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1、choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the mai

2、n sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1,

3、to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrot

4、e answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known

5、 conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and

6、 wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to m

7、eaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn h

8、ad of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number一、施工技术方案(一)工程概况1、环境概况该工程由长沙大学负责筹建,由湖南省建筑设计院设计,施工单位将通过招标选定,本工程位于长沙大学校园东北部,西侧为辅助运动

9、场地及设备用房,南侧为宿舍楼,施工用场地面积49991m 2。2、建筑概况长沙大学体育场是一座综合性多功能建筑。本工程建筑面积7174平方米,占地面积4390平方米(不含运动场地面积),容积率0.09。西看台三层,东看台部分两层。室内地面相对标高0.000等于绝对标 高值(黄海系)61.000。中心部分为比赛场地,东西两侧为比赛看台,并设有办公室、训练室、接待室、广播室、设备室、器材室、卫生间等。面等,吊顶有矿棉板、石膏吸声板等。3、结构概况本工程结构形式主要为框架结构;基础形式东侧看台采用桩基,西侧看台采用独立柱基。桩为人工挖孔灌注桩,桩基直径1000、1200。本工程0.00 相当于绝对标

10、高61.000m,抗震设防裂度六度,框架结构为抗震二级。混凝土强度等级如下:垫层choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the w

11、ritten language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the comm

12、on conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and sol

13、utions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out

14、meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formu

15、la, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of

16、unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent rela

17、tionship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis numberC10,工程桩C25 ,承台、基础梁及挡土墙C30,楼层梁、板C30,框架柱C3

18、0 。钢筋保护层厚度如下:梁、柱、拱:25(受力钢筋)15(箍筋、构造筋)楼板:15 基础梁:下部50、上部254、工程特点本工程属于多功能的大空间公用建筑,结构设计新颖,建筑造型美观,功能齐全,设备先进。 装饰档次高,应用新技术、新工艺和新材料多,质量要求高,是长沙大学的一个划时代的标志性建筑。5、 施工关键工程桩共67 根,施工质量要求高,如何保证桩基施工的顺利进行和缩短桩基施工工期,对保证如期竣工使用具有关键作用。平面的定位是施工测量控制的难点与重点。模板及其支撑体系,以及如何保证混凝土的浇筑质量是该工程施工中的一大难点和关键。6、项目施工管理目标工期目标本项目施工总体目标如下:年 月

19、日开工, 年 月 日竣工交付,总工期 d。质量目标choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language

20、 as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions

21、 coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proporti

22、on type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through

23、 examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subd

24、ivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x s

25、aid 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and

26、 according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number确保市优工程,争创省优。安全目标确保不发生重大安全事故,轻伤事故发生率小于2文明施工目标达到长沙市安全文明样板

27、工地标准竣工保修承诺竣工保修时间按照建设部和长沙市规定的保修期限,choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written

28、language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conj

29、unctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions

30、proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning

31、-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is

32、out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown

33、 and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationshi

34、p 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number(二)施工部署1、 总体施工部署施工组织项目管理措施A 我公司作为该工程的总承包方,将组建精明

35、强干的项目管理班子,实施总承包施工管理。并将选派有同类工程施工经验的一级项目经理担任本工程项目经理,同时选派我公司一名优秀的高级工程师担任项目总工程师,两名年富力强的优秀工程师担任项目副经理和一名优秀经济师担任项目总经济师,及一名有丰富公关经验的同志任项目行政经理,共同组成项目经理部领导层。B 公司对项目实行的是方针目标管理,根据对建设单位的承诺制定总体方针目标、如质量目标、工期目标、安全目标、文明施工目标项目制造成本目标等。项目经理部则按公司的方针目标进行相应的决策,具体组织生产活动履行项目管理职责。公司按年度方针目标,每月、每季度对项目进行综合考评,制订项目方针目标展开图根据考核结果按工程

36、项目管理责任目标考核与奖励办法执行。该工程采用目标管理法施工,我公司将按照多年来积累的成功的项目管理经验来运作和管理项目,形成以项目经理负责制为核心,以项目合同管理和成本控制为主要内容,以科学系统管理和先choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word;

37、 (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5

38、) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relat

39、ionship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem a

40、nswers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and pro

41、blem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview proble

42、m-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to c

43、ommon of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method,

44、method analysis number进技术及手段的项目管理机制。严格按照以GB/T9002IS09002 模式 标准建立的 质量保证体系来运作,形成以全面质量管理为中心环节,以专业管理和计算机辅助管理相结合的科学化管理体制,以此出色地实现我公司的质量方针和本工程质量目标。C 项目经理受公司法人委托作为项目法人代表,履行建设单位和公司签订的合同,以签订的目标责任状对项目经理进行考核,杜绝了项目承包带来的弊端.项目员工由项目经理聘用,定期考核,竞争上岗。D 为规范该项目的管理工作,项目经理部将执行颂布的项目管理手册、质量保证手册。 项目管理制度项目经理部将以“一流的 质量、一流的速度、一流

45、的技术、一流的管理和一流的服务”兑现对建设单 位的承诺。为此项目经理部建立下列管理制度和办法,并严格贯彻执行。(1) 施工项目现场管理制度(2) 施工项目计划管理制度(3) 施工项目质量管理和控制办法(4) 施工项目成本管理制度(5) 施工项目技术管理制度(6) 施工项目安全管理制度(7) 施工项目劳动工资、奖金管理办法choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words;

46、(7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentenc

47、es as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of

48、the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditi


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