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1、l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, em

2、ployee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding

3、requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amen

4、dments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and fina

5、ncial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for th

6、e violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,小区智能安防设计方案设计单位:深圳市恺视通电子有限公司前 言随着社会的进步和科学技术的迅猛发展,人 类开始迈入以数字化和网 络化为平台的智能化社会,其中正在兴起的智能化小区建 设热潮,正是反映和适应了国际社会信息化和智能化的发展要求。它为住户提供了一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间,同时也实现小区物业 运行的高效化、 节能化和环保化。它

7、是人类社会住宅发展的必l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary

8、 survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operati

9、ng funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of pr

10、oposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the busine

11、ss and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, respons

12、ible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,深圳市恺视通电子有限公司 小区智能化系统设计方案第 1 页 共 25 页然趋势,也是房地产开发商的一个极具 竞争力的卖点。深圳市恺视通电子有限公司衷心感谢贵方给予这次重要的合作机会,对能够参与这样一个具有重要意义和影响的项目,既感到荣幸,更感到责任重大。同时深圳市恺视通电子有限公司作为具有多年智能化工程经验、几十几 项大型小区智能化系 统建

13、设经验并具有安防施工资质的专业厂商,也有充分的信心和 实力建设好这 一项目。方案设计是能否优质地建设好这一项目为前提, 为此我公司 专门成立了由富有智能化小区建设经验和设计经验的专门人员组成的设计队伍, 对 每个子系统、每 项设备都进行了反复的论证推敲,以保证系统设计 的先进性、合理性、最佳配置和最佳性价比。总体设计说明设计目标智能化小区的总体设计目标是:通过采用现代信息传输技术、网络技术和信息集成技术,进行精密设计、优化集成、精心建设,提高住宅高新技术含量和居住环境水平,以满足居民现代居住生活的需求。1、 智能化系统总体设计达到居住小区智能化系统建设要点与技术导则2、 智能化系统设计应满足住

14、户的要求: 提供完善的安全防范措施和舒适的家居环境。 提供信息高速公司的家庭入口,便捷、全方位的信息交换功能。 提供丰富多彩和高品位的文化娱乐生活。 物业管理的需求: 提供对小区整体环境和公共机电设施进行实时的监控管理和安全防范。 提供对小区的各类信息实行计量和统计,实现能源管理和收 费管理,达到 经济、实用、方便。 提供种类齐全、轻松周到的小区服 务面向入住户。 提供网络化、集成化物业 管理,提供先 进的物业管理手段。l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, inv

15、oice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages

16、, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34

17、, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementat

18、ion, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 3

19、7, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and b

20、ribery) review of the Act; 40, 房产开发的要求: 为项目销售增加一些新的亮点。 从多种渠道提升企业和项目的品牌、品味。设计概述设计任务利用现代化的安全防范和智能化的管理技术保证安防小区内人身和物资的安全,赋予安防小区管理人员现代化的管理手段。用周界防越系统在小区周 围建立一道无形的电子屏障,当有非法翻越发生时能够 及时向中心处报警,启 动应急程序,对非法入侵行为进行处置,用闭路电视视频监控系统寮时监控安防小区周边和小区内部特定区域的情况,并能 够进行时实录像,当有需要时(在录像保存 时间内)进行调阅, 为处 理相关事件提供视频资料;用一卡通系统在小区内各人员出入口

21、、非机 动车辆出入口、机 动车辆 出入口、单元出入口设置门禁系统,保证安防小区内小区 业主、 车主、物业服务人员、小区内授权车辆可凭有效卡片出入小区各出入口,而其他人员车辆则 不能随意进出,以此保证小区内的安全通畅,并可有效控制物业收费问题;用联网可视对讲系统实现访客和业主只有对话和经业主同意开门后才可进入单元内,保证业务楼内的安全;采用物 业中心与业主、小区警卫联网的方式实现物业中心、业主、小区警卫室三方联网互通;用电子巡更系统来科学合理的 规划巡逻巡视路线,对安保人员的巡逻进行科学有效的管理,以科技的手段保证安保人 员尽职尽责。希望通 过我们科学、合理的设计,进一步增强安防小区内日常用人员

22、、车辆出入及流动的监控管理,提高对突发性事件的防范能力,为安防小区 创造一个安全、祥和、温馨的生活居住 环境。整个系统具有灵活的扩展和联网功能, 安防小区所有智能化 设施可以根据今后明德郡园管理的需要进行扩展。针对安防小区现场的实际情况,及建 设单位对各系统的要求,特将任务细划为如下几部分,并设计以下相关的子系统 :设计范围本智能化系统的设计范围主要包括以下几个部分:1、 可视楼宇对讲联网系统2、 周界联动防盗报警系统3、 小区智能化一卡通系统其中一卡通管理系统包括以下子系统:1、 可视彩色楼宇对讲系统l29, the company responsible for a variety of

23、procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods devel

24、oped, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, li

25、quidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all ty

26、pes of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to

27、increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damag

28、e the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,深圳市恺视通电子有限公司 小区智能化系统设计方案第 3 页 共 25 页2、 道闸停车管理系统3、 单元门禁联网管理系统编制说明本技术方案书根据以下资料编制:云南安防小区有关负责人提供的相关设计要求云南安防小区有关负责人提供的相关建筑平面图及弱电设计平面图总体设计思想本系统设计严格依照中华人民共和国安全防范行业有关标准和建设部住宅小区智能化系统有关规定进行设计,注重整体功能 强大,中心 设备完备 ,产品造型高档,系统配置科学合理,强调社区总体和局部防范

29、相 结合,真正体理高技 术、高标准、高水平。整个系统的结构清晰合理,各个子系 统既相互关联又相 对独立,形成一个全方位智能安防管理系统。力求将该小区建 设成具有自身特点和品牌、具有时代潮流特色、符合国家康居示范工程智能化系统要求的高尚住宅小区。系统设计原则为使本系统达到技术先进、经济实 用、安全可靠、质量优良的要求,本设计遵循以下原则:1、先进性 充分利用了安防市场近年来的最新、最可靠的科技成果,以便该系统在尽可能长的时间内与社会发展相适应。并使系 统具有强大的 发展潜力。2、可靠性 完全采用国际、国内被 证明为成熟并经广泛使用的先进技术与知名产品,在设备造型和系统的设计中保证系统的可靠性。3

30、、实用性和便利性 在满足社区实际使用的基础上,不盲目追从新潮和“最先进“,采用的技术和设备,注重操作的便利性和人性化,确保使用方便、安全,并且经久耐用。4、可扩充性和经济性为满足今后 发展的需要,系 统在使用的 产品系统、容量及处理能力等方面具备兼容性强,可扩 充与换代的特点,确保整个系统可以不断得到充实、完善、改进和提高。这样不仅充分保护 了投资,而且具有 较高的综合性能价格比。在设备的造型上,注重根据实际需要进行品牌和产品的搭配,确保每个 应用 环境所选用产品的最高性能价格比。5、规范性和结构化l29, the company responsible for a variety of pr

31、ocedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods develop

32、ed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liqu

33、idity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all type

34、s of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to in

35、crease revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage

36、the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,由于小区智能化系统是一个综合性很强的工程,在系 统设计 中我公司着重参考了更多面的标准和规范,力求使用各子系 统做到相当程度的集成性。设计依据和标准GA/T72-94楼宇对电控防盗门通用技术条件(公安部 1997)GB12663-90防盗报警控制器通用技 术条件(国标 1990 年)GB12338-90通用型应用电视摄 像机测量方法GA/T269-2001彩色可视对讲系统DBJ08-47-95智能建筑设计规范SGJ/T16-92民用建筑电器设计规范GB50

37、198-96民用闭路监视电视 系统工程技术规范建设部建住房函1999239 号文件:全国住宅小区智能化技术示范工程要求及标准GB4943-95信息技术设备设计 安装规范GBJ232-92电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范GA/T15-94安全防范工程程序与要求国家康居示范工程智能化系 统示范小区建设项目要点与技术导则GA/77-94 入侵 报警工程设计规 范GA1048.1-89 入侵探测器能、通用技 术条件本技术方案设计特点综述、 周界防范联动报警系统在控制中心通过报警主机和管理计算机对报警信号进行接收并将报警信息存储。当有人进行非法入侵时,前端主动红 外报警探测器则会迅速做出反 应,向中控室

38、发出信号,同时启动声光警号,从而实现小区现 代化、智能化。外接声光警号和电子显示屏,在 报警时实现声光提示报警及 时发现警情发生地段,从而构成小区周界防护系统。项目 设计说明l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31,

39、the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic developm

40、ent plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly econo

41、mic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leade

42、rship; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and

43、final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,深圳市恺视通电子有限公司 小区智能化系统设计方案第 5 页 共 25 页布点原则1、 探测器设置保证周界防护全面、元盲区和无死角;2、 入侵探测器的探测距离小于 100M,实际使用距离不超

44、过制造厂规定探测距离的 70%3、 在四周围墙上安装四光束主动红外入侵探测器;传输方式 1、信号传输宜用总线传输方式。控制 1、 采用报警键盘或管理软件密码布撤防,2、 报警主机和管理软件具有多级操作权限。显示1、 报警时采用报警键盘显示报警防区;2、 报警时采用电子地图显示报警防区;3、 控制中心采用声、光报警提示,报警现场采用联动开启灯光;4、 报警主机能自动检测系统内的故障并显示。记录 报警主机及管理软件具体报警事件记录、查询和打印。系统主要设备说明1、报警主机(图下所示)产品说明:l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedu

45、res for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, p

46、ayroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity

47、 and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of

48、contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increas

49、e revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,16 个完全可编程防区液晶或 LED 键盘可选遥控编程现代风格32 个用户密码双重、分类、备份报告形式128 条


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