平安城市“天网工程”施工质量过程管控的措施安徽四创电子股份有限公司平安合肥项目部 汤文博 合肥市公安局包河分局 谢军 摘要:国内许多城市都在进行“天网工程”的建设,作为重要的惠民工程,其建设质量非常重要。本文从工程总承包方的角度总结出施工质量过程管控的五项措施,供同行交流。关键词:施工质量;管控;措施Abstract: Skynet project is hot in many cities inland. As an important distributed engineering, the quality of skynet project is significant. From the perspective of project general contracting, the paper creates fives measures to control construction quality in the skynet project, in exchange for the colleague.Keywords: constructi