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1、Unit 1Vocabulary1) Some injuries and diseases, especially those of the nervous system, can lead to loss of sensation.2) If per capita consumption remained static, an increased world population would still need 40 per cent more energy by 2025.3) Arthur Wynne created the first modern crossword puzzle

2、in 1913. The puzzle soon became a fad in the United States and spread to other countries.4) You dont need to worship a hero, but being able to look up to someone who, in your eyes, has succeeded and whom you find inspiring is always a good idea.5) He produced this with solemn pride as if it were a r

3、evolutionary idea. But in fact there was nothing new in it. 6) Competition can be a spur to some pupils. But some pupils are likely to flourish in a class where pupils achievements are not ranked against each other.7) Fed by warm springs, this place is a natural haven for swimmers and you can also r

4、ow in a boat or fish. 8) Mr. Lloyd was an astonishingly productive writer by series television standards, not only generating scripts on his own but also working with other writers to doctor scripts in trouble.9) Learning mathematics should be an experience from which pupils can derive pleasure and

5、enjoyment.10) Every one in our family applauds her decision to go to the remote areas of our country to help the poor children there get a decent education.1) Our team wound up losing to St. Peters. This was no shame to us, as St. Peters is a team worthy to stand in the Hall of Fame and win the nati

6、onal award for sportsmanship. It got the recognition it deserved.2) Fate played a (cruel) trick on John and plunged him into an abyss of depressive illness. Though he could still do calculations with astonishing speed and accuracy, much of what he was constantly scribbling made no sense at all.3) Th

7、e new Womens Medical Center is notorious for being expensive. True, on one level, a pregnant woman can get the best medical care in it, but on another level, she is charged twice as much as anywhere else. Words with multiple meanings1) From where I stand, our commercial banks still need totheir inad

8、equate customer service system. (1) : work on 2) You should always make decisions from the heart and use your head to make it.(2) : work out 3) Communication is a skill that you can learn. Its like riding a bicycle or typing. If youre willing toit, you can rapidly improve the quality of your life. (

9、3) : work at 4) An outburst of anger can damage a good friendship so badly that it takes a long time to heal. Try toyour anger without hurting anyone. (4) : work off 5) Johns idea is perfect, but first we mustthe details of such a plan. (5) : work out 6) Competing in some sports events is very excit

10、ing once you canthe courage to go ahead and try. (6) : work up 7) It is definitely wrong for people toand take no action to help those who are in immediate danger. (7) : stand by 8) I like the green color much more than others because greenlife and growth. (8) : stands for 9) If you want to, dont be

11、 different, be outstanding. (9) : stand out 10) His lab is filled with more than $1 million worth of test equipment that examines how shoesto sweat, rain, and different surfaces. (10) : stand up 在得到加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的研究生奖学金后,玛丽对人类行为各个方面的研究的兴趣变得浓厚起来。她渴望尽早完成计划中的各项实验。当前,她特别想搞清楚优雅的举止在商业谈判中具有何种举足轻重的分量。她希望她的研究结

12、果能够通过媒体广为流传,以便从事商业谈判的人们能够从她的研究中受益。Having been granted a fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley, Marys interest in research on all dimensions of human behavior has come alive. She is now itching to carry out the various(各种各样的) experiments she has planned as soon as possible. At presen

13、t she is particularly keen on finding out how important a role graceful manner can play in business negotiations. She dreams that her findings will be circulated widely with the help of the media so that people engaged(忙于) in business negotiations will benefit from them.Unit2Vocabulary1) One person

14、has been hurt and several others injured in a multiple crash involving five vehicles in thick fog at theof the two main roads. 2) I cant pay for the books now. Will youme later? 3) Clinton had prepared to run for president in 1988, but he backed out, saying the campaign and the presidency would be t

15、oo hard on his family, especially his eight-year-old daughter, Chelsea.4) Some economists believe that monetary control is extremely potentand can be used to regulate economic activity. 5) If you put these developments in the context of globalization, they will not seem so surprising . 6) A small co

16、mpany in Germany that wants to build a new factory might have to wait a year before it gets all the necessary approvals, a big company has to wait only six weeks.7) This university has long claimed that it does notagainst any applicant on the basis of race or color.8) The waste material was dumped a

17、t adumping ground in the mountains.9) The sentence serves as awarning to those who might break the privacy law.10) These visual aids can turnideas into something more concrete and facilitate student understanding.(1) : intersection (2) : bill (3) : at the last minute (4) : in the short run (5) : (6)

18、 : whereas (7) : discriminate (8) : designated (9) : stern (10) : abstract 1) She felt the need to be alone for a while in order toher notes and see if they would help her in her plans for the future.: look over 2) Im 28 now and reasonably content with life but, when Imy childhood, I cant remember e

19、ver being happy.: look back on 3) Chinas first manned space mission has been a great success. Wethe second one.: are looking forward to 4) If youthis book you will find we have used the semi-colon and, less frequently, the colon.: look through 5) When youre walking in the woods poison ivy.: look out

20、 for 6) smoking is not an easy job. If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not toit.(1) : Giving up (2) : give in to 7) In December 1955 the black community in Montgomery, Alabama, organized a bus boycott after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing toher bus seat to a white man. : give up 8) We di

21、dnt do any homework last night. The whole eveningeating and drinking. : was given over to 9) Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us, the chance to look after him, tosome of the love he had given me, was in many ways terrifically satisfying.: give back 10) You d

22、ont want to give too much away about a product before its on the market.confusable words一个买了有缺陷的产品的消费者有权拿到退款或求得其他补救方法(remedy)。如果该产品给消费者造成了伤害,消费者有权获得赔偿。但是,有时候制造商或销售商不肯依法办事。他们常常会逃避责任。销售商有可能将责任推给制造商,或反之。在这种情况下,消费者可以起诉要求赔偿。或者,如果要避免诉讼的费用,消费者也可以向消费者协会求助,消费者协会是设立来帮助解决消费者与企业交易中的争端的。A consumer who has bought

23、 a defective product has a right to seek a refund, or other remedies. If the product has caused injury to the consumer, he or she has the right to seek compensation. Sometimes, however, the manufacturer or seller will not comply with the law. They are prone to evade liability for the matter. The sel

24、ler may pass the buck to the manufacturer, or vice versa. In that case the consumer may sue for damages. Or, if they want to avoid the cost of a lawsuit, they can appeal to consumers associations, which are set up to help resolve disputes in transactions between consumers and businesses.Unit4Vocabul

25、ary 1) This district has long specialized in chain-making, and one or two of the original shops stillchain-links together by hand.2) After you drive the car out of the garage, its door willshut automatically.3) After a few feeble attempts tohis shoulders, he subsided with a groan in disappointment.4

26、) The whole classlaughing when Tom came into the classroom dressed up like Santa Claus.5) The computer company announced that it will soon launch a high-performance memoryfor advanced server systems.6) Some of the earliest Chinese coins did not have the usualshape with which we are now so familiar.7

27、) Vologsky could only stare blankly at his companion, his mindfrom this new and unexpected shock.8) The patient rose from bed andhimself cautiously into a sitting position.9) The conclusion the doctors reached was that the psychological problems were affecting the bowel, rather than, in the majority

28、 of cases.10) Coffee has to be harvestedas mechanized picking would damage the plant and produce a much inferior product.(1) : weld (2) : snap (3) : rotate (4) : burst out (5) : module (6) : circular (7) : reeling (8) : eased (9) : the other way round (10) : by hand 1) Before dark Amitythe tent and

29、cooked a meal for her family.: put up 2) Unable toher noisy neighbor, Samantha moved out as soon as her lease expired.: put up with 3) The engineone thousand horsepower.: puts out 4) We are trying toa few hundred dollars every month toward our vacation.: put aside 5) It is reported that the Prime Mi

30、nistera new policy for the Parliament to consider.: will put forward 6) The speaker is very good athis ideas.(1) : puttting (2) : across 7) Youll need to save a lot of money if you want toboth your daughterscollege.(1) : put (2) : through 8) Dont cast your clothes around. themin the closet!(1) : Put

31、 (2) : away 9) Let meyour telephone number.: put down 10) Nevertill tomorrow what you can do today.: put off 我上大学的第二天,就在一家快餐店找了一份收银员(cashier) 的工作。我工作的地方是由柜台围起的一个狭小空间。经理给我看了一份写着工作责任的单子:在收银机(cash register)的面板上键入顾客所点食品、收钱、再通知厨房。看起来并不复杂。刚开始的时候,看到顾客就会让我心中充满焦虑:我会搞砸吗?但不久我便有点入门了。虽然一天下来我头也晕了,眼也花了,但我自我安慰,心想明天

32、会好些的。On my second day at college, I found a job as a cashier in a fast food restaurant, where I would work in a narrow space enclosed by counters. The manager showed me a manifest of my duties: inputting customers orders on the panel of the cash register, collecting money, and informing the kitchen.

33、 There didnt seem to be too much complexity to it.When I first started, the sight of customers injected me with a sense of anxiety: would I foul up? But I soon got the hang of it. Though after a days work my head turned giddy, and my eyes blurred, I soothed myself by thinking that tomorrow would be

34、easier.Unit5Vocabulary1) I suspect the writer of plagiarism because his paper bears marked similarities to those offered by a number ofsociologists who adopt the same approach. : eminent 2) Religious ideas generated some of the earliestabout the nature of life and the universe.: speculation / specul

35、ations 3) In many instances, the “sustainable“ parts of sustainable development projectsbecause that is not what governments or entrepreneurs in poor states really want.: have been jettisoned 4) You should take better care of your wife since she has had severalof depression lately.: episodes 5) Her

36、work became more purely abstract, and yet refused toto the Puritan style often associated with abstract art.: conform 6) When she began looking for work, some firms told herthat they wouldnt hire a woman.: flat out 7) It is seldom very hard to do ones duty when one knows what it is, but it is oftend

37、ifficult to find this out.: exceedingly 8) Douglas MacArthur made an addresshis conduct to the joint houses of Congress.: in defense of 9) We knowthat many coastal cities will go under water if global temperature is allowed to rise a few more degrees. : for a certainty 10) The hospital was sued fora

38、fter a patient had died without an apparent cause. : malpractice 1) Rachel is in the fourth grade. Although two years behind her peers, sherapidly.: is catching up 2) The idea of sending short text messages on a cell phone has been fast to.: catch on 3) Generally college examiners are interested in

39、finding out what your intellectual potential is; they do not wish toyou.(1) : catch(2) : out 4) If Arbeit fails to hold on to his position, it would not be the first time that his pasthim.: has caught up with 5) Peopleethics in politics and big business, when both fields now rest on the idea that yo

40、u are better off without them.: are calling for 6) While I was at my grandmothers I got a voice message from Kat. Iherwhen I got home.(1) : called (2) : back 7) The Presidenthis advisors to discuss the options they had to resolve the foreign crisis.: called in 8) Jeannie was born in a seaside town a

41、nd the smell of the sea herememories of her childhood.: called up 9) The Nobel laureatescientists to do research that meets high ethical standards. : called on 10) The mass rallybecause weather reports indicated that the city would be hit by a major winter storm.: was called off 韩先生是一位名医的后代。他在青年时代读了

42、很多从父辈那里继承下来的中医药(traditional Chinese medicine)经典著作。为了追求医疗技术的完美,他照搬名医的临床实践,并且避免出现任何差错。他为自己是个传统主义者而骄傲,还在医学期刊上对那些探索新思想新方法的人公开表示不同意见。然而,近来他意识到,他凡事必求绝对把握的做法事实上减少了他在行医方面取得任何突破的可能性。他现在决心充分利用他的实验室的信息检索系统和极好的设备来探索新思想新技术以复兴传统中医药学。Mr. Han is a descendant of a famous doctor. In his youth, he read many classical

43、works on traditional Chinese medicine inherited from his ancestors. In pursuit of perfection of his medical skills, he followed closely the clinical practice of eminent doctors and avoided all possibility of mistakes. He prided himself on being a traditionalist and expressed open disagreement in med

44、ical journals and periodicals with those engaged in the exploration of new ideas and methods.Recently, however, he came to realize that his quest for absolute certainty had in fact lessened the probability of making any breakthrough in his practice. He is now determined to make full use of the infor

45、mation retrieval system and the superb facilities of his laboratory to explore new methods and techniques in order to revive traditional Chinese medicine.Unit8Vocabulary1) In the upper part of the island is Northern Ireland, acountry of the United Kingdom. : constituent 2) Hethe length and width of

46、the garden to get an estimate of its area.: paced out 3) Her husbands death left ain her life, which she tried to fill by carrying on the work he had left unfinished. : vacuum 4) I want toan experience that transformed an uneventful journey home from work.: recount 5) Sarah was surprised to see her

47、sisterup in the corner of the room, crying.: huddled 6) Its almost impossible to find survivors in theocean. : immense 7) Delaney realised they were lost when finally, afterturnings in the maze of corridors, they came to a dead end.: innumerable 8) Tom felt aat his sleeve and turned to find a small

48、boy begging for some change.: tug 9) The wholeof financial management would play an increasingly important part in farm enterprises and training should provide a very useful aid in making best use of capital.: sphere 10) Riding is a fine way of seeing theof the country, and the high-stepping Icelandic horses are tireless over the difficult terrain. : interior 1) Sylvia has been on a diet for a while, fruit alone. : living on 2) Mac spent all his time enjoying himself with fast cars and beautiful women; he couldnthis paren


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