受到大多数开发商的青睐;朴素大方、光洁平整的水泥地面,也总给人以素面朝天的感觉,但要想将水泥地面做到完美的程度,的确需要下较大的工夫。关键词:坍落度蓄水养护灌缝abstract: the ground engineering is a unit of engineering a important engineering division, with the new material constantly updated, the ground facing more and more kinds of, but the most original of the cement ground, from an economic point of view or by most developers favor; simple and easy, is bright and clean level off of the